Publisher Summary 1
Two books in one, Maternal-Child Nursing covers both the maternity and pediatrics portions of the nursing curriculum. A condensed format makes this book ideal for programs that teach this content in an extremely abbreviated time period. Written by expert educators in both arenas, this text provides a consistent level of depth and accuracy as well as a student-friendly writing style. Current issues and trends are addressed through the use of community nursing care plans, expanded health promotion content, enhanced communication tips, and parent/child teaching boxes.
Want to Know boxes guide the student in teaching women, parents, and children about self-care and follow-up home care.
Critical to Remember boxes alert the student to vital safety and care issues.
Critical Thinking exercises challenge the student to apply learning to practice. Suggested answers and rationales appear at the end of chapters.
Procedure boxes highlight step-by-step instructions for common clinical nursing tasks.
Communication Cues offer tips for obtaining information from women, children, and parents, including probing questions and other practical examples.
Nursing Care Plans guide the student through assessment, nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes, nursing interventions, rationales, and evaluation for specific maternity and pediatric conditions.
Drug Guides provide a quick reference for common medications.
Clinical Pathways summarize maternity care guidelines and illustrate the use of pathways as a means of organizing care.
A Clinical Reference section opens pediatric Alterations chapters, providing an overview of anatomy and physiology, pediatric differences, and common lab and diagnostic tests.
Pathophysiology boxes in the pediatric unit describe how diseases develop.
Photo Stories in the pediatric unit offer a visual "how-to guide" to featured nursing functions.
Companion CD-ROM reinforces learning with NCLEX庐 examination-style review questions, an audio glossary, and outlines of nursing skills.
Pediatric Health Promotion boxes outline APA-recommended well-child visits, milestones for growth and development, health screening and immunizations, and anticipatory guidance.
Pediatric health priorities, as identified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are highlighted in Healthy People 2010 boxes to assist the student in formulating pediatric health promotion goals.
Table Of Contents:
Foundations of Maternity and Child Health Nursing 1(25)
Historical Perspectives 2(3)
Maternity Nursing 2(1)
Current Settings for Childbirth 3(1)
Nursing of Children 4(1)
Current Trends in Maternity and Child Health Care 5(2)
Cost Containment 5(1)
Effects of Cost Containment 6(1)
Home Care 7(1)
Health Insurance 7(2)
Health Care Assistance Programs 9(1)
Statistics on Maternal, Infant, and Child Health 9(2)
Maternal and Infant Mortality 9(2)
Adolescent Pregnancy 11(1)
Childhood Mortality 11(1)
Morbidity 11(1)
Ethical Perspectives on Maternal and Child Nursing 11(4)
Ethics and Bioethics 11(1)
Ethical Dilemmas 11(1)
Ethical Issues in Reproduction 12(3)
Social Issues 15(3)
Poverty 15(1)
Homelessness 16(1)
Access to Health Care 16(1)
Prenatal Care in the United States 17(1)
Government Programs for Health Care: Medicaid 17(1)
Allocation of Health Care Resources 17(1)
Care versus Cure 17(1)
Health Care Rationing 18(1)
Violence 18(1)
Legal Issues 18(4)
Safeguards for Health Care 18(1)
Accountability 19(1)
Malpractice 19(3)
Current Trends and Their Legal and Ethical Implications 22(4)
Use of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 22(1)
Concerns about Early Discharge 23(1)
Dealing with Early Discharge 23(3)
The Nurse's Role in Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 26(13)
The Role of the Professional Nurse 26(3)
Care Provider 27(1)
Teacher 27(1)
Collaborator 28(1)
Researcher 29(1)
Advocate 29(1)
Manager of Care 29(1)
Advanced Preparation for Maternity and Pediatric Nurses 29(1)
Certified Nurse-Midwives 29(1)
Nurse Practitioners 29(1)
Clinical Nurse Specialists 30(1)
Implications of Changing Roles for Nurses 30(4)
Therapeutic Communication 30(1)
Critical Thinking 31(3)
The Nursing Process in Maternity and Pediatric Care 34(2)
Assessment 35(1)
Nursing Diagnosis 35(1)
Planning 35(1)
Implementation 36(1)
Evaluation 36(1)
Collaborative Problems 36(1)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 36(1)
Nursing Research 37(2)
The Childbearing and Child-Rearing Family 39(13)
The Family and Nursing Care 39(2)
Types of Families 40(1)
Characteristics of Healthy Families 41(1)
Factors That Interfere With Family Functioning 41(1)
High-Risk Families 41(1)
Healthy Versus Dysfunctional Families 42(1)
Coping With Stress 43(1)
Coping Strategies 43(1)
Cultural Influences on Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 43(4)
Implications of Cultural Diversity for Nurses 43(1)
Western Cultural Beliefs 44(1)
Cultural Influences on the Care of Specific Groups 45(1)
Cross-Cultural Health Beliefs 46(1)
Cultural Assessment 47(1)
Parenting 47(5)
Parenting Styles 47(1)
Parent-Child Relationship Factors 48(4)
Health Promotion for the Developing Child 52(26)
Overview of Growth and Development 52(2)
Definition of Terms 52(1)
Stages of Growth and Development 53(1)
Parameters of Growth 53(1)
Principles of Growth and Development 54(2)
Patterns of Growth and Development 54(1)
Critical Periods 55(1)
Factors Influencing Growth and Development 55(1)
Theories of Growth and Development 56(5)
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development 56(1)
Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development 56(3)
Erikson's Psychosocial Theory 59(1)
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development 60(1)
Theories of Language Development 61(1)
Assessment of Growth 61(1)
Assessment of Development 61(2)
Newborn Assessment 62(1)
Pre-Screening Assessments 62(1)
Denver Developmental Screening Test II 62(1)
Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Growth and Development 63(1)
Developmental Assessment 63(5)
Interview 63(1)
Play 63(5)
Health Promotion 68(10)
Immunizations 68(3)
Nutrition and Activity 71(1)
Carbohydrates 72(1)
Fats 72(1)
Proteins 72(1)
Water 72(1)
Vitamins and Minerals 72(1)
Dietary Guidelines 72(2)
Energy, Calories, and Servings 74(1)
Physical Activity 74(1)
Cultural and Religious Influences on Diet 74(1)
Assessment of Nutritional Status 74(1)
Safety 75(3)
Health Promotion for the Infant 78(25)
Growth and Development of the Infant 78(11)
Physical Growth and Development 79(2)
Motor Development 81(1)
Cognitive Development 82(1)
Sensory Development 83(1)
Language Development 83(5)
Psychosocial Development 88(1)
Health Promotion for the Infant and Family 89(14)
Immunization 89(1)
Feeding and Nutrition 89(4)
Dental Care 93(1)
Sleep, Rest, and Crying 94(1)
The Infant with Colic 94(2)
Safety 96(5)
Play 101(2)
Health Promotion During Early Childhood 103(26)
Growth and Development During Early Childhood 103(11)
Physical Growth and Development 104(1)
Motor Development 105(1)
Cognitive and Sensory Development 106(2)
Language Development 108(1)
Psychosocial Development 109(5)
Health Promotion for the Toddler or Preschooler and Family 114(15)
Nutrition 114(1)
Dental Care 115(1)
Sleep and Rest 116(1)
Discipline 117(1)
Toddler Safety 118(2)
Preschooler Safety 120(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Toddler 122(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Preschooler 124(5)
Health Promotion for the School-Age Child 129(20)
Growth and Development of the School-Age Child 129(6)
Physical Growth and Development 130(1)
Motor Development 130(2)
Cognitive Development 132(1)
Sensory Development 133(1)
Language Development 133(1)
Psychosocial Development 133(1)
Spiritual and Moral Development 134(1)
Health Promotion for the School-Age Child and Family 135(14)
Nutrition During Middle Childhood 135(1)
Dental Care 136(2)
Sleep and Rest 138(1)
Discipline 138(1)
Safety 138(2)
Selected Issues Related to the School-Age Child 140(9)
Health Promotion for the Adolescent 149(18)
Adolescent Growth and Development 149(9)
Physical Growth and Development 150(1)
Psychosexual Development, Hormonal Changes, and Sexual Maturation 150(1)
Motor Development 151(2)
Cognitive Development 153(1)
Sensory Development 154(1)
Language Development 154(1)
Psychosocial Development 155(3)
Moral and Spiritual Development 158(1)
Health Promotion for the Adolescent and Family 158(9)
Nutrition During Adolescence 158(1)
Hygiene 159(1)
Dental Care 159(1)
Sleep and Rest 160(1)
Exercise and Activity 160(1)
Safety 161(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Adolescent 163(4)
Heredity and Environmental Influences on Development 167(17)
Hereditary Influences 167(8)
Structure of Genes and Chromosomes 168(1)
Transmission of Traits by Single Genes 169(2)
Patterns of Single-Gene Inheritance 171(2)
Chromosomal Abnormalities 173(2)
Multifactorial Disorders 175(1)
Characteristics of Multifactorial Disorders 176(1)
Risk for Occurrence 176(1)
Environmental Influences 176(2)
Teratogens 176(1)
Mechanical Disruptions to Fetal Development 177(1)
Genetic Counseling 178(1)
Availability 178(1)
Focus on the Family 178(1)
Process of Genetic Counseling 178(1)
Supplemental Services 179(1)
Nursing Care of Families Concerned About Birth Defects 179(5)
Nurses as Part of a Genetic Counseling Team 179(1)
Nurses in General Practice 179(5)
Management of Fertility and Infertility 184(32)
Role of the Nurse in Contraception 184(1)
Informed Consent 184(1)
Considerations When Choosing a Contraceptive Method 184(3)
Safety 186(1)
Protection from Sexually Transmissible Diseases 186(1)
Effectiveness 186(1)
Acceptability 186(1)
Convenience 186(1)
Education Needed 186(1)
Side Effects 187(1)
Benefits 187(1)
Interference with Spontaneity 187(1)
Availability 187(1)
Expense 187(1)
Preference 187(1)
Religious and Personal Beliefs 187(1)
Culture 187(1)
Adolescents 187(2)
Adolescent Knowledge 188(1)
Counseling Adolescents 188(1)
Perimenopausal Women 189(1)
Methods of Contraception 189(11)
Sterilization 189(1)
Hormonal Contraceptives 189(4)
Intrauterine Devices 193(1)
Barrier Methods 193(3)
Natural Family-Planning Methods 196(1)
Abstinence 196(3)
Least Reliable Methods of Contraception 199(1)
Role of the Nurse in Infertility Care 200(2)
Extent of Infertility 200(1)
Factors Contributing to Infertility 200(2)
Repeated Pregnancy Loss 202(1)
Evaluation of Infertility 202(4)
Preconception Counseling 203(1)
History and Physical Examination 203(2)
Diagnostic Tests 205(1)
Therapies to Facilitate Pregnancy 206(3)
Medications 206(1)
Ovulation Induction 206(1)
Surgical Procedures 206(1)
Therapeutic Insemination 206(1)
Egg Donation 206(1)
Surrogate Parenting 207(1)
Advanced Reproductive Techniques 207(2)
Responses to Infertility 209(7)
Assumption of Fertility 209(1)
Growing Awareness of a Problem 209(1)
Seeking Help for Infertility 209(1)
Reactions During Evaluation and Treatment 210(1)
Outcomes after Infertility Therapy 211(5)
Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 216(14)
Sexual Development 216(4)
Prenatal Development 216(1)
Childhood 217(1)
Sexual Maturation 217(2)
Decline in Fertility 219(1)
Female Reproductive Anatomy 220(4)
External Female Reproductive Organs 220(1)
Internal Female Reproductive Organs 220(3)
Support Structures 223(1)
Female Reproductive Cycle 224(2)
Ovarian Cycle 224(2)
Endometrial Cycle 226(1)
Changes in Cervical Mucus 226(1)
The Female Breast 226(1)
Structure 226(1)
Function 227(1)
Male Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 227(3)
External Male Reproductive Organs 227(1)
Internal Male Reproductive Organs 228(2)
Conception and Prenatal Development 230(21)
Gametogenesis 231(1)
Oogenesis 231(1)
Spermatogenesis 232(1)
Conception 232(2)
Preparation for Conception in the Female 233(1)
Release of the Ovum 233(1)
Ovum Transport 233(1)
Preparation for Conception in the Male 233(1)
Ejaculation 233(1)
Transport of Sperm in the Female Reproductive Tract 233(1)
Preparation of Sperm for Fertilization 233(1)
Fertilization 233(1)
Entry of One Spermatozoon into the Ovum 233(1)
Fusion of the Nuclei of Sperm and Ovum 234(1)
Pre-embryonic Period 234(1)
Initiation of Cell Division 234(1)
Entry of the Zygote into the Uterus 234(1)
Implantation in the Decidua 234(1)
Maintaining the Decidua 234(1)
Location of Implantation 234(1)
Mechanism of Implantation 235(1)
Embryonic Period 235(5)
Differentiation of Cells 235(5)
Fetal Period 240(2)
Weeks 9 Through 12 242(1)
Weeks 13 Through 16 242(1)
Weeks 17 Through 20 242(1)
Weeks 21 Through 24 242(1)
Weeks 25 Through 28 242(1)
Weeks 29 Through 32 242(1)
Weeks 33 Through 38 242(1)
Auxiliary Structures 242(6)
Placenta 242(4)
Fetal Membranes and Amniotic Fluid 246(1)
Fetal Circulation 246(2)
Multifetal Pregnancy 248(3)
Monozygotic Twinning 248(1)
Dizygotic Twinning 249(1)
Other Multifetal Gestations 249(2)
Physiologic Adaptations to Pregnancy 251(30)
Changes in Body Systems 252(7)
Reproductive System 252(1)
Cardiovascular System 253(2)
Respiratory System 255(1)
Gastrointestinal System 256(1)
Urinary System 256(1)
Integumentary System 257(1)
Musculoskeletal System 257(1)
Endocrine System 258(1)
Confirmation of Pregnancy 259(5)
Presumptive Indications of Pregnancy 263(1)
Probable Indications of Pregnancy 264(1)
Positive Indications of Pregnancy 264(1)
Antepartum Assessment and Care 264(17)
Preconception Visit 265(6)
Initial Visit 271(1)
Subsequent Assessments 271(1)
Multifetal Pregnancy 272(1)
Common Discomforts of Pregnancy 272(9)
Psychosocial Adaptations to Pregnancy 281(19)
Maternal Responses 281(4)
First Trimester 281(1)
Second Trimester 282(1)
Third Trimester 283(2)
Maternal Role Transition 285(2)
Transitions Experienced Throughout Pregnancy 285(1)
Steps in Maternal Role Taking 285(1)
Maternal Tasks of Pregnancy 285(2)
Paternal Adaptation 287(1)
Variations in Paternal Adaptation 287(1)
Developmental Processes 287(1)
Adaptation of Grandparents 288(1)
Age 288(1)
Number and Spacing of Other Grandchildren 288(1)
Perceptions of the Role of Grandparents 288(1)
Adaptation of Siblings 288(1)
Toddlers 288(1)
Older Children 289(1)
Adolescents 289(1)
Factors That Influence Psychosocial Adaptations 289(1)
Age 289(1)
Multiparity 289(1)
Social Support 289(1)
Socioeconomic Status 290(1)
Absence of a Partner 290(1)
Other Factors 290(1)
Barriers to Prenatal Care 290(1)
Cultural Influences on Childbearing 290(5)
Differences within Cultures 290(1)
Cultural Differences That Can Cause Conflict 291(1)
Culturally Competent Nursing Care 292(3)
Perinatal Education 295(5)
Providers of Education 295(1)
Class Participants 295(1)
Choices for Childbearing 295(1)
Setting 296(1)
Support Person 296(1)
Education 296(1)
Types of Classes Available 296(4)
Nutrition for Childbearing 300(23)
Weight Gain During Pregnancy 300(1)
Recommendations for Total Weight Gain 301(1)
Pattern of Weight Gain 301(1)
Maternal and Fetal Distribution 301(1)
Factors That Influence Weight Gain 301(1)
Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy 301(9)
Dietary Reference Intakes 302(1)
Energy 302(1)
Protein 303(1)
Vitamins 303(1)
Folic Acid 303(3)
Minerals 306(2)
Nutritional Supplementation 308(1)
Water 308(1)
Food Guide Pyramid 308(2)
