

作   者:杨立民总主编;龚雁主编





1. The Selfish Giant 2. The Sheik's White Donkey 3. I Met a Bushman 4. Never Too Old to Live Your Dream 5. Your Legacy 6. The Unicorn in the Garden 7. The New Assistant 8. The Killers 9. The Painting of Ngley Hall 10. The Green Door 11. The Yellow Shirt 12. The Open Window 13. The Terribly, Tragically Sad Man 14. Too Many Ghosts 15. The Rocking-Horse Winner 16. The Professor 17. The Barber's Uncle 18. Tight Spot 19. The Secret Life of the Gomez Twins 20. The Red Dog 21. The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle 22. Popcorn 23. Secret of the Aztec Idol 24. The Scholarship Jacket 25. Mabel 26. The Umbrella Man 27. Let Me Read Your Tea-Leaves 28. Out of the Silence 29. The Wild Ride 30. The Shanahan Strad 31. My Dad, the Drummer 32. Learning How to Be Roommates 33. Revenge 34. Undeclared 35. The Wicker Chair 36. Springtime 37. The Love I'll Never Forget 38. A Trucker's Last Letter 39. White Horse Winner 40. If the Dream Is Big Enough, the Facts Don't Count 41. The Family Portrait 42. Charles 43. The Rich Man and the Poor Man—A Parable for Thanksgiving 44. My Dog 45. Sunday in the Park 46. Leiningen Versus the Ants 47. The Catbird Seat 48. Rip Van Winkle 49. Now There Is Peace 50. I Can Play "Schools"


1. The Selfish Giant
2. The Sheik's White Donkey
3. I Met a Bushman
4. Never Too Old to Live Your Dream
5. Your Legacy
6. The Unicorn in the Garden
7. The New Assistant
8. The Killers
9. The Painting of Ngley Hall
10. The Green Door
11. The Yellow Shirt
12. The Open Window
13. The Terribly, Tragically Sad Man
14. Too Many Ghosts
15. The Rocking-Horse Winner
16. The Professor
17. The Barber's Uncle
18. Tight Spot
19. The Secret Life of the Gomez Twins
20. The Red Dog
21. The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
22. Popcorn
23. Secret of the Aztec Idol
24. The Scholarship Jacket
25. Mabel
26. The Umbrella Man
27. Let Me Read Your Tea-Leaves
28. Out of the Silence
29. The Wild Ride
30. The Shanahan Strad
31. My Dad, the Drummer
32. Learning How to Be Roommates
33. Revenge
34. Undeclared
35. The Wicker Chair
36. Springtime
37. The Love I'll Never Forget
38. A Trucker's Last Letter
39. White Horse Winner
40. If the Dream Is Big Enough, the Facts Don't Count
41. The Family Portrait
42. Charles
43. The Rich Man and the Poor Man—A Parable for Thanksgiving
44. My Dog
45. Sunday in the Park
46. Leiningen Versus the Ants
47. The Catbird Seat
48. Rip Van Winkle
49. Now There Is Peace
50. I Can Play "Schools"



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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