Keeping the republic : power and citizenship in American politics / 2nd ed.
作 者:Christine Barbour, Gerald C. Wright.
University of Indiana political scientists update their 2006 introductory textbook to incorporate the 2008 election that "...has turned some of our conventional wisdom about who gets what in American politics upside down." Showing how they are relevant, they cover key aspects of US politics including American political beliefs, the Constitution, struggles for equal rights, workings of the Federal bureaucracy, state and local politics in a Federal system, and policy areas including the environment, economics, and foreign affairs. The attractive but hefty volume includes color photos, "profiles in citizenship" boxes, critical thinking questions, practice quizzes, suggested resources, and appended documents and statistics. Supplemental resources for students and instructors are available. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Note: Each chapter begins with ""What's at Stake?"" and concludes with ""What's at Stake Revisited,"" Key Terms, a Summary, Suggested Resources, and ""Consider the Source.""
Politics: Who Gets What, and How?
What Is Politics?
Varieties of Political Systems and the Concept of Citizenship
Origins of Democracy in America Citizenship in America Themes of This Book
American Citizens and Political Culture Who Are We?
Where Do We Come From?
What Do We Believe?
The Ideas That Unite Us What Do
Politics: Who Gets What, and How?
What Is Politics?
Varieties of Political Systems and the Concept of Citizenship
Origins of Democracy in America Citizenship in America Themes of This Book
American Citizens and Political Culture Who Are We?
Where Do We Come From?
What Do We Believe?
The Ideas That Unite Us What Do
Keeping the republic : power and citizenship in American politics / 2nd ed.
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