Factors That Influence Nutrition 310(1)
Culture 310(1)
Age 311(1)
Nutritional Knowledge 311(1)
Nutritional Risk Factors 311(5)
Socioeconomic Status 311(1)
Adolescence 312(1)
Vegetarianism 312(2)
Lactose Intolerance 314(1)
Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy 315(1)
Anemia 315(1)
Abnormal Prepregnancy Weight 315(1)
Eating Disorders 315(1)
Pica 315(1)
Multiparity 316(1)
Substance Use and Abuse 316(1)
Other Risk Factors 316(1)
Nutrition after Birth 316(7)
Nutrition for the Lactating Mother 316(1)
Nutrition for the Nonlactating Mother 317(6)
Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 323(17)
Indications for Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 324(1)
Ultrasonography 324(3)
Emotional Responses 324(1)
First Trimester 325(1)
Second and Third Trimesters 325(1)
Advantages 325(1)
Disadvantages 326(1)
Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Assessment 327(1)
Purpose 327(1)
Color Doppler 327(1)
Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening 327(1)
Purpose 327(1)
Procedure 328(1)
Advantages 328(1)
Limitations 328(1)
Triple-Marker Screening 328(1)
Chorionic Villus Sampling 328(1)
Purpose 328(1)
Indications 328(1)
Procedure 328(1)
Advantages 329(1)
Limitations 329(1)
Amniocentesis 329(2)
Purposes 329(1)
Procedure 330(1)
Advantages 331(1)
Disadvantages 331(1)
Risks 331(1)
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance 331(4)
Nonstress Test 331(1)
Contraction Stress Test 332(1)
Biophysical Profile 333(2)
Amniotic Fluid Index 335(1)
Modified Biophysical Profile 335(1)
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling 335(1)
Procedure 335(1)
Risks 336(1)
Maternal Assessment of Fetal Movement 336(4)
Procedure 336(1)
Advantages 336(1)
Disadvantages 336(4)
Giving Birth 340(49)
Issues for New Nurses 341(1)
Pain Associated With Birth 341(1)
Inexperience or Negative Experiences 341(1)
Unpredictability 341(1)
Intimacy 341(1)
Physiologic Effects of the Birth Process 341(3)
Maternal Response 341(3)
Fetal Response 344(1)
Components of the Birth Process 344(7)
Powers 344(1)
Passage 344(1)
Passenger 344(7)
Psyche 351(1)
Interrelationships of the Components of Birth 351(1)
Normal Labor 351(6)
Theories of Onset 351(1)
Premonitory Signs 351(1)
True Labor and False Labor 352(1)
Mechanisms of Labor 352(1)
Stages and Phases of Labor 352(5)
Duration of Labor 357(1)
Nursing Care During Labor and Birth 357(19)
Admission to the Birth Center 357(1)
Nursing Responsibilities During Admission 357(19)
Nursing Care During the Late Intrapartum Period 376(13)
Responsibilities after Birth 377(12)
Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance 389(28)
Fetal Oxygenation 390(1)
Uteroplacental Exchange 390(1)
Fetal Circulation 390(1)
Regulation of Fetal Heart Rate 390(1)
Pathologic Influences on Fetal Oxygenation 391(1)
Risk Factors for Fetal Compromise 391(1)
Auscultation and Palpation 391(1)
Advantages 391(1)
Limitations 392(1)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring 392(1)
Advantages 392(1)
Limitations 392(1)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring Equipment 393(5)
Bedside Monitor Unit 393(1)
Paper Strip 393(2)
Remote Surveillance 395(1)
Devices for External Fetal Monitoring 395(2)
Devices for Internal Fetal Monitoring 397(1)
Evaluating Electronic Fetal Monitoring Strips 398(5)
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate 398(1)
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate Variability 399(1)
Periodic Patterns in the Fetal Heart Rate 400(2)
Uterine Activity 402(1)
Significance of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns 403(14)
Reassuring Patterns 403(1)
Nonreassuring Patterns 403(14)
Pain Management for Childbirth 417(25)
Unique Nature of Pain During Birth 417(1)
Adverse Effects of Excessive Pain 418(1)
Physiologic Effects 418(1)
Variables in Childbirth Pain 418(2)
Physical Factors 418(1)
Psychosocial Factors 419(1)
Nonpharmacologic Pain Management 420(4)
Advantages 420(1)
Limitations 420(1)
Preparation for Pain Management 420(1)
Application of Nonpharmacologic Techniques 420(4)
Pharmacologic Pain Management 424(18)
Special Considerations When Medicating a Pregnant Woman 424(1)
Regional Pain Management Techniques 425(5)
Systemic Drugs for Labor 430(1)
Vaginal Birth Anesthesia 431(1)
General Anesthesia 431(11)
Nursing Care During Obstetric Procedures 442(23)
Amniotomy 442(2)
Indications 442(1)
Risks 442(1)
Technique 443(1)
Nursing Considerations 443(1)
Induction and Augmentation of Labor 444(5)
Indications 444(1)
Contraindications 444(1)
Risks 445(1)
Technique 445(3)
Nursing Considerations 448(1)
Version 449(2)
Indications 449(1)
Contraindications 449(1)
Risks 449(1)
Technique 449(1)
Nursing Considerations 450(1)
Operative Vaginal Birth 451(2)
Indications 451(1)
Contraindications 452(1)
Risks 452(1)
Technique 452(1)
Nursing Considerations 453(1)
Episiotomy 453(1)
Indications 453(1)
Risks 453(1)
Technique 454(1)
Nursing Considerations 454(1)
Cesarean Birth 454(11)
Indications 455(1)
Contraindications 455(1)
Risks 456(1)
Technique 456(4)
Nursing Considerations 460(5)
Postpartum Adaptations 465(40)
Reproductive System 466(2)
Involution of the Uterus 466(1)
Cervix 467(1)
Vagina 467(1)
Perineum 468(1)
Cardiovascular System 468(1)
Cardiac Output 468(1)
Plasma Volume 469(1)
Blood Values 469(1)
Coagulation 469(1)
Gastrointestinal System 469(1)
Urinary System 469(1)
Physical Changes 469(1)
Chemical Changes 469(1)
Musculoskeletal System 470(1)
Muscles and Joints 470(1)
Abdominal Wall 470(1)
Integumentary System 470(1)
Neurologic System 470(1)
Endocrine System 471(1)
Resumption of Ovulation and Menstruation 471(1)
Lactation 471(1)
Weight Loss 471(1)
Postpartum Assessments 471(11)
Clinical Pathways 471(1)
Initial Assessments 471(5)
Chart Review 476(1)
Focused Assessments after Vaginal Birth 477(5)
Care in the Immediate Postpartum Period 482(1)
Providing Comfort Measures 482(1)
Promoting Bladder Elimination 483(1)
Providing Fluids and Food 483(1)
Preventing Thrombophlebitis 483(1)
Nursing Care after Cesarean Birth 483(6)
Assessment 483(1)
Interventions 484(5)
The Process of Becoming Acquainted 489(1)
Bonding 489(1)
Attachment 490(1)
Maternal Touch 490(1)
Verbal Behaviors 490(1)
The Process of Maternal Role Adaptation 490(4)
Puerperal Phases 490(2)
Maternal Role Attainment 492(2)
Postpartum Blues 494(1)
The Process of Family Adaptation 494(3)
Fathers 494(1)
Siblings 495(1)
Grandparents 495(1)
Factors Affecting Family Adaptation 495(2)
Cultural Influences on Adaptation 497(4)
Communication 497(1)
Health Beliefs 497(1)
Dietary Practices 498(3)
Postpartum Home Community Care 501(4)
Criteria for Discharge 501(1)
Home Care Services 501(4)
The Normal Newborn: Adaptation and Assessment 505(44)
Initiation of Respirations 506(1)
Development of the Lungs 506(1)
Causes of Respirations 506(1)
Continuation of Respirations 506(1)
Cardiovascular Adaptation: Transition from Fetal to Neonatal Circulation 506(2)
Ductus Arteriosus 506(1)
Pulmonary Blood Vessels 507(1)
Foramen Ovale 507(1)
Ductus Venosus 508(1)
Neurologic Adaptation: Thermoregulation 508(2)
Newborn Characteristics Leading to Heat Loss 508(1)
Methods of Heat Loss 508(1)
Nonshivering Thermogenesis 508(1)
Effects of Cold Stress 509(1)
Neutral Thermal Environment 510(1)
Hyperthermia 510(1)
Hematologic Adaptation 510(1)
Factors Affecting the Blood 510(1)
Blood Values 510(1)
Risk of Clotting Deficiency 511(1)
Gastrointestinal System 511(1)
Stomach 511(1)
Intestines 512(1)
Digestive Enzymes 512(1)
Stools 512(1)
Hepatic System 512(2)
Blood Glucose Maintenance 512(1)
Conjugation of Bilirubin 512(1)
Hyperbilirubinemia 513(1)
Blood Coagulation 514(1)
Iron Storage 514(1)
Metabolism of Drugs 514(1)
Urinary System 514(1)
Kidney Development 514(1)
Kidney Function 514(1)
Fluid Balance 515(1)
Acid-Base and Electrolyte Balance 515(1)
Immune System 515(1)
IgG 515(1)
IgM 515(1)
IgA 515(1)
Psychosocial Adaptation 516(1)
Periods of Reactivity 516(1)
Behavioral States 516(1)
Early Assessments 516(8)
Assessing for Anomalies 516(8)
Measurements 524(1)
Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Status 524(3)
Airway 524(2)
Color 526(1)
Heart Sounds 526(1)
Brachial and Femoral Pulses 527(1)
Blood Pressure 527(1)
Capillary Refill 527(1)
Assessment of Thermoregulation 527(1)
Assessment of Hepatic Function 527(2)
Blood Glucose 527(2)
Bilirubin 529(1)
Assessment of Body Systems 529(9)
Neurologic System 529(5)
Gastrointestinal System 534(1)
Genitourinary System 535(1)
Integumentary System 536(2)
Assessment of Gestational Age 538(7)
Assessment Tools 538(1)
Neuromuscular Characteristics 538(5)
Physical Characteristics 543(1)
Scoring 544(1)
Gestational Age and Infant Size 545(1)
Assessment of Behavior 545(4)
Periods of Reactivity 545(1)
Behavioral Changes 545(4)
The Normal Newborn: Nursing Care 549(25)
Clinical Pathways 549(1)
Early Care 549(9)
Administering Vitamin K 549(1)
Providing Eye Treatment 549(9)
Ongoing Assessments and Care 558(4)
Providing Skin Care 558(2)
Assisting with Feedings 560(1)
Positioning the Infant 561(1)
Protecting the Infant 561(1)
Circumcision 562(4)
Reasons for Choosing Circumcision 562(1)
Reasons for Rejecting Circumcision 563(1)
Pain Relief 563(1)
Methods 563(1)
Nursing Considerations 564(2)
Immunization 566(1)
Newborn Screening Tests 566(1)
Blood Tests 566(1)
Hearing Tests 566(1)
Discharge and Newborn Follow-Up Care 566(8)
Discharge 566(1)
Follow-up Care 566(8)
Newborn Feeding 574(19)
Nutritional Needs of the Newborn 574(1)
Calories 574(1)
Other Nutrients 575(1)
Water 575(1)
Breast Milk And Formula Composition 575(1)
Breast Milk 575(1)
Formulas 576(1)
Considerations in Choosing a Feeding Method 576(2)
Breastfeeding 576(1)
Formula Feeding 576(1)
Combination Feeding 577(1)
Factors Influencing Choice 577(1)
Normal Breastfeeding 578(5)
Breast Changes During Pregnancy 578(1)
Milk Production 578(1)
Hormonal Changes at Birth 578(1)
Continued Milk Production 578(1)
Preparation of Breasts for Breastfeeding 578(5)
Breastfeeding Concerns 583(7)
Infant Problems 583(4)
Maternal Concerns 587(3)
Formula Feeding 590(3)
The Childbearing Family with Special Needs 593(23)
Adolescent Pregnancy 593(7)
Incidence of Teenage Pregnancy 593(1)
Factors Associated With Teenage Pregnancy 594(1)
Sex Education 594(1)
Options When Pregnancy Occurs 594(1)
Socioeconomic Implications of Teenage Pregnancy 595(1)
Implications of Teenage Pregnancy for Maternal Health 595(1)
Implications of Teenage Pregnancy for Fetal-Neonatal Health 595(1)
The Teenage Expectant Father 595(1)
Impact of Teenage Pregnancy on Parenting 595(5)
Delayed Pregnancy 600(1)
Maternal and Fetal Implications of Delayed Pregnancy 600(1)
Advantages of Delayed Childbirth 600(1)
Disadvantages of Delayed Childbirth 601(1)
Nursing Considerations 601(1)
Substance Abuse 601(5)
Incidence of Substance Abuse 601(1)
Maternal and Fetal Effects of Substance Abuse 601(3)
Diagnosis and Management of Substance Abuse 604(2)
Birth of an Infant with Congenital Anomalies 606(2)
Factors Influencing Emotional Responses of Parents 606(1)
Grief and Mourning 607(1)
Nursing Considerations 607(1)
Pregnancy Loss 608(2)
Early Pregnancy Loss 608(1)
Concurrent Death and Survival in Multifetal Pregnancy 608(1)
Previous Pregnancy Loss 608(2)
Relinquishment for Adoption 610(1)
Intimate Partner Violence 610(6)
Factors That Promote Violence 610(1)
Characteristics of the Abuser 611(1)
Cycle of Violence 611(1)
Effects of Intimate Partner Abuse During Pregnancy 611(1)
Nurses' Role in Prevention of Abuse 611(5)
The Pregnant Woman with Complications 616(56)
Pregnancy-Related Complications 617(1)
Hemorrhagic Conditions of Early Pregnancy 617(7)
Spontaneous Abortion 617(3)
Ectopic Pregnancy 620(1)
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Hydatidiform Mole) 621(3)
Hemorrhagic Conditions of Late Pregnancy 624(6)
Placenta Previa 624(1)
Abruptio Placentae 625(5)
Hyperemesis Gravidarum 630(1)
Etiology 630(1)
Therapeutic Management 630(1)
Nursing Considerations 630(1)
Hypertension During Pregnancy 631(10)
Preeclampsia 631(10)
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, and Low Platelets Syndrome 641(1)
Chronic Hypertension 641(1)
Incompatibility Between Maternal and Fetal Blood 641(3)
Rh Incompatibility 641(2)
ABO Incompatibility 643(1)
Other Blood Group Incompatibility 644(1)
Concurrent Disorders During Pregnancy 644(1)
Diabetes Mellitus 644(10)
Pathophysiology 644(1)
Classification 645(1)
Preexisting Diabetes Mellitus 645(5)
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 650(4)
Cardiac Disease 654(3)
Incidence and Classification 654(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation of Cardiac Disease 655(1)
Therapeutic Management 655(2)
Nursing Considerations 657(1)
Anemias 657(2)
Iron Deficiency Anemia 657(1)
Folic Acid Deficiency (Megaloblastic) Anemia 658(1)
Sickle Cell Anemia 658(1)
Thalassemias 659(1)
Immune Complex Diseases 659(1)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 659(1)
Antiphospholipid Syndrome 659(1)
Hashimoto's Thyroid it is 660(1)
Seizure Disorders: Epilepsy 660(1)
Trauma in Pregnancy 660(1)
Blunt Force Injuries 660(1)
Penetrating Injuries 660(1)
Therapeutic Management 660(1)
Infections During Pregnancy 661(11)
Viral Infections 661(5)
Nonviral Infections 666(6)
The Woman with an Intrapartum Complication 672(30)
Dysfunctional Labor 673(8)
Problems of the Powers 673(2)
Problems with the Passenger 675(3)
Problems of the Passage 678(1)
Problems of the Psyche 679(1)
Abnormal Labor Duration 679(2)
Premature Rupture of the Membranes 681(2)
Etiology 681(1)
Complications 682(1)
Therapeutic Management 682(1)
Maternal Antibiotics 682(1)
Nursing Considerations 682(1)
Preterm Labor 683(11)
Associated Factors 683(1)
Manifestations 683(1)
Preventing Preterm Birth 683(2)
Therapeutic Management 685(9)
Prolonged Pregnancy 694(1)
Complications 694(1)
Therapeutic Management 694(1)
Nursing Considerations 695(1)
Intrapartum Emergencies 695(7)
Placental Abnormalities 695(1)
Prolapsed Umbilical Cord 695(2)
Uterine Rupture 697(1)
Uterine Inversion 698(1)
Anaphylactoid Syndrome 699(1)
Trauma 699(3)
The Woman with a Postpartum Complication 702(19)
Postpartum Hemorrhage 702(6)
Early Postpartum Hemorrhage 703(2)
Late Postpartum Hemorrhage 705(3)
Hypovolemic Shock 708(1)
Pathophysiology 708(1)
Manifestations 708(1)
Therapeutic Management 708(1)
Nursing Considerations 708(1)
Subinvolution of the Uterus 708(1)
Therapeutic Management 708(1)
Nursing Considerations 708(1)
Thromboembolic Disorders 709(2)
Incidence 709(1)
Etiology 709(1)
Superficial Venous Thrombosis 709(1)
Deep Venous Thrombosis 709(2)
Pulmonary Embolism 711(1)
Pathophysiology 711(1)
Manifestations 711(1)
Therapeutic Management 711(1)
Nursing Considerations 711(1)
Puerperal Infection 712(4)
Definition 712(1)
Pathophysiology 712(1)
Etiology 712(1)
Specific Infections 712(4)
Mood Disorders 716(5)
Postpartum Depression 716(3)
Postpartum Psychosis 719(2)
The High-Risk Newborn: Problems Related to Gestational Age and Development 721(24)
Care of High-Risk Newborns 722(1)
Preterm Infants 722(17)
Incidence and Etiology 722(1)
Characteristics of Preterm Infants 722(1)
Assessment and Care of Common Problems 722(6)
Clinical Pathways 728(11)
