《钱学森文集(英文版):海外学术文献(1938~1956)》内容简介:This volume collects the scientitic works of Tsien Hsuc-shen accomplished during his stayin the United States as a graduate student,scientist and prolessor and published in the period of1 938~1 956,when the aeronautic exploration stepped from low-speed to high-speed regimesand astronautic technology entered its in fant stage. In these papers,he addressed and solved a series o f key problems in aerodynamics,stabilityof shells,rocket ballistics and engine analyses,etc.,some of which were path-breaking.Starting from 1 946,with his strategic wisdom,Tsien Hsue-shen made pioneering contributions tosome fields,such as jet propulsion,engineering cybernetics,physical mechanics and engineeringsciences,and SO on.All these works feature the unique methodology of turning basic theoriesin natural science into practical tools in tackling complicated engineering problems.It is worthnoting that he first advocated the philosophy of engineering sciences,which has been elucidatedand illustrated in the volume and proved to be the guideline of innovative industrial development. The collected works might benefit to its extensive readers in getting deeper insight intothe academic contributions,scienti fic thoughts and studying style of Tsien from variousviewpoints.
boundary layer in comressible fluidssuersonic flow over an inclined body of revolutionroblems in motion of comressible fluids and reaction roulsionflight analysis of a sounding rocket with secial reference toroulsion by suctwo-dimensional subsonic flow of comressible fluids lttsue-shen“the buckling of sherical shells by external ressurethe influence of curvature on the buckling characteristics ofstructuresa method for redicting the comressibility burblethe buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial comressionbuckling of a column with non-linear lateral suortsa theory for the buckling of thin shellsheat conduction across a artially insulated wallon the design of the contraction cone for a wind tunnelsymmetrical joukowsky airfoils in shear flowthe “limiting line“ in mixed subsonic and suersonic flow ofcomressible fluidsloss in comressor or turbine due to twisted bladeslifting-line theory for a wing in non-uniform flowatomic energytwo-dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and suersonic flow ofa comressiblesueraerodynamics, mechanics of rarefied gases hsue-shen tsienroagation of lane sound waves in rarefied gasessimilarity laws of hyersonic flowsone-dimensional flows of a gas characterized by van der waalsequation of stateflow conditions near the intersection of a shock wave with solidboundarylower buckling load’in the non-linear buckling theory for thinshellsrockets and other thermal jets using nuclear energy engineering and engineering scienceson two-dimensional non-steady motion of a slender body in acomressible fluidwimt-tunnel testing roblems in sueraerodynamics hsue-shen tsienairfoils in slightly suersonic flow hsue-shen tsien and judson r.baroninteraction between arallel streams of subsonic and suersonicvelocitiesresearch in rocket and jet roulsiona generalization of alfrey’s theorem for visco-elastic mediainstruction and research at the daniel and florence guggenheim jetroulsioninfluence of flame front on the flow fieldotimum thrust rogramming for a sounding rocketthe emission of radiation from diatomie gases. iii. numericalemissivity calculations for carbon monoxide for low oticaldensities at 300 k and atmosheric ressurethe transfer functions of rocket nozzlesa similarity law for stressing raidly heated thin-walled cylinderson the determination of rotational line half-widths of diatomicmoleculesautomatic navigation of a long range rocket vehiclea method for comaring the erformance of ower lants for verticalflightservo-stabilization of combustion in rocket motorshysical mechanics, a new field in engineering sciencethe roerties of ure liquidssimilarity laws for stressing heated wingstake-off from satellite orbitanalysis of eak-holding otimalizing controlthe oincar~-lighthill-kuo method thermodynamic roerties of gas at high temeratures and ressuresthermonuclear ower lants钱学森生平简介后记出版说明
Collected works of Hsue-Shen Tsien
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