Vernacular architecture and regional design : cultural p rocess and environmental response /


作   者:Kingston Wm. Heath.





  Sustainable design requires that design practitioners respond to a particular set of social, cultural and environmental conditions. 'Vernacular Architecture and Regional Design' defines a set of strategies for understanding the complexities of a regional setting. Through a series of international case studies, it examines how architects and designers have applied a variety of tactics to achieve culturally and environmentally appropriate design solutions. . Shows that architecture and design are inextricably linked to social and environmental processes, and are not just technical or aesthetic exercises. . Articulates a variety of methods to realise goals of socially responsible and environmentally responsive design. . Calls for a principled approach to design in an effort to preserve fragile environments and forge sustainable best practice. 'Vernacular Architecture and Regional Design' will appeal to educators and professional practitioners in the fields of architecture, heritage conservation and urban design. Dr. Kingston Wm. Heath is Professor and Director of the Historic Preservation Program at the University of Oregon. Previously he was Professor of Architecture at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte where he taught seminars on vernacular architecture and regional design theory. He holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago and Brown University. In addition to numerous articles in scholarly journals, he is the author of Patina of Place, and winner of the Abbott Lowell Cummings Award from The Vernacular Architecture Forum for excellence in a scholarly work. He has earned an international reputation in the field of vernacular architecture and has directed field schools in Italy and Croatia.      * A series of international case studies demonstrates the place of vernacular architecture in the design process for a wide selection of contemporary architects' work.   * Offers a clear analysis of the vernacular building tradition, placing architecture in its social context.   * Introduces a new, socially and environmentally inspired approach to sustainable design.  


Front Cover 2
Copyright Page 5
Contents 6
Dedication 8
Acknowledgements 10
Foreword: on the study of \u2018regional architecture\u2019 12
Preface Regionalism reconsidered 14
List of illustrations 18
Section One Exploring the nature of place 26
Chapter 1 An interpretive model for assessing regional identity amidst change 28
What does vernacular mean? 31
Individual versus collective cultural expressions 34
Crossing the vernacular threshold 36
Stabilized vernacular or folk 40
Extinct vernacular 41
Chapter 2 Architecture as cultural production 47
Cultural weathering 47
Case study one - Gallatin County, Montana 47
Case study two - Cabarrus County, North Carolina 49
Place, change, and heritage conservation 52
Section Two regional response 62
Chapter 3 Introduction 64
Vernacular architecture and the architect 65
Achieving situated regionalism 72
References 73
Part One People - improving the human condition through design 74
Chapter 4 Finding patterns within the localbuilding culture, and preserving the continuity of tradition through participatory housing and community development 76
Introduction 76
Project description 76
Design intent 78
Design process 79
Assessing the regional filter 82
Social dynamics 82
Developing the housing program 82
Architect\u2019s reflection 83
Author\u2019s comment 84
Recommended reading 85
Chapter 5 Facing the challenge of a framework approach 86
Introduction 86
Project description 86
Design intent 87
Regional filter 88
Project definition (phase one) 88
Project definition (phase two) 89
Design process 91
Design development 92
Design implementation 94
Architect\u2019s reflection 96
Author\u2019s summary 98
Suggested reading 98
Chapter 6 Rewriting history through architecture 100
Introduction 100
The regional filter - addressing the political, social, and physical context of the museum 100
Concept development: reading the cultural landscape 102
Design intent 107
Building program 105
Design process 107
Design resolution - addressing the region\u2019s intangible heritage 110
Environmental and social factors 112
Architect\u2019s reflection 112
Recommended reading 115
Part Two Locale - interpreting and accommodating characteristics of an evolving landscape 116
Chapter 7 Embracing the urban contradictions of a border zone 118
Introduction 118
Design intent 118
Concept development 120
Project description 124
Author\u2019s summary 126
Selected reading 131
Notes 131
Chapter 8 Overpainting sprawl as a sustainable landscape 133
Introduction 133
Project description 134
Concept development 135
Methods of analysis 136
Design process 138
Design development 140
Author\u2019s summary 147
Part Three Environment - appropriate technologies and design tied to the dynamics of place 150
Chapter 9 A poverty of resources/a richness of expression 152
Introduction 152
The regional filter 154
Design intent: the architect\u2019s elemental design philosophy 154
Design process 159
Project description 160
Design development and interpretive program 163
Architect\u2019s reflection 168
Author\u2019s summary 169
chapter 10 Celebrating and safeguarding the environment through residential design 171
Introduction 171
The regional filter 171
Architect\u2019s intent 173
Design process 174
Design concept 175
Project description 176
Chapter 11 Architecture of response rather than imposition 184
Introduction 184
Regional filter 184
Project description 185
Climate context 186
Design process 188
Philosophy on sustainability 197
Architect\u2019s reflections 199
Author\u2019s summary 200
Notes 201
Index 204



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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