Additional Complications of Preterm Infants 739(1)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 739(1)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Chronic Lung Disease) 739(1)
Periventricular-Intraventricular Hemorrhage 739(1)
Retinopathy of Prematurity 740(1)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 740(1)
Postterm Infants 740(1)
Scope of the Problem 740(1)
Assessment 741(1)
Therapeutic Management 741(1)
Nursing Considerations 741(1)
Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants 741(1)
Etiology 741(1)
Scope of the Problem 741(1)
Characteristics of Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants 741(1)
Therapeutic Management 742(1)
Nursing Considerations 742(1)
Large-for-Gestational-Age Infants 742(3)
Etiology 742(1)
Scope of the Problem 742(1)
Therapeutic Management 742(1)
Nursing Considerations 742(3)
The High-Risk Newborn: Acquired and Congenital Conditions 745(20)
Respiratory Complications 745(4)
Asphyxia 745(1)
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (Retained Lung Fluid) 746(1)
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 746(3)
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn 749(1)
Hyperbilirubinemia (Pathologic Jaundice) 749(4)
Etiology 749(1)
Therapeutic Management 750(3)
Infection 753(3)
Transmission of Infection 753(1)
Sepsis Neonatorum 753(3)
Infant of a Diabetic Mother 756(2)
Scope of the Problem 756(1)
Characteristics of Infants of Diabetic Mothers 757(1)
Therapeutic Management 757(1)
Nursing Considerations 757(1)
Prenatal Drug Exposure 758(3)
Identification of Drug-Exposed Infants 758(1)
Therapeutic Management 758(1)
Nursing Considerations 759(2)
Polycythemia 761(1)
Causes 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(1)
Hypocalcemia 762(1)
Etiology 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(1)
Phenylketonuria 762(3)
Etiology 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(3)
Women's Health Care 765(30)
Health Maintenance 766(1)
Women's Health Initiative 766(5)
Health History 766(1)
Physical Assessment 766(1)
Preventive Counseling 766(1)
Screening Procedures 767(4)
Breast Disorders 771(4)
Benign Disorders of the Breast 771(1)
Malignant Tumors of the Breast 772(3)
Menstrual Cycle Disorders 775(5)
Amenorrhea 775(1)
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 776(1)
Pain Associated With the Menstrual Cycle 776(2)
Premenstrual Syndrome 778(2)
Medical Termination of Pregnancy 780(1)
Methods of Abortion 780(1)
Nursing Considerations Related to Induced Abortion 781(1)
Menopause 781(3)
Age at Menopause 781(1)
Physiologic Changes 781(1)
Psychological Responses 782(1)
Therapy for Menopause 782(1)
Nursing Considerations Related to Menopause 782(1)
Osteoporosis 782(2)
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 784(2)
Vaginal Wall Prolapse 784(1)
Uterine Prolapse 784(2)
Disorders of the Reproductive Tract 786(2)
Benign Disorders 786(1)
Malignant Disorders 787(1)
Infectious Disorders of the Reproductive Tract 788(7)
Candidiasis 788(1)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 788(1)
Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 788(2)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 790(1)
Toxic Shock Syndrome 791(4)
Communicating with Children and Families 795(15)
Components of Effective Communication 795(3)
Touch 795(1)
Physical Proximity and Environment 796(1)
Listening 796(1)
Visual Communication 797(1)
Tone of Voice 797(1)
Body Language 798(1)
Timing 798(1)
Family-Centered Communication 798(3)
Establishing Rapport 798(1)
Availability and Openness to Questions 798(1)
Family Education and Empowerment 799(1)
Effective Management of Conflict 799(1)
Feedback From Children and Families 800(1)
Spirituality 800(1)
Therapeutic Relationships: Developing and Maintaining Trust 801(5)
Communicating with Children with Special Needs 806(4)
The Child With a Visual Impairment 806(1)
The Child With a Hearing Impairment 807(1)
The Child Who Speaks Another Language 807(1)
The Child Who Is Aphonic 808(1)
The Child With a Profound Neurologic Impairment 808(2)
Physical Assessment of Children 810(42)
General Approaches to Physical Assessment 810(1)
Infants 1 to 6 Months 811(1)
Infants 6 to 12 Months 811(1)
Toddlers 811(1)
Preschoolers 811(1)
School-Age Children 811(1)
Adolescents 811(1)
Techniques for Physical Examination 811(4)
Inspection 815(1)
Palpation 815(1)
Percussion 815(1)
Auscultation 815(1)
Smell 815(1)
Sequence of Physical Examination 815(34)
General Appearance 815(1)
History Taking 816(1)
Recording Data 817(1)
Vital Signs 817(1)
Anthropometric Measurement 818(1)
Use of Growth Charts 819(1)
Skin, Hair, and Nails 820(1)
Lymph Nodes 821(1)
Head, Neck, and Face 822(1)
Nose, Mouth, and Throat 823(2)
Eyes 825(3)
Ears 828(1)
Thorax and Lungs 829(4)
Heart 833(4)
Peripheral Vascular System 837(1)
Breast 837(1)
Abdomen 837(2)
Male Genitalia 839(2)
Female Genitalia 841(1)
Musculoskeletal System 841(3)
Neurologic System 844(5)
Conclusion and Documentation 849(3)
Emergency Care of the Child 852(33)
General Guidelines for Emergency Nursing Care 853(2)
Growth and Development Issues in Emergency Care 855(1)
The Infant 855(1)
The Toddler 855(1)
The Preschooler 855(1)
The School-Age Child 855(1)
The Adolescent 855(1)
The Family of a Child in Emergency Care 855(2)
Emergency Assessment of Infants and Children 857(4)
Primary Assessment 857(3)
Secondary Assessment 860(1)
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of the Child 861(1)
Airway and Breathing 861(1)
Circulation 862(1)
The Child in Shock 862(5)
Etiology 862(2)
Manifestations 864(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 864(1)
Therapeutic Management 864(3)
Pediatric Trauma 867(4)
Mechanism of Injury 867(1)
Multiple Trauma 868(2)
Nursing Considerations 870(1)
Ingestions and Poisonings 871(4)
Incidence 871(1)
Manifestations 871(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 871(1)
Therapeutic Management 871(4)
Environmental Emergencies 875(6)
Animal, Human, and Snake Bites 875(2)
Submersion Injuries (Near Drowning) 877(3)
Heat-Related Illnesses 880(1)
Dental Emergencies 881(4)
Incidence and Etiology 881(1)
Therapeutic Management 881(1)
Nursing Considerations 881(4)
The Ill Child in the Hospital and Other Care Settings 885(21)
Settings of Care 885(4)
The Hospital 885(2)
School-Based Clinics 887(1)
Community Clinics 888(1)
Home Care 888(1)
Stressors Associated with Illness and Hospitalization 889(4)
The Infant and Toddler 889(1)
The Preschooler 890(1)
The School-Age Child 891(1)
The Adolescent 891(1)
Fear of the Unknown 892(1)
Regression 892(1)
Factors Affecting a Child's Response to Illness and Hospitalization 893(2)
Age and Cognitive Development 893(1)
Parental Response to Illness or Hospitalization 893(2)
Psychologic Benefits of Hospitalization 895(1)
Playrooms in Health Care Settings 895(2)
Therapeutic Play 895(1)
Emotional Outlet Play 895(1)
Teaching Through Play 896(1)
Enhancing Cooperation through Play 896(1)
Unstructured Play 897(1)
Evaluation of Play 897(1)
Admitting the Child to a Hospital Setting 897(3)
Taking the History 897(1)
Physical Examination 897(3)
The III Child's Family 900(6)
Parents 900(2)
Siblings 902(4)
The Child with a Chronic Condition or Terminal Illness 906(26)
Chronic Illness Defined 906(1)
The Family of the Child with Special Health Care Needs 907(2)
Impact on the Family 907(1)
The Grieving Process 908(1)
The Child with Special Health Care Needs 909(2)
Growth and Development Concerns 909(1)
Parental Responses to Developmental Issues 909(2)
The Child with a Chronic Illness 911(9)
Ongoing Care 911(1)
Care of the Parents 912(2)
Care of the Siblings 914(6)
The Terminally III or Dying Child 920(12)
The Child's Concept of Death 920(1)
Responses to Death and Dying 921(1)
Caring for the Dying Child 922(10)
Principles and Procedures for Nursing Care of Children 932(38)
Preparing Children for Procedures 932(2)
Explaining Procedures 932(2)
Consent for Procedures 934(1)
Holding and Transporting Infants and Children 934(1)
Using Restraints 935(2)
Preparing the Child and Family 936(1)
Documentation 937(1)
Infection Control 937(1)
Implementing Precautions 937(1)
Family Teaching 937(1)
Bathing Infants and Children 937(2)
Special Considerations 937(1)
Documentation 938(1)
Parent Teaching 938(1)
Oral Hygiene 939(1)
Feeding 939(1)
Special Considerations 939(1)
Documentation 940(1)
Parent Teaching 940(1)
Vital Signs 940(4)
Measuring Temperature 940(2)
Measuring Pulse 942(1)
Evaluating Respirations 942(1)
Measuring Blood Pressure 942(1)
Documentation of Vital Sign Measurement 943(1)
Preparing the Child and Family 943(1)
Parent Teaching 943(1)
Special Considerations: Cardiorespiratory Monitors 944(1)
Fever-Reducing Measures 944(2)
Description of Fever 944(1)
Medications and Environmental Management 944(2)
Commercial Cooling Blankets 946(1)
Specimen Collection 946(7)
Urine Specimens 946(2)
Stool Specimens 948(1)
Blood Specimens 949(2)
Sputum Specimens 951(1)
Throat and Nasopharyngeal Specimens 952(1)
Cerebrospinal Fluid Specimens 952(1)
Bone Marrow Aspirates 953(1)
Gavage and Gastrostomy 953(4)
Tube Route and Placement 953(1)
Tube Selection 953(1)
Safety Issues Related to Tube Placement 953(1)
Contraindications to Tube Placement 953(1)
Gastrostomy Feedings 953(4)
Enemas 957(1)
Enema Administration 957(1)
Solutions and Volumes 957(1)
Ostomies 957(1)
Oxygen Therapy 957(2)
Oxygen Delivery 957(2)
Documentation 959(1)
Parent Teaching 959(1)
Assessing Oxygenation 959(1)
Chest Physiotherapy 960(2)
Tracheostomy Care 962(4)
Suctioning 963(1)
Stoma Care 963(3)
Surgical Procedures 966(1)
Preparation for Surgery 966(1)
Preoperative Medication 966(1)
Postanesthesia Care 967(1)
Postoperative Care 967(1)
Additional Information 967(3)
Medicating Infants and Children 970(22)
Pharmacokinetics in Children 971(2)
Absorption 972(1)
Distribution 972(1)
Metabolism 973(1)
Excretion 973(1)
Concentration 973(1)
Psychologic and Developmental Factors 973(1)
Infants 974(1)
Toddlers and Preschoolers 974(1)
School-Age Children 974(1)
Adolescents 974(1)
Calculating Dosages 974(7)
Administration Procedures 974(1)
Administering Oral Medications 975(1)
Administering Injections 976(4)
Rectal Administration 980(1)
Vaginal Administration 980(1)
Ophthalmic Administration 980(1)
Otic Administration 980(1)
Nasal Administration 981(1)
Topical Administration 981(1)
Inhalation Therapy 981(7)
Intravenous Therapy 983(1)
Intravenous Catheter Insertion 983(1)
Intravenous Monitoring and Maintenance 984(2)
Infusion Rates and Methods 986(1)
Administering Intravenous Medications 986(1)
Venous Access Devices 987(1)
Administration of Blood or Blood Products 988(1)
Child and Family Education 989(3)
Pain Management for Children 992(19)
Definitions and Theories of Pain 993(1)
Gate-Control Theory 993(1)
Acute and Chronic Pain 993(1)
Research on Pain in Children 993(1)
Myths about Pain and Pain Management in Children 993(1)
Assessment of Pain in Children 994(6)
Assessment According to Developmental Level 994(3)
Assessment Tools 997(3)
Non-Pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Pain Interventions 1000(11)
Non-pharmacologic Interventions 1000(2)
Pharmacologic Interventions 1002(9)
The Child with an Infectious Disease 1011(34)
Review of Disease Transmission 1012(1)
Chain of Infection 1012(1)
Transmission of Pathogens 1012(1)
Epidemiologic Investigations 1012(1)
Infection and Host Defenses 1012(2)
Immunity 1014(1)
Viral Infections 1015(18)
Nursing Considerations for the Child with a Viral Exanthem Infection 1015(1)
Rubeola (Measles) 1015(8)
Rubella (3-Day Measles, German Measles) 1023(1)
Erythema Infectiosum (Parvovirus B19, Fifth Disease) 1024(1)
Roseola Infantum (Exanthem Subitum, Sixth Disease, 3-Day Fever) 1024(2)
Mumps 1026(1)
Varicella-Zoster Infections (Chickenpox, Shingles) 1027(2)
Smallpox (Variola) 1029(1)
Cytomegalovirus 1030(1)
Epstein-Barr Virus (Infectious Mononucleosis) 1031(1)
Poliomyelitis 1031(1)
Rabies 1032(1)
Bacterial Infections 1033(2)
Diphtheria 1033(1)
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 1034(1)
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) 1035(1)
Rickettsial Infections 1035(2)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 1037(1)
Borrelia Infections 1037(2)
Relapsing Fever 1037(1)
Lyme Disease 1038(1)
Helminths 1039(1)
Therapeutic Management 1039(1)
Nursing Considerations 1039(1)
Fungal Infections 1040(1)
Sexually Transmissible Diseases 1040(5)
Gonorrhea 1041(1)
Syphilis 1041(1)
Chlamydial Infection 1041(1)
Trichomoniasis 1042(1)
Human Papillomavirus 1042(1)
Herpes Simplex Virus 1042(3)
The Child with an Immunologic Alteration 1045(33)
Review of the Immune System 1046(4)
Nonspecific Immune Functions 1047(1)
Specific Immune Functions 1047(2)
Development of Immunity 1049(1)
Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests of Immune Function 1050(2)
Immunodeficiencies 1050(1)
Allergy 1050(2)
The Child with an Immunodeficiency 1052(1)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 1052(14)
Etiology 1052(1)
Incidence 1053(1)
Manifestations 1053(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1053(1)
Therapeutic Management 1054(12)
Corticosteroid Therapy 1066(4)
Incidence 1066(1)
Pathophysiology 1067(1)
Manifestations 1068(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1069(1)
Therapeutic Management 1069(1)
Immune Complex and Autoimmune Disorders 1070(1)
Immune Complex Disorders 1070(1)
Autoimmune Disorders 1070(1)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 1070(2)
Etiology 1070(1)
Incidence 1070(1)
Manifestations 1070(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1071(1)
Therapeutic Management 1071(1)
Allergic Reactions 1072(1)
Anaphylaxis 1073(5)
Etiology 1073(1)
Incidence 1073(1)
Manifestations 1073(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1074(1)
Therapeutic Management 1074(4)
The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration 1078(21)
Review of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances in Children 1079(1)
Alterations in Acid-Base Balance in Children 1080(5)
Dehydration 1085(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1086(1)
Manifestations 1086(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1086(1)
Therapeutic Management 1086(3)
Diarrhea 1089(7)
Etiology and Incidence 1089(1)
Manifestations 1090(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1090(1)
Therapeutic Management 1090(2)
Prognosis 1092(4)
Vomiting 1096(3)
Etiology 1096(1)
Manifestations 1096(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1096(1)
Therapeutic Management 1096(3)
The Child with a Gastrointestinal Alteration 1099(58)
Review of the Gastrointestinal System 1100(6)
Upper Gastrointestinal System 1100(1)
Lower Gastrointestinal System 1101(1)
Prenatal Development 1102(4)
Disorders of Prenatal Development 1106(13)
Cleft Lip and Palate 1106(7)
Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula 1113(2)
Upper Gastrointestinal Hernias 1115(1)
Other Developmental Disorders 1115(4)
Motility Disorders 1119(7)
Gastroesophageal Reflux 1119(1)
Constipation and Encopresis 1120(5)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1125(1)
Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders 1126(11)
Ulcers 1126(2)
Infectious Gastroenteritis 1128(3)
Appendicitis 1131(3)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1134(3)
Obstructive Disorders 1137(7)
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 1137(3)
Intussusception 1140(2)
Volvulus 1142(1)
Hirschsprung's Disease 1142(2)
Malabsorption Disorders 1144(4)
Lactose Intolerance 1144(1)
Celiac Disease 1145(3)
Hepatic Disorders 1148(9)
Viral Hepatitis 1148(3)
Biliary Atresia 1151(2)
Cirrhosis 1153(4)
The Child with a Genitourinary Alteration 1157(30)
Review of the Genitourinary System 1158(5)
Structure 1158(1)
Function 1159(4)
Enuresis 1163(1)
Etiology 1163(1)
Incidence 1163(1)
Manifestations 1163(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1163(1)
Therapeutic Management 1163(1)
Urinary Tract Infections 1164(4)
Etiology 1165(1)
Incidence 1165(1)
Manifestations 1165(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1166(1)
Therapeutic Management 1167(1)
Cryptorchidism 1168(2)
Incidence 1169(1)
Manifestations 1169(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1169(1)
Therapeutic Management 1169(1)
Hypospadias and Epispadias 1170(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1170(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1170(1)
Therapeutic Management 1170(1)
Miscellaneous Disorders and Anomalies of the Genitourinary Tract 1171(1)
Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis 1171(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1172(1)
Manifestations 1172(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1173(1)
Therapeutic Management 1173(2)
Nephrotic Syndrome 1175(5)
Etiology 1175(1)
Incidence 1175(1)
Manifestations 1175(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1177(1)
Therapeutic Management 1177(3)
Acute Renal Failure 1180(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1180(1)
Manifestations 1180(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1181(1)
Therapeutic Management 1181(1)
Nursing Considerations 1182(1)
Chronic Renal Failure and End-Stage Renal Disease 1182(5)
Etiology 1182(1)
Incidence 1182(1)
Pathophysiology 1182(1)
Manifestations 1182(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1182(1)
Therapeutic Management 1182(5)
The Child with a Respiratory Alteration 1187(64)
Review of the Respiratory System 1188(2)
The Upper Airway 1188(1)
The Lower Airway 1189(1)
Prenatal Respiratory Development 1189(1)
Postnatal Respiratory Changes 1189(1)
Gas Exchange and Transport 1189(1)
Diagnostic Tests 1190(3)
Blood Gas Analysis 1190(1)
Pulmonary Function Tests 1190(1)
Pulse Oximetry 1190(1)
Transcutaneous Monitoring 1190(3)
Allergic Rhinitis 1193(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1193(1)
Manifestations 1193(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1194(1)
Therapeutic Management 1194(1)
Nursing Considerations 1194(1)
Sinusitis 1195(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1195(1)
Manifestations 1195(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1195(1)
Therapeutic Management 1195(1)
Nursing Considerations 1195(1)
Otitis Media 1196(4)
Etiology 1196(1)
Incidence 1196(1)
Manifestations 1196(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1196(1)
Therapeutic Management 1196(4)
Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis 1200(3)
Etiology 1200(1)
Incidence 1200(1)
Manifestations 1200(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1200(1)
Therapeutic Management 1201(1)
Nursing Considerations 1201(2)
Laryngomalacia (Congenital Laryngeal Stridor) 1203(1)
Manifestations 1203(1)
Therapeutic Management 1203(1)
Nursing Considerations 1203(1)
Croup 1204(6)
Etiology and Incidence 1204(1)
Manifestations 1204(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1205(1)
Therapeutic Management 1205(5)
Epiglottitis (Supraglottitis) 1210(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1210(1)
Manifestations 1210(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1210(1)
Therapeutic Management 1210(1)
Nursing Considerations 1210(2)
Bronchitis 1212(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1212(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1212(1)
Therapeutic Management 1212(1)
Nursing Considerations 1212(1)
Bronchiolitis 1213(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1213(1)
Manifestations 1214(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1214(1)
Therapeutic Management 1214(1)
Pneumonia 1215(3)
Foreign Body Aspiration 1218(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1219(1)
Manifestations 1219(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1219(1)
Therapeutic Management 1219(1)
Nursing Considerations 1219(1)
Pulmonary Noninfectious Irritation 1219(3)
Acute (Adult) Respiratory Distress Syndrome 1219(1)
Passive Smoking 1220(1)
Smoke Inhalation 1220(2)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 1222(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1222(1)
Manifestations 1223(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1223(1)
Asthma 1224(13)
Etiology 1224(1)
Incidence 1224(1)
Manifestations 1224(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1225(1)
Therapeutic Management 1225(12)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 1237(3)
Etiology 1237(1)
Incidence 1237(1)
Manifestations 1237(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1238(1)
Therapeutic Management 1238(1)
Nursing Considerations 1238(2)
Cystic Fibrosis 1240(5)
Etiology 1240(1)
Incidence 1240(1)
Manifestations 1240(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1242(1)
Therapeutic Management 1242(3)
Tuberculosis 1245(6)
Etiology 1245(1)
Incidence 1246(1)
Manifestations 1246(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1246(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1246(5)
The Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration 1251(50)
Review of the Heart and Circulation 1252(4)
Normal Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology 1252(1)
Fetal Circulation 1252(2)
Transitional and Neonatal Circulation 1254(2)
Assessment of the Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration 1256(2)
Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1258(1)
Cardiac Catheterization 1258(1)
Congenital Heart Disease 1259(1)
Classification of Congenital Heart Disease 1259(1)
Physiologic Consequences of Congenital Heart Disease in Children 1260(9)
Congestive Heart Failure 1260(2)
Pulmonary Hypertension 1262(5)
Cyanosis 1267(2)
Left-To-Right Shunting Lesions 1269(4)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 1269(1)
Atrial Septal Defect 1270(1)
Ventricular Septal Defect 1271(1)
Atrioventricular Septal Defect (Endocardial Cushion Defect) 1272(1)
Obstructive or Stenotic Lesions 1273(2)
Pulmonary Stenosis 1273(1)
Aortic Stenosis 1273(1)
Coarctation of the Aorta 1274(1)
Cyanotic Lesions with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1275(3)
Tetralogy of Fallot 1276(1)
Tricuspid Atresia 1277(1)
Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum 1278(1)
Cyanotic Lesions with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1278(3)
Truncus Arteriosus 1278(1)
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 1279(1)
Transposition of the Great Arteries 1280(1)
The Child Undergoing Cardiac Surgery 1281(3)
Preoperative Preparation 1281(1)
Postoperative Management 1282(2)
Acquired Heart Disease 1284(10)
Infective Endocarditis 1284(2)
Rheumatic Fever 1286(3)
Kawasaki Disease 1289(2)
Hypertension 1291(3)
Cardiomyopathies 1294(1)
Dysrhythmias 1294(3)
Etiology 1294(1)
Incidence 1295(1)
Manifestations 1295(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1296(1)
Therapeutic Management 1296(1)
High Cholesterol in Children and Adolescents 1297(4)
Assessment of Children at Risk 1297(1)
Therapeutic Management 1298(1)
Nursing Considerations 1298(3)
The Child with a Hematologic Alteration 1301(27)
Review of the Hematologic System 1302(2)
Iron-Deficiency Anemia 1304(3)
Etiology and Incidence 1304(1)
Manifestations 1304(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1304(2)
Therapeutic Management 1306(1)
Sickle-Cell Disease 1307(6)
Etiology 1307(1)
Incidence 1307(1)
Manifestations 1307(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1307(1)
Therapeutic Management 1307(6)
Beta-Thalassemia 1313(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1313(1)
Manifestations 1314(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1314(1)
Therapeutic Management 1314(1)
Hemophilia 1315(5)
Etiology and Incidence 1315(1)
Manifestations 1316(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1316(1)
Therapeutic Management 1316(4)
Von Willebrand's Disease 1320(1)
Etiology 1320(1)
Pathophysiology 1320(1)
Manifestations 1320(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1320(1)
Therapeutic Management 1320(1)
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1321(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1321(1)
Pathophysiology 1321(1)
Manifestations 1321(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1321(1)
Therapeutic Management 1321(2)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 1323(1)
Etiology 1323(1)
Manifestations 1323(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1323(1)
Therapeutic Management 1323(1)
Nursing Considerations 1324(1)
Aplastic Anemia 1324(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1324(1)
Manifestations 1324(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1324(1)
Therapeutic Management 1325(3)
The Child with Cancer 1328(33)
The Child with Cancer 1332(4)
Incidence 1332(1)
Childhood Cancer and Its Treatment 1332(1)
Therapeutic Management 1332(4)
Leukemia 1336(2)
Etiology 1336(1)
Incidence 1336(1)
Manifestations 1336(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1337(1)
Therapeutic Management 1338(1)
Brain Tumors 1338(10)
Etiology 1338(6)
Incidence 1344(1)
Manifestations 1344(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1346(1)
Therapeutic Management 1347(1)
Malignant Lymphomas 1348(3)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 1349(1)
Hodgkin's Disease 1350(1)
Neuroblastoma 1351(2)
Etiology 1351(1)
Incidence 1351(1)
Pathophysiology 1352(1)
Manifestations 1352(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1352(1)
Therapeutic Management 1352(1)
Osteosarcoma 1353(1)
Etiology 1353(1)
Incidence 1353(1)
Pathophysiology 1353(1)
Manifestations 1353(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1353(1)
Therapeutic Management 1353(1)
Ewing's Sarcoma 1354(1)
Etiology 1354(1)
Incidence 1354(1)
Pathophysiology 1355(1)
Manifestations 1355(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1355(1)
Therapeutic Management 1355(1)
Nursing Considerations 1355(1)
Rhabdomyosarcoma 1355(1)
Etiology 1355(1)
Incidence 1355(1)
Pathophysiology 1355(1)
Manifestations 1355(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1355(1)
Therapeutic Management 1355(1)
Nursing Considerations 1356(1)
Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) 1356(1)
Etiology 1356(1)
Incidence 1356(1)
Pathophysiology 1356(1)
Manifestations 1356(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1356(1)
Therapeutic Management 1356(1)
Retinoblastoma 1356(3)
Etiology 1357(1)
Incidence 1357(1)
Pathophysiology 1357(1)
Manifestations 1358(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1358(1)
Therapeutic Management 1358(1)
Rare Tumors of Childhood 1359(2)
The Child with an Integumentary Alteration 1361(41)
Review of the Integumentary System 1362(2)
Common Variations in the Skin of Newborns 1364(1)
Common Birthmarks 1364(1)
Etiology 1364(1)
Incidence 1364(1)
Manifestations 1364(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1364(1)
Therapeutic Management 1364(1)
Nursing Considerations 1365(1)
Infections of the Skin 1365(1)
Impetigo 1365(1)
Etiology 1365(1)
Incidence 1365(1)
Manifestations 1365(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1366(1)
Therapeutic Management 1366(1)
Cellulitis 1366(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1367(1)
Pathophysiology 1367(1)
Manifestations 1367(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1367(1)
Therapeutic Management 1367(1)
Candidiasis 1367(2)
Etiology 1368(1)
Incidence 1368(1)
Manifestations 1368(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1368(1)
Therapeutic Management 1368(1)
Tinea Infection 1369(3)
Etiology 1369(1)
Incidence 1369(1)
Manifestations 1369(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1369(1)
Therapeutic Management 1369(3)
Herpes Simplex Virus Infection 1372(2)
Etiology 1372(1)
Incidence 1372(1)
Manifestations 1372(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1373(1)
Therapeutic Management 1373(1)
Lice Infestation 1374(2)
Incidence 1374(1)
Manifestations 1374(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1374(1)
Therapeutic Management 1374(2)
Mite Infestation (Scabies) 1376(1)
Etiology 1376(1)
Incidence 1376(1)
Pathophysiology 1376(1)
Manifestations 1376(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1376(1)
Therapeutic Management 1376(1)
Nursing Considerations 1377(1)
Atopic Dermatitis 1377(3)
Etiology 1377(1)
Incidence 1377(1)
Manifestations 1377(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1377(1)
Therapeutic Management 1378(2)
Seborrheic Dermatitis 1380(1)
Contact Dermatitis 1381(1)
Etiology 1381(1)
Incidence 1381(1)
Manifestations 1381(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1381(1)
Therapeutic Management 1381(1)
Acne Vulgaris 1382(2)
Etiology 1382(1)
Incidence 1383(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1383(1)
Therapeutic Management 1383(1)
Miscellaneous Skin Disorders 1384(1)
Insect Bites or Stings 1384(4)
Burn Injuries 1388(10)
Etiology 1388(1)
Incidence 1389(1)
Pathophysiology 1389(1)
Manifestations 1390(1)
Therapeutic Management 1390(8)
Conditions Associated with Major Burn Injuries 1398(1)
Conditions Associated with Electrical Injury 1398(4)
Cardiac Arrest or Dysrhythmia 1398(1)
Tissue Damage 1398(1)
Myoglobinuria 1398(2)
Metabolic Acidosis 1400(1)
Other Complications 1400(2)
The Child with a Musculoskeletal Alteration 1402(46)
Review of the Musculoskeletal System 1403(4)
Skeletal System 1403(1)
Articular System 1403(1)
Muscular System 1404(1)
Cartilage 1404(3)
Casts, Traction, and Other Immobilizing Devices 1407(5)
Casts 1407(1)
Traction 1407(2)
External Fixation Devices 1409(1)
Nursing Considerations 1409(3)
Limb Defects 1412(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1412(1)
Pathophysiology 1413(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1413(1)
Therapeutic Management 1413(1)
Nursing Considerations 1413(1)
Clubfoot 1414(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1414(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1414(1)
Therapeutic Management 1414(1)
Nursing Considerations 1414(1)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 1415(6)
Etiology 1415(1)
Incidence 1415(1)
Manifestations 1415(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1415(1)
Therapeutic Management 1416(5)
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease 1421(2)
Etiology 1421(1)
Incidence 1421(1)
Manifestations 1422(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1422(1)
Therapeutic Management 1422(1)
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis 1423(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1423(1)
Pathophysiology 1423(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1423(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1424(1)
Fractures 1424(3)
Etiology 1424(1)
Incidence 1425(1)
Manifestations 1425(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1425(1)
Therapeutic Management 1425(2)
Nursing Considerations 1427(1)
Soft Tissue Injuries: Sprains, Strains, and Contusions 1427(1)
Etiology 1427(1)
Incidence 1427(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1427(1)
Therapeutic Management 1428(1)
Nursing Considerations 1428(1)
Osgood-Schlatter Disease 1428(1)
Etiology, Incidence, and Pathophysiology 1428(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1429(1)
Therapeutic Management 1429(1)
Nursing Considerations 1429(1)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 1429(1)
Etiology 1429(1)
Manifestations 1429(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1429(1)
Therapeutic Management 1429(1)
Nursing Considerations 1430(1)
Osteomyelitis 1430(2)
Etiology 1430(1)
Incidence 1431(1)
Manifestations 1431(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1431(1)
Therapeutic Management 1431(1)
Juvenile Arthritis 1432(5)
Etiology 1433(1)
Incidence 1433(1)
Manifestations 1433(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1433(1)
Therapeutic Management 1433(4)
Muscular Dystrophies 1437(1)
Etiology 1438(1)
Incidence 1438(1)
Pathophysiology 1438(1)
Manifestations 1438(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1438(1)
Therapeutic Management 1438(1)
Nursing Considerations 1438(1)
Scoliosis 1438(2)
Etiology 1439(1)
Incidence 1439(1)
Manifestations 1439(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1439(1)
Therapeutic Management 1439(1)
Kyphosis 1440(5)
Etiology and Incidence 1440(4)
Manifestations 1444(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1444(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1444(1)
Lordosis 1445(3)
Etiology and Incidence 1445(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1446(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1446(2)
The Child with an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration 1448(38)
Review of the Endocrine System 1449(1)
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1450(2)
Phenylketonuria 1452(1)
Etiology 1452(1)
Incidence 1452(1)
Manifestations 1452(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1452(1)
Therapeutic Management 1452(1)
Nursing Considerations 1452(1)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1453(1)
Foundations of Maternity and Child Health Nursing 1(25)
Historical Perspectives 2(3)
Maternity Nursing 2(1)
Current Settings for Childbirth 3(1)
Nursing of Children 4(1)
Current Trends in Maternity and Child Health Care 5(2)
Cost Containment 5(1)
Effects of Cost Containment 6(1)
Home Care 7(1)
Health Insurance 7(2)
Health Care Assistance Programs 9(1)
Statistics on Maternal, Infant, and Child Health 9(2)
Maternal and Infant Mortality 9(2)
Adolescent Pregnancy 11(1)
Childhood Mortality 11(1)
Morbidity 11(1)
Ethical Perspectives on Maternal and Child Nursing 11(4)
Ethics and Bioethics 11(1)
Ethical Dilemmas 11(1)
Ethical Issues in Reproduction 12(3)
Social Issues 15(3)
Poverty 15(1)
Homelessness 16(1)
Access to Health Care 16(1)
Prenatal Care in the United States 17(1)
Government Programs for Health Care: Medicaid 17(1)
Allocation of Health Care Resources 17(1)
Care versus Cure 17(1)
Health Care Rationing 18(1)
Violence 18(1)
Legal Issues 18(4)
Safeguards for Health Care 18(1)
Accountability 19(1)
Malpractice 19(3)
Current Trends and Their Legal and Ethical Implications 22(4)
Use of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 22(1)
Concerns about Early Discharge 23(1)
Dealing with Early Discharge 23(3)
The Nurse's Role in Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 26(13)
The Role of the Professional Nurse 26(3)
Care Provider 27(1)
Teacher 27(1)
Collaborator 28(1)
Researcher 29(1)
Advocate 29(1)
Manager of Care 29(1)
Advanced Preparation for Maternity and Pediatric Nurses 29(1)
Certified Nurse-Midwives 29(1)
Nurse Practitioners 29(1)
Clinical Nurse Specialists 30(1)
Implications of Changing Roles for Nurses 30(4)
Therapeutic Communication 30(1)
Critical Thinking 31(3)
The Nursing Process in Maternity and Pediatric Care 34(2)
Assessment 35(1)
Nursing Diagnosis 35(1)
Planning 35(1)
Implementation 36(1)
Evaluation 36(1)
Collaborative Problems 36(1)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 36(1)
Nursing Research 37(2)
The Childbearing and Child-Rearing Family 39(13)
The Family and Nursing Care 39(2)
Types of Families 40(1)
Characteristics of Healthy Families 41(1)
Factors That Interfere With Family Functioning 41(1)
High-Risk Families 41(1)
Healthy Versus Dysfunctional Families 42(1)
Coping With Stress 43(1)
Coping Strategies 43(1)
Cultural Influences on Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 43(4)
Implications of Cultural Diversity for Nurses 43(1)
Western Cultural Beliefs 44(1)
Cultural Influences on the Care of Specific Groups 45(1)
Cross-Cultural Health Beliefs 46(1)
Cultural Assessment 47(1)
Parenting 47(5)
Parenting Styles 47(1)
Parent-Child Relationship Factors 48(4)
Health Promotion for the Developing Child 52(26)
Overview of Growth and Development 52(2)
Definition of Terms 52(1)
Stages of Growth and Development 53(1)
Parameters of Growth 53(1)
Principles of Growth and Development 54(2)
Patterns of Growth and Development 54(1)
Critical Periods 55(1)
Factors Influencing Growth and Development 55(1)
Theories of Growth and Development 56(5)
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development 56(1)
Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development 56(3)
Erikson's Psychosocial Theory 59(1)
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development 60(1)
Theories of Language Development 61(1)
Assessment of Growth 61(1)
Assessment of Development 61(2)
Newborn Assessment 62(1)
Pre-Screening Assessments 62(1)
Denver Developmental Screening Test II 62(1)
Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Growth and Development 63(1)
Developmental Assessment 63(5)
Interview 63(1)
Play 63(5)
Health Promotion 68(10)
Immunizations 68(3)
Nutrition and Activity 71(1)
Carbohydrates 72(1)
Fats 72(1)
Proteins 72(1)
Water 72(1)
Vitamins and Minerals 72(1)
Dietary Guidelines 72(2)
Energy, Calories, and Servings 74(1)
Physical Activity 74(1)
Cultural and Religious Influences on Diet 74(1)
Assessment of Nutritional Status 74(1)
Safety 75(3)
Health Promotion for the Infant 78(25)
Growth and Development of the Infant 78(11)
Physical Growth and Development 79(2)
Motor Development 81(1)
Cognitive Development 82(1)
Sensory Development 83(1)
Language Development 83(5)
Psychosocial Development 88(1)
Health Promotion for the Infant and Family 89(14)
Immunization 89(1)
Feeding and Nutrition 89(4)
Dental Care 93(1)
Sleep, Rest, and Crying 94(1)
The Infant with Colic 94(2)
Safety 96(5)
Play 101(2)
Health Promotion During Early Childhood 103(26)
Growth and Development During Early Childhood 103(11)
Physical Growth and Development 104(1)
Motor Development 105(1)
Cognitive and Sensory Development 106(2)
Language Development 108(1)
Psychosocial Development 109(5)
Health Promotion for the Toddler or Preschooler and Family 114(15)
Nutrition 114(1)
Dental Care 115(1)
Sleep and Rest 116(1)
Discipline 117(1)
Toddler Safety 118(2)
Preschooler Safety 120(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Toddler 122(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Preschooler 124(5)
Health Promotion for the School-Age Child 129(20)
Growth and Development of the School-Age Child 129(6)
Physical Growth and Development 130(1)
Motor Development 130(2)
Cognitive Development 132(1)
Sensory Development 133(1)
Language Development 133(1)
Psychosocial Development 133(1)
Spiritual and Moral Development 134(1)
Health Promotion for the School-Age Child and Family 135(14)
Nutrition During Middle Childhood 135(1)
Dental Care 136(2)
Sleep and Rest 138(1)
Discipline 138(1)
Safety 138(2)
Selected Issues Related to the School-Age Child 140(9)
Health Promotion for the Adolescent 149(18)
Adolescent Growth and Development 149(9)
Physical Growth and Development 150(1)
Psychosexual Development, Hormonal Changes, and Sexual Maturation 150(1)
Motor Development 151(2)
Cognitive Development 153(1)
Sensory Development 154(1)
Language Development 154(1)
Psychosocial Development 155(3)
Moral and Spiritual Development 158(1)
Health Promotion for the Adolescent and Family 158(9)
Nutrition During Adolescence 158(1)
Hygiene 159(1)
Dental Care 159(1)
Sleep and Rest 160(1)
Exercise and Activity 160(1)
Safety 161(2)
Selected Issues Related to the Adolescent 163(4)
Heredity and Environmental Influences on Development 167(17)
Hereditary Influences 167(8)
Structure of Genes and Chromosomes 168(1)
Transmission of Traits by Single Genes 169(2)
Patterns of Single-Gene Inheritance 171(2)
Chromosomal Abnormalities 173(2)
Multifactorial Disorders 175(1)
Characteristics of Multifactorial Disorders 176(1)
Risk for Occurrence 176(1)
Environmental Influences 176(2)
Teratogens 176(1)
Mechanical Disruptions to Fetal Development 177(1)
Genetic Counseling 178(1)
Availability 178(1)
Focus on the Family 178(1)
Process of Genetic Counseling 178(1)
Supplemental Services 179(1)
Nursing Care of Families Concerned About Birth Defects 179(5)
Nurses as Part of a Genetic Counseling Team 179(1)
Nurses in General Practice 179(5)
Management of Fertility and Infertility 184(32)
Role of the Nurse in Contraception 184(1)
Informed Consent 184(1)
Considerations When Choosing a Contraceptive Method 184(3)
Safety 186(1)
Protection from Sexually Transmissible Diseases 186(1)
Effectiveness 186(1)
Acceptability 186(1)
Convenience 186(1)
Education Needed 186(1)
Side Effects 187(1)
Benefits 187(1)
Interference with Spontaneity 187(1)
Availability 187(1)
Expense 187(1)
Preference 187(1)
Religious and Personal Beliefs 187(1)
Culture 187(1)
Adolescents 187(2)
Adolescent Knowledge 188(1)
Counseling Adolescents 188(1)
Perimenopausal Women 189(1)
Methods of Contraception 189(11)
Sterilization 189(1)
Hormonal Contraceptives 189(4)
Intrauterine Devices 193(1)
Barrier Methods 193(3)
Natural Family-Planning Methods 196(1)
Abstinence 196(3)
Least Reliable Methods of Contraception 199(1)
Role of the Nurse in Infertility Care 200(2)
Extent of Infertility 200(1)
Factors Contributing to Infertility 200(2)
Repeated Pregnancy Loss 202(1)
Evaluation of Infertility 202(4)
Preconception Counseling 203(1)
History and Physical Examination 203(2)
Diagnostic Tests 205(1)
Therapies to Facilitate Pregnancy 206(3)
Medications 206(1)
Ovulation Induction 206(1)
Surgical Procedures 206(1)
Therapeutic Insemination 206(1)
Egg Donation 206(1)
Surrogate Parenting 207(1)
Advanced Reproductive Techniques 207(2)
Responses to Infertility 209(7)
Assumption of Fertility 209(1)
Growing Awareness of a Problem 209(1)
Seeking Help for Infertility 209(1)
Reactions During Evaluation and Treatment 210(1)
Outcomes after Infertility Therapy 211(5)
Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 216(14)
Sexual Development 216(4)
Prenatal Development 216(1)
Childhood 217(1)
Sexual Maturation 217(2)
Decline in Fertility 219(1)
Female Reproductive Anatomy 220(4)
External Female Reproductive Organs 220(1)
Internal Female Reproductive Organs 220(3)
Support Structures 223(1)
Female Reproductive Cycle 224(2)
Ovarian Cycle 224(2)
Endometrial Cycle 226(1)
Changes in Cervical Mucus 226(1)
The Female Breast 226(1)
Structure 226(1)
Function 227(1)
Male Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 227(3)
External Male Reproductive Organs 227(1)
Internal Male Reproductive Organs 228(2)
Conception and Prenatal Development 230(21)
Gametogenesis 231(1)
Oogenesis 231(1)
Spermatogenesis 232(1)
Conception 232(2)
Preparation for Conception in the Female 233(1)
Release of the Ovum 233(1)
Ovum Transport 233(1)
Preparation for Conception in the Male 233(1)
Ejaculation 233(1)
Transport of Sperm in the Female Reproductive Tract 233(1)
Preparation of Sperm for Fertilization 233(1)
Fertilization 233(1)
Entry of One Spermatozoon into the Ovum 233(1)
Fusion of the Nuclei of Sperm and Ovum 234(1)
Pre-embryonic Period 234(1)
Initiation of Cell Division 234(1)
Entry of the Zygote into the Uterus 234(1)
Implantation in the Decidua 234(1)
Maintaining the Decidua 234(1)
Location of Implantation 234(1)
Mechanism of Implantation 235(1)
Embryonic Period 235(5)
Differentiation of Cells 235(5)
Fetal Period 240(2)
Weeks 9 Through 12 242(1)
Weeks 13 Through 16 242(1)
Weeks 17 Through 20 242(1)
Weeks 21 Through 24 242(1)
Weeks 25 Through 28 242(1)
Weeks 29 Through 32 242(1)
Weeks 33 Through 38 242(1)
Auxiliary Structures 242(6)
Placenta 242(4)
Fetal Membranes and Amniotic Fluid 246(1)
Fetal Circulation 246(2)
Multifetal Pregnancy 248(3)
Monozygotic Twinning 248(1)
Dizygotic Twinning 249(1)
Other Multifetal Gestations 249(2)
Physiologic Adaptations to Pregnancy 251(30)
Changes in Body Systems 252(7)
Reproductive System 252(1)
Cardiovascular System 253(2)
Respiratory System 255(1)
Gastrointestinal System 256(1)
Urinary System 256(1)
Integumentary System 257(1)
Musculoskeletal System 257(1)
Endocrine System 258(1)
Confirmation of Pregnancy 259(5)
Presumptive Indications of Pregnancy 263(1)
Probable Indications of Pregnancy 264(1)
Positive Indications of Pregnancy 264(1)
Antepartum Assessment and Care 264(17)
Preconception Visit 265(6)
Initial Visit 271(1)
Subsequent Assessments 271(1)
Multifetal Pregnancy 272(1)
Common Discomforts of Pregnancy 272(9)
Psychosocial Adaptations to Pregnancy 281(19)
Maternal Responses 281(4)
First Trimester 281(1)
Second Trimester 282(1)
Third Trimester 283(2)
Maternal Role Transition 285(2)
Transitions Experienced Throughout Pregnancy 285(1)
Steps in Maternal Role Taking 285(1)
Maternal Tasks of Pregnancy 285(2)
Paternal Adaptation 287(1)
Variations in Paternal Adaptation 287(1)
Developmental Processes 287(1)
Adaptation of Grandparents 288(1)
Age 288(1)
Number and Spacing of Other Grandchildren 288(1)
Perceptions of the Role of Grandparents 288(1)
Adaptation of Siblings 288(1)
Toddlers 288(1)
Older Children 289(1)
Adolescents 289(1)
Factors That Influence Psychosocial Adaptations 289(1)
Age 289(1)
Multiparity 289(1)
Social Support 289(1)
Socioeconomic Status 290(1)
Absence of a Partner 290(1)
Other Factors 290(1)
Barriers to Prenatal Care 290(1)
Cultural Influences on Childbearing 290(5)
Differences within Cultures 290(1)
Cultural Differences That Can Cause Conflict 291(1)
Culturally Competent Nursing Care 292(3)
Perinatal Education 295(5)
Providers of Education 295(1)
Class Participants 295(1)
Choices for Childbearing 295(1)
Setting 296(1)
Support Person 296(1)
Education 296(1)
Types of Classes Available 296(4)
Nutrition for Childbearing 300(23)
Weight Gain During Pregnancy 300(1)
Recommendations for Total Weight Gain 301(1)
Pattern of Weight Gain 301(1)
Maternal and Fetal Distribution 301(1)
Factors That Influence Weight Gain 301(1)
Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy 301(9)
Dietary Reference Intakes 302(1)
Energy 302(1)
Protein 303(1)
Vitamins 303(1)
Folic Acid 303(3)
Minerals 306(2)
Nutritional Supplementation 308(1)
Water 308(1)
Food Guide Pyramid 308(2)
Factors That Influence Nutrition 310(1)
Culture 310(1)
Age 311(1)
Nutritional Knowledge 311(1)
Nutritional Risk Factors 311(5)
Socioeconomic Status 311(1)
Adolescence 312(1)
Vegetarianism 312(2)
Lactose Intolerance 314(1)
Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy 315(1)
Anemia 315(1)
Abnormal Prepregnancy Weight 315(1)
Eating Disorders 315(1)
Pica 315(1)
Multiparity 316(1)
Substance Use and Abuse 316(1)
Other Risk Factors 316(1)
Nutrition after Birth 316(7)
Nutrition for the Lactating Mother 316(1)
Nutrition for the Nonlactating Mother 317(6)
Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 323(17)
Indications for Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 324(1)
Ultrasonography 324(3)
Emotional Responses 324(1)
First Trimester 325(1)
Second and Third Trimesters 325(1)
Advantages 325(1)
Disadvantages 326(1)
Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Assessment 327(1)
Purpose 327(1)
Color Doppler 327(1)
Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening 327(1)
Purpose 327(1)
Procedure 328(1)
Advantages 328(1)
Limitations 328(1)
Triple-Marker Screening 328(1)
Chorionic Villus Sampling 328(1)
Purpose 328(1)
Indications 328(1)
Procedure 328(1)
Advantages 329(1)
Limitations 329(1)
Amniocentesis 329(2)
Purposes 329(1)
Procedure 330(1)
Advantages 331(1)
Disadvantages 331(1)
Risks 331(1)
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance 331(4)
Nonstress Test 331(1)
Contraction Stress Test 332(1)
Biophysical Profile 333(2)
Amniotic Fluid Index 335(1)
Modified Biophysical Profile 335(1)
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling 335(1)
Procedure 335(1)
Risks 336(1)
Maternal Assessment of Fetal Movement 336(4)
Procedure 336(1)
Advantages 336(1)
Disadvantages 336(4)
Giving Birth 340(49)
Issues for New Nurses 341(1)
Pain Associated With Birth 341(1)
Inexperience or Negative Experiences 341(1)
Unpredictability 341(1)
Intimacy 341(1)
Physiologic Effects of the Birth Process 341(3)
Maternal Response 341(3)
Fetal Response 344(1)
Components of the Birth Process 344(7)
Powers 344(1)
Passage 344(1)
Passenger 344(7)
Psyche 351(1)
Interrelationships of the Components of Birth 351(1)
Normal Labor 351(6)
Theories of Onset 351(1)
Premonitory Signs 351(1)
True Labor and False Labor 352(1)
Mechanisms of Labor 352(1)
Stages and Phases of Labor 352(5)
Duration of Labor 357(1)
Nursing Care During Labor and Birth 357(19)
Admission to the Birth Center 357(1)
Nursing Responsibilities During Admission 357(19)
Nursing Care During the Late Intrapartum Period 376(13)
Responsibilities after Birth 377(12)
Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance 389(28)
Fetal Oxygenation 390(1)
Uteroplacental Exchange 390(1)
Fetal Circulation 390(1)
Regulation of Fetal Heart Rate 390(1)
Pathologic Influences on Fetal Oxygenation 391(1)
Risk Factors for Fetal Compromise 391(1)
Auscultation and Palpation 391(1)
Advantages 391(1)
Limitations 392(1)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring 392(1)
Advantages 392(1)
Limitations 392(1)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring Equipment 393(5)
Bedside Monitor Unit 393(1)
Paper Strip 393(2)
Remote Surveillance 395(1)
Devices for External Fetal Monitoring 395(2)
Devices for Internal Fetal Monitoring 397(1)
Evaluating Electronic Fetal Monitoring Strips 398(5)
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate 398(1)
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate Variability 399(1)
Periodic Patterns in the Fetal Heart Rate 400(2)
Uterine Activity 402(1)
Significance of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns 403(14)
Reassuring Patterns 403(1)
Nonreassuring Patterns 403(14)
Pain Management for Childbirth 417(25)
Unique Nature of Pain During Birth 417(1)
Adverse Effects of Excessive Pain 418(1)
Physiologic Effects 418(1)
Variables in Childbirth Pain 418(2)
Physical Factors 418(1)
Psychosocial Factors 419(1)
Nonpharmacologic Pain Management 420(4)
Advantages 420(1)
Limitations 420(1)
Preparation for Pain Management 420(1)
Application of Nonpharmacologic Techniques 420(4)
Pharmacologic Pain Management 424(18)
Special Considerations When Medicating a Pregnant Woman 424(1)
Regional Pain Management Techniques 425(5)
Systemic Drugs for Labor 430(1)
Vaginal Birth Anesthesia 431(1)
General Anesthesia 431(11)
Nursing Care During Obstetric Procedures 442(23)
Amniotomy 442(2)
Indications 442(1)
Risks 442(1)
Technique 443(1)
Nursing Considerations 443(1)
Induction and Augmentation of Labor 444(5)
Indications 444(1)
Contraindications 444(1)
Risks 445(1)
Technique 445(3)
Nursing Considerations 448(1)
Version 449(2)
Indications 449(1)
Contraindications 449(1)
Risks 449(1)
Technique 449(1)
Nursing Considerations 450(1)
Operative Vaginal Birth 451(2)
Indications 451(1)
Contraindications 452(1)
Risks 452(1)
Technique 452(1)
Nursing Considerations 453(1)
Episiotomy 453(1)
Indications 453(1)
Risks 453(1)
Technique 454(1)
Nursing Considerations 454(1)
Cesarean Birth 454(11)
Indications 455(1)
Contraindications 455(1)
Risks 456(1)
Technique 456(4)
Nursing Considerations 460(5)
Postpartum Adaptations 465(40)
Reproductive System 466(2)
Involution of the Uterus 466(1)
Cervix 467(1)
Vagina 467(1)
Perineum 468(1)
Cardiovascular System 468(1)
Cardiac Output 468(1)
Plasma Volume 469(1)
Blood Values 469(1)
Coagulation 469(1)
Gastrointestinal System 469(1)
Urinary System 469(1)
Physical Changes 469(1)
Chemical Changes 469(1)
Musculoskeletal System 470(1)
Muscles and Joints 470(1)
Abdominal Wall 470(1)
Integumentary System 470(1)
Neurologic System 470(1)
Endocrine System 471(1)
Resumption of Ovulation and Menstruation 471(1)
Lactation 471(1)
Weight Loss 471(1)
Postpartum Assessments 471(11)
Clinical Pathways 471(1)
Initial Assessments 471(5)
Chart Review 476(1)
Focused Assessments after Vaginal Birth 477(5)
Care in the Immediate Postpartum Period 482(1)
Providing Comfort Measures 482(1)
Promoting Bladder Elimination 483(1)
Providing Fluids and Food 483(1)
Preventing Thrombophlebitis 483(1)
Nursing Care after Cesarean Birth 483(6)
Assessment 483(1)
Interventions 484(5)
The Process of Becoming Acquainted 489(1)
Bonding 489(1)
Attachment 490(1)
Maternal Touch 490(1)
Verbal Behaviors 490(1)
The Process of Maternal Role Adaptation 490(4)
Puerperal Phases 490(2)
Maternal Role Attainment 492(2)
Postpartum Blues 494(1)
The Process of Family Adaptation 494(3)
Fathers 494(1)
Siblings 495(1)
Grandparents 495(1)
Factors Affecting Family Adaptation 495(2)
Cultural Influences on Adaptation 497(4)
Communication 497(1)
Health Beliefs 497(1)
Dietary Practices 498(3)
Postpartum Home Community Care 501(4)
Criteria for Discharge 501(1)
Home Care Services 501(4)
The Normal Newborn: Adaptation and Assessment 505(44)
Initiation of Respirations 506(1)
Development of the Lungs 506(1)
Causes of Respirations 506(1)
Continuation of Respirations 506(1)
Cardiovascular Adaptation: Transition from Fetal to Neonatal Circulation 506(2)
Ductus Arteriosus 506(1)
Pulmonary Blood Vessels 507(1)
Foramen Ovale 507(1)
Ductus Venosus 508(1)
Neurologic Adaptation: Thermoregulation 508(2)
Newborn Characteristics Leading to Heat Loss 508(1)
Methods of Heat Loss 508(1)
Nonshivering Thermogenesis 508(1)
Effects of Cold Stress 509(1)
Neutral Thermal Environment 510(1)
Hyperthermia 510(1)
Hematologic Adaptation 510(1)
Factors Affecting the Blood 510(1)
Blood Values 510(1)
Risk of Clotting Deficiency 511(1)
Gastrointestinal System 511(1)
Stomach 511(1)
Intestines 512(1)
Digestive Enzymes 512(1)
Stools 512(1)
Hepatic System 512(2)
Blood Glucose Maintenance 512(1)
Conjugation of Bilirubin 512(1)
Hyperbilirubinemia 513(1)
Blood Coagulation 514(1)
Iron Storage 514(1)
Metabolism of Drugs 514(1)
Urinary System 514(1)
Kidney Development 514(1)
Kidney Function 514(1)
Fluid Balance 515(1)
Acid-Base and Electrolyte Balance 515(1)
Immune System 515(1)
IgG 515(1)
IgM 515(1)
IgA 515(1)
Psychosocial Adaptation 516(1)
Periods of Reactivity 516(1)
Behavioral States 516(1)
Early Assessments 516(8)
Assessing for Anomalies 516(8)
Measurements 524(1)
Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Status 524(3)
Airway 524(2)
Color 526(1)
Heart Sounds 526(1)
Brachial and Femoral Pulses 527(1)
Blood Pressure 527(1)
Capillary Refill 527(1)
Assessment of Thermoregulation 527(1)
Assessment of Hepatic Function 527(2)
Blood Glucose 527(2)
Bilirubin 529(1)
Assessment of Body Systems 529(9)
Neurologic System 529(5)
Gastrointestinal System 534(1)
Genitourinary System 535(1)
Integumentary System 536(2)
Assessment of Gestational Age 538(7)
Assessment Tools 538(1)
Neuromuscular Characteristics 538(5)
Physical Characteristics 543(1)
Scoring 544(1)
Gestational Age and Infant Size 545(1)
Assessment of Behavior 545(4)
Periods of Reactivity 545(1)
Behavioral Changes 545(4)
The Normal Newborn: Nursing Care 549(25)
Clinical Pathways 549(1)
Early Care 549(9)
Administering Vitamin K 549(1)
Providing Eye Treatment 549(9)
Ongoing Assessments and Care 558(4)
Providing Skin Care 558(2)
Assisting with Feedings 560(1)
Positioning the Infant 561(1)
Protecting the Infant 561(1)
Circumcision 562(4)
Reasons for Choosing Circumcision 562(1)
Reasons for Rejecting Circumcision 563(1)
Pain Relief 563(1)
Methods 563(1)
Nursing Considerations 564(2)
Immunization 566(1)
Newborn Screening Tests 566(1)
Blood Tests 566(1)
Hearing Tests 566(1)
Discharge and Newborn Follow-Up Care 566(8)
Discharge 566(1)
Follow-up Care 566(8)
Newborn Feeding 574(19)
Nutritional Needs of the Newborn 574(1)
Calories 574(1)
Other Nutrients 575(1)
Water 575(1)
Breast Milk And Formula Composition 575(1)
Breast Milk 575(1)
Formulas 576(1)
Considerations in Choosing a Feeding Method 576(2)
Breastfeeding 576(1)
Formula Feeding 576(1)
Combination Feeding 577(1)
Factors Influencing Choice 577(1)
Normal Breastfeeding 578(5)
Breast Changes During Pregnancy 578(1)
Milk Production 578(1)
Hormonal Changes at Birth 578(1)
Continued Milk Production 578(1)
Preparation of Breasts for Breastfeeding 578(5)
Breastfeeding Concerns 583(7)
Infant Problems 583(4)
Maternal Concerns 587(3)
Formula Feeding 590(3)
The Childbearing Family with Special Needs 593(23)
Adolescent Pregnancy 593(7)
Incidence of Teenage Pregnancy 593(1)
Factors Associated With Teenage Pregnancy 594(1)
Sex Education 594(1)
Options When Pregnancy Occurs 594(1)
Socioeconomic Implications of Teenage Pregnancy 595(1)
Implications of Teenage Pregnancy for Maternal Health 595(1)
Implications of Teenage Pregnancy for Fetal-Neonatal Health 595(1)
The Teenage Expectant Father 595(1)
Impact of Teenage Pregnancy on Parenting 595(5)
Delayed Pregnancy 600(1)
Maternal and Fetal Implications of Delayed Pregnancy 600(1)
Advantages of Delayed Childbirth 600(1)
Disadvantages of Delayed Childbirth 601(1)
Nursing Considerations 601(1)
Substance Abuse 601(5)
Incidence of Substance Abuse 601(1)
Maternal and Fetal Effects of Substance Abuse 601(3)
Diagnosis and Management of Substance Abuse 604(2)
Birth of an Infant with Congenital Anomalies 606(2)
Factors Influencing Emotional Responses of Parents 606(1)
Grief and Mourning 607(1)
Nursing Considerations 607(1)
Pregnancy Loss 608(2)
Early Pregnancy Loss 608(1)
Concurrent Death and Survival in Multifetal Pregnancy 608(1)
Previous Pregnancy Loss 608(2)
Relinquishment for Adoption 610(1)
Intimate Partner Violence 610(6)
Factors That Promote Violence 610(1)
Characteristics of the Abuser 611(1)
Cycle of Violence 611(1)
Effects of Intimate Partner Abuse During Pregnancy 611(1)
Nurses' Role in Prevention of Abuse 611(5)
The Pregnant Woman with Complications 616(56)
Pregnancy-Related Complications 617(1)
Hemorrhagic Conditions of Early Pregnancy 617(7)
Spontaneous Abortion 617(3)
Ectopic Pregnancy 620(1)
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Hydatidiform Mole) 621(3)
Hemorrhagic Conditions of Late Pregnancy 624(6)
Placenta Previa 624(1)
Abruptio Placentae 625(5)
Hyperemesis Gravidarum 630(1)
Etiology 630(1)
Therapeutic Management 630(1)
Nursing Considerations 630(1)
Hypertension During Pregnancy 631(10)
Preeclampsia 631(10)
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, and Low Platelets Syndrome 641(1)
Chronic Hypertension 641(1)
Incompatibility Between Maternal and Fetal Blood 641(3)
Rh Incompatibility 641(2)
ABO Incompatibility 643(1)
Other Blood Group Incompatibility 644(1)
Concurrent Disorders During Pregnancy 644(1)
Diabetes Mellitus 644(10)
Pathophysiology 644(1)
Classification 645(1)
Preexisting Diabetes Mellitus 645(5)
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 650(4)
Cardiac Disease 654(3)
Incidence and Classification 654(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation of Cardiac Disease 655(1)
Therapeutic Management 655(2)
Nursing Considerations 657(1)
Anemias 657(2)
Iron Deficiency Anemia 657(1)
Folic Acid Deficiency (Megaloblastic) Anemia 658(1)
Sickle Cell Anemia 658(1)
Thalassemias 659(1)
Immune Complex Diseases 659(1)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 659(1)
Antiphospholipid Syndrome 659(1)
Hashimoto's Thyroid it is 660(1)
Seizure Disorders: Epilepsy 660(1)
Trauma in Pregnancy 660(1)
Blunt Force Injuries 660(1)
Penetrating Injuries 660(1)
Therapeutic Management 660(1)
Infections During Pregnancy 661(11)
Viral Infections 661(5)
Nonviral Infections 666(6)
The Woman with an Intrapartum Complication 672(30)
Dysfunctional Labor 673(8)
Problems of the Powers 673(2)
Problems with the Passenger 675(3)
Problems of the Passage 678(1)
Problems of the Psyche 679(1)
Abnormal Labor Duration 679(2)
Premature Rupture of the Membranes 681(2)
Etiology 681(1)
Complications 682(1)
Therapeutic Management 682(1)
Maternal Antibiotics 682(1)
Nursing Considerations 682(1)
Preterm Labor 683(11)
Associated Factors 683(1)
Manifestations 683(1)
Preventing Preterm Birth 683(2)
Therapeutic Management 685(9)
Prolonged Pregnancy 694(1)
Complications 694(1)
Therapeutic Management 694(1)
Nursing Considerations 695(1)
Intrapartum Emergencies 695(7)
Placental Abnormalities 695(1)
Prolapsed Umbilical Cord 695(2)
Uterine Rupture 697(1)
Uterine Inversion 698(1)
Anaphylactoid Syndrome 699(1)
Trauma 699(3)
The Woman with a Postpartum Complication 702(19)
Postpartum Hemorrhage 702(6)
Early Postpartum Hemorrhage 703(2)
Late Postpartum Hemorrhage 705(3)
Hypovolemic Shock 708(1)
Pathophysiology 708(1)
Manifestations 708(1)
Therapeutic Management 708(1)
Nursing Considerations 708(1)
Subinvolution of the Uterus 708(1)
Therapeutic Management 708(1)
Nursing Considerations 708(1)
Thromboembolic Disorders 709(2)
Incidence 709(1)
Etiology 709(1)
Superficial Venous Thrombosis 709(1)
Deep Venous Thrombosis 709(2)
Pulmonary Embolism 711(1)
Pathophysiology 711(1)
Manifestations 711(1)
Therapeutic Management 711(1)
Nursing Considerations 711(1)
Puerperal Infection 712(4)
Definition 712(1)
Pathophysiology 712(1)
Etiology 712(1)
Specific Infections 712(4)
Mood Disorders 716(5)
Postpartum Depression 716(3)
Postpartum Psychosis 719(2)
The High-Risk Newborn: Problems Related to Gestational Age and Development 721(24)
Care of High-Risk Newborns 722(1)
Preterm Infants 722(17)
Incidence and Etiology 722(1)
Characteristics of Preterm Infants 722(1)
Assessment and Care of Common Problems 722(6)
Clinical Pathways 728(11)
Additional Complications of Preterm Infants 739(1)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 739(1)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Chronic Lung Disease) 739(1)
Periventricular-Intraventricular Hemorrhage 739(1)
Retinopathy of Prematurity 740(1)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 740(1)
Postterm Infants 740(1)
Scope of the Problem 740(1)
Assessment 741(1)
Therapeutic Management 741(1)
Nursing Considerations 741(1)
Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants 741(1)
Etiology 741(1)
Scope of the Problem 741(1)
Characteristics of Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants 741(1)
Therapeutic Management 742(1)
Nursing Considerations 742(1)
Large-for-Gestational-Age Infants 742(3)
Etiology 742(1)
Scope of the Problem 742(1)
Therapeutic Management 742(1)
Nursing Considerations 742(3)
The High-Risk Newborn: Acquired and Congenital Conditions 745(20)
Respiratory Complications 745(4)
Asphyxia 745(1)
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (Retained Lung Fluid) 746(1)
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 746(3)
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn 749(1)
Hyperbilirubinemia (Pathologic Jaundice) 749(4)
Etiology 749(1)
Therapeutic Management 750(3)
Infection 753(3)
Transmission of Infection 753(1)
Sepsis Neonatorum 753(3)
Infant of a Diabetic Mother 756(2)
Scope of the Problem 756(1)
Characteristics of Infants of Diabetic Mothers 757(1)
Therapeutic Management 757(1)
Nursing Considerations 757(1)
Prenatal Drug Exposure 758(3)
Identification of Drug-Exposed Infants 758(1)
Therapeutic Management 758(1)
Nursing Considerations 759(2)
Polycythemia 761(1)
Causes 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(1)
Hypocalcemia 762(1)
Etiology 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(1)
Phenylketonuria 762(3)
Etiology 762(1)
Therapeutic Management 762(1)
Nursing Considerations 762(3)
Women's Health Care 765(30)
Health Maintenance 766(1)
Women's Health Initiative 766(5)
Health History 766(1)
Physical Assessment 766(1)
Preventive Counseling 766(1)
Screening Procedures 767(4)
Breast Disorders 771(4)
Benign Disorders of the Breast 771(1)
Malignant Tumors of the Breast 772(3)
Menstrual Cycle Disorders 775(5)
Amenorrhea 775(1)
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 776(1)
Pain Associated With the Menstrual Cycle 776(2)
Premenstrual Syndrome 778(2)
Medical Termination of Pregnancy 780(1)
Methods of Abortion 780(1)
Nursing Considerations Related to Induced Abortion 781(1)
Menopause 781(3)
Age at Menopause 781(1)
Physiologic Changes 781(1)
Psychological Responses 782(1)
Therapy for Menopause 782(1)
Nursing Considerations Related to Menopause 782(1)
Osteoporosis 782(2)
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 784(2)
Vaginal Wall Prolapse 784(1)
Uterine Prolapse 784(2)
Disorders of the Reproductive Tract 786(2)
Benign Disorders 786(1)
Malignant Disorders 787(1)
Infectious Disorders of the Reproductive Tract 788(7)
Candidiasis 788(1)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 788(1)
Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 788(2)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 790(1)
Toxic Shock Syndrome 791(4)
Communicating with Children and Families 795(15)
Components of Effective Communication 795(3)
Touch 795(1)
Physical Proximity and Environment 796(1)
Listening 796(1)
Visual Communication 797(1)
Tone of Voice 797(1)
Body Language 798(1)
Timing 798(1)
Family-Centered Communication 798(3)
Establishing Rapport 798(1)
Availability and Openness to Questions 798(1)
Family Education and Empowerment 799(1)
Effective Management of Conflict 799(1)
Feedback From Children and Families 800(1)
Spirituality 800(1)
Therapeutic Relationships: Developing and Maintaining Trust 801(5)
Communicating with Children with Special Needs 806(4)
The Child With a Visual Impairment 806(1)
The Child With a Hearing Impairment 807(1)
The Child Who Speaks Another Language 807(1)
The Child Who Is Aphonic 808(1)
The Child With a Profound Neurologic Impairment 808(2)
Physical Assessment of Children 810(42)
General Approaches to Physical Assessment 810(1)
Infants 1 to 6 Months 811(1)
Infants 6 to 12 Months 811(1)
Toddlers 811(1)
Preschoolers 811(1)
School-Age Children 811(1)
Adolescents 811(1)
Techniques for Physical Examination 811(4)
Inspection 815(1)
Palpation 815(1)
Percussion 815(1)
Auscultation 815(1)
Smell 815(1)
Sequence of Physical Examination 815(34)
General Appearance 815(1)
History Taking 816(1)
Recording Data 817(1)
Vital Signs 817(1)
Anthropometric Measurement 818(1)
Use of Growth Charts 819(1)
Skin, Hair, and Nails 820(1)
Lymph Nodes 821(1)
Head, Neck, and Face 822(1)
Nose, Mouth, and Throat 823(2)
Eyes 825(3)
Ears 828(1)
Thorax and Lungs 829(4)
Heart 833(4)
Peripheral Vascular System 837(1)
Breast 837(1)
Abdomen 837(2)
Male Genitalia 839(2)
Female Genitalia 841(1)
Musculoskeletal System 841(3)
Neurologic System 844(5)
Conclusion and Documentation 849(3)
Emergency Care of the Child 852(33)
General Guidelines for Emergency Nursing Care 853(2)
Growth and Development Issues in Emergency Care 855(1)
The Infant 855(1)
The Toddler 855(1)
The Preschooler 855(1)
The School-Age Child 855(1)
The Adolescent 855(1)
The Family of a Child in Emergency Care 855(2)
Emergency Assessment of Infants and Children 857(4)
Primary Assessment 857(3)
Secondary Assessment 860(1)
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of the Child 861(1)
Airway and Breathing 861(1)
Circulation 862(1)
The Child in Shock 862(5)
Etiology 862(2)
Manifestations 864(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 864(1)
Therapeutic Management 864(3)
Pediatric Trauma 867(4)
Mechanism of Injury 867(1)
Multiple Trauma 868(2)
Nursing Considerations 870(1)
Ingestions and Poisonings 871(4)
Incidence 871(1)
Manifestations 871(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 871(1)
Therapeutic Management 871(4)
Environmental Emergencies 875(6)
Animal, Human, and Snake Bites 875(2)
Submersion Injuries (Near Drowning) 877(3)
Heat-Related Illnesses 880(1)
Dental Emergencies 881(4)
Incidence and Etiology 881(1)
Therapeutic Management 881(1)
Nursing Considerations 881(4)
The Ill Child in the Hospital and Other Care Settings 885(21)
Settings of Care 885(4)
The Hospital 885(2)
School-Based Clinics 887(1)
Community Clinics 888(1)
Home Care 888(1)
Stressors Associated with Illness and Hospitalization 889(4)
The Infant and Toddler 889(1)
The Preschooler 890(1)
The School-Age Child 891(1)
The Adolescent 891(1)
Fear of the Unknown 892(1)
Regression 892(1)
Factors Affecting a Child's Response to Illness and Hospitalization 893(2)
Age and Cognitive Development 893(1)
Parental Response to Illness or Hospitalization 893(2)
Psychologic Benefits of Hospitalization 895(1)
Playrooms in Health Care Settings 895(2)
Therapeutic Play 895(1)
Emotional Outlet Play 895(1)
Teaching Through Play 896(1)
Enhancing Cooperation through Play 896(1)
Unstructured Play 897(1)
Evaluation of Play 897(1)
Admitting the Child to a Hospital Setting 897(3)
Taking the History 897(1)
Physical Examination 897(3)
The III Child's Family 900(6)
Parents 900(2)
Siblings 902(4)
The Child with a Chronic Condition or Terminal Illness 906(26)
Chronic Illness Defined 906(1)
The Family of the Child with Special Health Care Needs 907(2)
Impact on the Family 907(1)
The Grieving Process 908(1)
The Child with Special Health Care Needs 909(2)
Growth and Development Concerns 909(1)
Parental Responses to Developmental Issues 909(2)
The Child with a Chronic Illness 911(9)
Ongoing Care 911(1)
Care of the Parents 912(2)
Care of the Siblings 914(6)
The Terminally III or Dying Child 920(12)
The Child's Concept of Death 920(1)
Responses to Death and Dying 921(1)
Caring for the Dying Child 922(10)
Principles and Procedures for Nursing Care of Children 932(38)
Preparing Children for Procedures 932(2)
Explaining Procedures 932(2)
Consent for Procedures 934(1)
Holding and Transporting Infants and Children 934(1)
Using Restraints 935(2)
Preparing the Child and Family 936(1)
Documentation 937(1)
Infection Control 937(1)
Implementing Precautions 937(1)
Family Teaching 937(1)
Bathing Infants and Children 937(2)
Special Considerations 937(1)
Documentation 938(1)
Parent Teaching 938(1)
Oral Hygiene 939(1)
Feeding 939(1)
Special Considerations 939(1)
Documentation 940(1)
Parent Teaching 940(1)
Vital Signs 940(4)
Measuring Temperature 940(2)
Measuring Pulse 942(1)
Evaluating Respirations 942(1)
Measuring Blood Pressure 942(1)
Documentation of Vital Sign Measurement 943(1)
Preparing the Child and Family 943(1)
Parent Teaching 943(1)
Special Considerations: Cardiorespiratory Monitors 944(1)
Fever-Reducing Measures 944(2)
Description of Fever 944(1)
Medications and Environmental Management 944(2)
Commercial Cooling Blankets 946(1)
Specimen Collection 946(7)
Urine Specimens 946(2)
Stool Specimens 948(1)
Blood Specimens 949(2)
Sputum Specimens 951(1)
Throat and Nasopharyngeal Specimens 952(1)
Cerebrospinal Fluid Specimens 952(1)
Bone Marrow Aspirates 953(1)
Gavage and Gastrostomy 953(4)
Tube Route and Placement 953(1)
Tube Selection 953(1)
Safety Issues Related to Tube Placement 953(1)
Contraindications to Tube Placement 953(1)
Gastrostomy Feedings 953(4)
Enemas 957(1)
Enema Administration 957(1)
Solutions and Volumes 957(1)
Ostomies 957(1)
Oxygen Therapy 957(2)
Oxygen Delivery 957(2)
Documentation 959(1)
Parent Teaching 959(1)
Assessing Oxygenation 959(1)
Chest Physiotherapy 960(2)
Tracheostomy Care 962(4)
Suctioning 963(1)
Stoma Care 963(3)
Surgical Procedures 966(1)
Preparation for Surgery 966(1)
Preoperative Medication 966(1)
Postanesthesia Care 967(1)
Postoperative Care 967(1)
Additional Information 967(3)
Medicating Infants and Children 970(22)
Pharmacokinetics in Children 971(2)
Absorption 972(1)
Distribution 972(1)
Metabolism 973(1)
Excretion 973(1)
Concentration 973(1)
Psychologic and Developmental Factors 973(1)
Infants 974(1)
Toddlers and Preschoolers 974(1)
School-Age Children 974(1)
Adolescents 974(1)
Calculating Dosages 974(7)
Administration Procedures 974(1)
Administering Oral Medications 975(1)
Administering Injections 976(4)
Rectal Administration 980(1)
Vaginal Administration 980(1)
Ophthalmic Administration 980(1)
Otic Administration 980(1)
Nasal Administration 981(1)
Topical Administration 981(1)
Inhalation Therapy 981(7)
Intravenous Therapy 983(1)
Intravenous Catheter Insertion 983(1)
Intravenous Monitoring and Maintenance 984(2)
Infusion Rates and Methods 986(1)
Administering Intravenous Medications 986(1)
Venous Access Devices 987(1)
Administration of Blood or Blood Products 988(1)
Child and Family Education 989(3)
Pain Management for Children 992(19)
Definitions and Theories of Pain 993(1)
Gate-Control Theory 993(1)
Acute and Chronic Pain 993(1)
Research on Pain in Children 993(1)
Myths about Pain and Pain Management in Children 993(1)
Assessment of Pain in Children 994(6)
Assessment According to Developmental Level 994(3)
Assessment Tools 997(3)
Non-Pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Pain Interventions 1000(11)
Non-pharmacologic Interventions 1000(2)
Pharmacologic Interventions 1002(9)
The Child with an Infectious Disease 1011(34)
Review of Disease Transmission 1012(1)
Chain of Infection 1012(1)
Transmission of Pathogens 1012(1)
Epidemiologic Investigations 1012(1)
Infection and Host Defenses 1012(2)
Immunity 1014(1)
Viral Infections 1015(18)
Nursing Considerations for the Child with a Viral Exanthem Infection 1015(1)
Rubeola (Measles) 1015(8)
Rubella (3-Day Measles, German Measles) 1023(1)
Erythema Infectiosum (Parvovirus B19, Fifth Disease) 1024(1)
Roseola Infantum (Exanthem Subitum, Sixth Disease, 3-Day Fever) 1024(2)
Mumps 1026(1)
Varicella-Zoster Infections (Chickenpox, Shingles) 1027(2)
Smallpox (Variola) 1029(1)
Cytomegalovirus 1030(1)
Epstein-Barr Virus (Infectious Mononucleosis) 1031(1)
Poliomyelitis 1031(1)
Rabies 1032(1)
Bacterial Infections 1033(2)
Diphtheria 1033(1)
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 1034(1)
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) 1035(1)
Rickettsial Infections 1035(2)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 1037(1)
Borrelia Infections 1037(2)
Relapsing Fever 1037(1)
Lyme Disease 1038(1)
Helminths 1039(1)
Therapeutic Management 1039(1)
Nursing Considerations 1039(1)
Fungal Infections 1040(1)
Sexually Transmissible Diseases 1040(5)
Gonorrhea 1041(1)
Syphilis 1041(1)
Chlamydial Infection 1041(1)
Trichomoniasis 1042(1)
Human Papillomavirus 1042(1)
Herpes Simplex Virus 1042(3)
The Child with an Immunologic Alteration 1045(33)
Review of the Immune System 1046(4)
Nonspecific Immune Functions 1047(1)
Specific Immune Functions 1047(2)
Development of Immunity 1049(1)
Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests of Immune Function 1050(2)
Immunodeficiencies 1050(1)
Allergy 1050(2)
The Child with an Immunodeficiency 1052(1)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 1052(14)
Etiology 1052(1)
Incidence 1053(1)
Manifestations 1053(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1053(1)
Therapeutic Management 1054(12)
Corticosteroid Therapy 1066(4)
Incidence 1066(1)
Pathophysiology 1067(1)
Manifestations 1068(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1069(1)
Therapeutic Management 1069(1)
Immune Complex and Autoimmune Disorders 1070(1)
Immune Complex Disorders 1070(1)
Autoimmune Disorders 1070(1)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 1070(2)
Etiology 1070(1)
Incidence 1070(1)
Manifestations 1070(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1071(1)
Therapeutic Management 1071(1)
Allergic Reactions 1072(1)
Anaphylaxis 1073(5)
Etiology 1073(1)
Incidence 1073(1)
Manifestations 1073(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1074(1)
Therapeutic Management 1074(4)
The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration 1078(21)
Review of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances in Children 1079(1)
Alterations in Acid-Base Balance in Children 1080(5)
Dehydration 1085(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1086(1)
Manifestations 1086(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1086(1)
Therapeutic Management 1086(3)
Diarrhea 1089(7)
Etiology and Incidence 1089(1)
Manifestations 1090(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1090(1)
Therapeutic Management 1090(2)
Prognosis 1092(4)
Vomiting 1096(3)
Etiology 1096(1)
Manifestations 1096(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1096(1)
Therapeutic Management 1096(3)
The Child with a Gastrointestinal Alteration 1099(58)
Review of the Gastrointestinal System 1100(6)
Upper Gastrointestinal System 1100(1)
Lower Gastrointestinal System 1101(1)
Prenatal Development 1102(4)
Disorders of Prenatal Development 1106(13)
Cleft Lip and Palate 1106(7)
Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula 1113(2)
Upper Gastrointestinal Hernias 1115(1)
Other Developmental Disorders 1115(4)
Motility Disorders 1119(7)
Gastroesophageal Reflux 1119(1)
Constipation and Encopresis 1120(5)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1125(1)
Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders 1126(11)
Ulcers 1126(2)
Infectious Gastroenteritis 1128(3)
Appendicitis 1131(3)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1134(3)
Obstructive Disorders 1137(7)
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 1137(3)
Intussusception 1140(2)
Volvulus 1142(1)
Hirschsprung's Disease 1142(2)
Malabsorption Disorders 1144(4)
Lactose Intolerance 1144(1)
Celiac Disease 1145(3)
Hepatic Disorders 1148(9)
Viral Hepatitis 1148(3)
Biliary Atresia 1151(2)
Cirrhosis 1153(4)
The Child with a Genitourinary Alteration 1157(30)
Review of the Genitourinary System 1158(5)
Structure 1158(1)
Function 1159(4)
Enuresis 1163(1)
Etiology 1163(1)
Incidence 1163(1)
Manifestations 1163(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1163(1)
Therapeutic Management 1163(1)
Urinary Tract Infections 1164(4)
Etiology 1165(1)
Incidence 1165(1)
Manifestations 1165(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1166(1)
Therapeutic Management 1167(1)
Cryptorchidism 1168(2)
Incidence 1169(1)
Manifestations 1169(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1169(1)
Therapeutic Management 1169(1)
Hypospadias and Epispadias 1170(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1170(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1170(1)
Therapeutic Management 1170(1)
Miscellaneous Disorders and Anomalies of the Genitourinary Tract 1171(1)
Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis 1171(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1172(1)
Manifestations 1172(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1173(1)
Therapeutic Management 1173(2)
Nephrotic Syndrome 1175(5)
Etiology 1175(1)
Incidence 1175(1)
Manifestations 1175(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1177(1)
Therapeutic Management 1177(3)
Acute Renal Failure 1180(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1180(1)
Manifestations 1180(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1181(1)
Therapeutic Management 1181(1)
Nursing Considerations 1182(1)
Chronic Renal Failure and End-Stage Renal Disease 1182(5)
Etiology 1182(1)
Incidence 1182(1)
Pathophysiology 1182(1)
Manifestations 1182(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1182(1)
Therapeutic Management 1182(5)
The Child with a Respiratory Alteration 1187(64)
Review of the Respiratory System 1188(2)
The Upper Airway 1188(1)
The Lower Airway 1189(1)
Prenatal Respiratory Development 1189(1)
Postnatal Respiratory Changes 1189(1)
Gas Exchange and Transport 1189(1)
Diagnostic Tests 1190(3)
Blood Gas Analysis 1190(1)
Pulmonary Function Tests 1190(1)
Pulse Oximetry 1190(1)
Transcutaneous Monitoring 1190(3)
Allergic Rhinitis 1193(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1193(1)
Manifestations 1193(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1194(1)
Therapeutic Management 1194(1)
Nursing Considerations 1194(1)
Sinusitis 1195(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1195(1)
Manifestations 1195(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1195(1)
Therapeutic Management 1195(1)
Nursing Considerations 1195(1)
Otitis Media 1196(4)
Etiology 1196(1)
Incidence 1196(1)
Manifestations 1196(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1196(1)
Therapeutic Management 1196(4)
Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis 1200(3)
Etiology 1200(1)
Incidence 1200(1)
Manifestations 1200(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1200(1)
Therapeutic Management 1201(1)
Nursing Considerations 1201(2)
Laryngomalacia (Congenital Laryngeal Stridor) 1203(1)
Manifestations 1203(1)
Therapeutic Management 1203(1)
Nursing Considerations 1203(1)
Croup 1204(6)
Etiology and Incidence 1204(1)
Manifestations 1204(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1205(1)
Therapeutic Management 1205(5)
Epiglottitis (Supraglottitis) 1210(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1210(1)
Manifestations 1210(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1210(1)
Therapeutic Management 1210(1)
Nursing Considerations 1210(2)
Bronchitis 1212(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1212(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1212(1)
Therapeutic Management 1212(1)
Nursing Considerations 1212(1)
Bronchiolitis 1213(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1213(1)
Manifestations 1214(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1214(1)
Therapeutic Management 1214(1)
Pneumonia 1215(3)
Foreign Body Aspiration 1218(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1219(1)
Manifestations 1219(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1219(1)
Therapeutic Management 1219(1)
Nursing Considerations 1219(1)
Pulmonary Noninfectious Irritation 1219(3)
Acute (Adult) Respiratory Distress Syndrome 1219(1)
Passive Smoking 1220(1)
Smoke Inhalation 1220(2)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 1222(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1222(1)
Manifestations 1223(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1223(1)
Asthma 1224(13)
Etiology 1224(1)
Incidence 1224(1)
Manifestations 1224(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1225(1)
Therapeutic Management 1225(12)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 1237(3)
Etiology 1237(1)
Incidence 1237(1)
Manifestations 1237(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1238(1)
Therapeutic Management 1238(1)
Nursing Considerations 1238(2)
Cystic Fibrosis 1240(5)
Etiology 1240(1)
Incidence 1240(1)
Manifestations 1240(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1242(1)
Therapeutic Management 1242(3)
Tuberculosis 1245(6)
Etiology 1245(1)
Incidence 1246(1)
Manifestations 1246(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1246(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1246(5)
The Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration 1251(50)
Review of the Heart and Circulation 1252(4)
Normal Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology 1252(1)
Fetal Circulation 1252(2)
Transitional and Neonatal Circulation 1254(2)
Assessment of the Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration 1256(2)
Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1258(1)
Cardiac Catheterization 1258(1)
Congenital Heart Disease 1259(1)
Classification of Congenital Heart Disease 1259(1)
Physiologic Consequences of Congenital Heart Disease in Children 1260(9)
Congestive Heart Failure 1260(2)
Pulmonary Hypertension 1262(5)
Cyanosis 1267(2)
Left-To-Right Shunting Lesions 1269(4)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 1269(1)
Atrial Septal Defect 1270(1)
Ventricular Septal Defect 1271(1)
Atrioventricular Septal Defect (Endocardial Cushion Defect) 1272(1)
Obstructive or Stenotic Lesions 1273(2)
Pulmonary Stenosis 1273(1)
Aortic Stenosis 1273(1)
Coarctation of the Aorta 1274(1)
Cyanotic Lesions with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1275(3)
Tetralogy of Fallot 1276(1)
Tricuspid Atresia 1277(1)
Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum 1278(1)
Cyanotic Lesions with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1278(3)
Truncus Arteriosus 1278(1)
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 1279(1)
Transposition of the Great Arteries 1280(1)
The Child Undergoing Cardiac Surgery 1281(3)
Preoperative Preparation 1281(1)
Postoperative Management 1282(2)
Acquired Heart Disease 1284(10)
Infective Endocarditis 1284(2)
Rheumatic Fever 1286(3)
Kawasaki Disease 1289(2)
Hypertension 1291(3)
Cardiomyopathies 1294(1)
Dysrhythmias 1294(3)
Etiology 1294(1)
Incidence 1295(1)
Manifestations 1295(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1296(1)
Therapeutic Management 1296(1)
High Cholesterol in Children and Adolescents 1297(4)
Assessment of Children at Risk 1297(1)
Therapeutic Management 1298(1)
Nursing Considerations 1298(3)
The Child with a Hematologic Alteration 1301(27)
Review of the Hematologic System 1302(2)
Iron-Deficiency Anemia 1304(3)
Etiology and Incidence 1304(1)
Manifestations 1304(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1304(2)
Therapeutic Management 1306(1)
Sickle-Cell Disease 1307(6)
Etiology 1307(1)
Incidence 1307(1)
Manifestations 1307(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1307(1)
Therapeutic Management 1307(6)
Beta-Thalassemia 1313(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1313(1)
Manifestations 1314(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1314(1)
Therapeutic Management 1314(1)
Hemophilia 1315(5)
Etiology and Incidence 1315(1)
Manifestations 1316(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1316(1)
Therapeutic Management 1316(4)
Von Willebrand's Disease 1320(1)
Etiology 1320(1)
Pathophysiology 1320(1)
Manifestations 1320(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1320(1)
Therapeutic Management 1320(1)
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1321(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1321(1)
Pathophysiology 1321(1)
Manifestations 1321(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1321(1)
Therapeutic Management 1321(2)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 1323(1)
Etiology 1323(1)
Manifestations 1323(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1323(1)
Therapeutic Management 1323(1)
Nursing Considerations 1324(1)
Aplastic Anemia 1324(4)
Etiology and Incidence 1324(1)
Manifestations 1324(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1324(1)
Therapeutic Management 1325(3)
The Child with Cancer 1328(33)
The Child with Cancer 1332(4)
Incidence 1332(1)
Childhood Cancer and Its Treatment 1332(1)
Therapeutic Management 1332(4)
Leukemia 1336(2)
Etiology 1336(1)
Incidence 1336(1)
Manifestations 1336(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1337(1)
Therapeutic Management 1338(1)
Brain Tumors 1338(10)
Etiology 1338(6)
Incidence 1344(1)
Manifestations 1344(2)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1346(1)
Therapeutic Management 1347(1)
Malignant Lymphomas 1348(3)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 1349(1)
Hodgkin's Disease 1350(1)
Neuroblastoma 1351(2)
Etiology 1351(1)
Incidence 1351(1)
Pathophysiology 1352(1)
Manifestations 1352(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1352(1)
Therapeutic Management 1352(1)
Osteosarcoma 1353(1)
Etiology 1353(1)
Incidence 1353(1)
Pathophysiology 1353(1)
Manifestations 1353(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1353(1)
Therapeutic Management 1353(1)
Ewing's Sarcoma 1354(1)
Etiology 1354(1)
Incidence 1354(1)
Pathophysiology 1355(1)
Manifestations 1355(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1355(1)
Therapeutic Management 1355(1)
Nursing Considerations 1355(1)
Rhabdomyosarcoma 1355(1)
Etiology 1355(1)
Incidence 1355(1)
Pathophysiology 1355(1)
Manifestations 1355(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1355(1)
Therapeutic Management 1355(1)
Nursing Considerations 1356(1)
Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) 1356(1)
Etiology 1356(1)
Incidence 1356(1)
Pathophysiology 1356(1)
Manifestations 1356(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1356(1)
Therapeutic Management 1356(1)
Retinoblastoma 1356(3)
Etiology 1357(1)
Incidence 1357(1)
Pathophysiology 1357(1)
Manifestations 1358(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1358(1)
Therapeutic Management 1358(1)
Rare Tumors of Childhood 1359(2)
The Child with an Integumentary Alteration 1361(41)
Review of the Integumentary System 1362(2)
Common Variations in the Skin of Newborns 1364(1)
Common Birthmarks 1364(1)
Etiology 1364(1)
Incidence 1364(1)
Manifestations 1364(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1364(1)
Therapeutic Management 1364(1)
Nursing Considerations 1365(1)
Infections of the Skin 1365(1)
Impetigo 1365(1)
Etiology 1365(1)
Incidence 1365(1)
Manifestations 1365(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1366(1)
Therapeutic Management 1366(1)
Cellulitis 1366(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1367(1)
Pathophysiology 1367(1)
Manifestations 1367(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1367(1)
Therapeutic Management 1367(1)
Candidiasis 1367(2)
Etiology 1368(1)
Incidence 1368(1)
Manifestations 1368(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1368(1)
Therapeutic Management 1368(1)
Tinea Infection 1369(3)
Etiology 1369(1)
Incidence 1369(1)
Manifestations 1369(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1369(1)
Therapeutic Management 1369(3)
Herpes Simplex Virus Infection 1372(2)
Etiology 1372(1)
Incidence 1372(1)
Manifestations 1372(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1373(1)
Therapeutic Management 1373(1)
Lice Infestation 1374(2)
Incidence 1374(1)
Manifestations 1374(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1374(1)
Therapeutic Management 1374(2)
Mite Infestation (Scabies) 1376(1)
Etiology 1376(1)
Incidence 1376(1)
Pathophysiology 1376(1)
Manifestations 1376(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1376(1)
Therapeutic Management 1376(1)
Nursing Considerations 1377(1)
Atopic Dermatitis 1377(3)
Etiology 1377(1)
Incidence 1377(1)
Manifestations 1377(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1377(1)
Therapeutic Management 1378(2)
Seborrheic Dermatitis 1380(1)
Contact Dermatitis 1381(1)
Etiology 1381(1)
Incidence 1381(1)
Manifestations 1381(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1381(1)
Therapeutic Management 1381(1)
Acne Vulgaris 1382(2)
Etiology 1382(1)
Incidence 1383(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1383(1)
Therapeutic Management 1383(1)
Miscellaneous Skin Disorders 1384(1)
Insect Bites or Stings 1384(4)
Burn Injuries 1388(10)
Etiology 1388(1)
Incidence 1389(1)
Pathophysiology 1389(1)
Manifestations 1390(1)
Therapeutic Management 1390(8)
Conditions Associated with Major Burn Injuries 1398(1)
Conditions Associated with Electrical Injury 1398(4)
Cardiac Arrest or Dysrhythmia 1398(1)
Tissue Damage 1398(1)
Myoglobinuria 1398(2)
Metabolic Acidosis 1400(1)
Other Complications 1400(2)
The Child with a Musculoskeletal Alteration 1402(46)
Review of the Musculoskeletal System 1403(4)
Skeletal System 1403(1)
Articular System 1403(1)
Muscular System 1404(1)
Cartilage 1404(3)
Casts, Traction, and Other Immobilizing Devices 1407(5)
Casts 1407(1)
Traction 1407(2)
External Fixation Devices 1409(1)
Nursing Considerations 1409(3)
Limb Defects 1412(2)
Etiology and Incidence 1412(1)
Pathophysiology 1413(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1413(1)
Therapeutic Management 1413(1)
Nursing Considerations 1413(1)
Clubfoot 1414(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1414(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1414(1)
Therapeutic Management 1414(1)
Nursing Considerations 1414(1)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 1415(6)
Etiology 1415(1)
Incidence 1415(1)
Manifestations 1415(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1415(1)
Therapeutic Management 1416(5)
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease 1421(2)
Etiology 1421(1)
Incidence 1421(1)
Manifestations 1422(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1422(1)
Therapeutic Management 1422(1)
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis 1423(1)
Etiology and Incidence 1423(1)
Pathophysiology 1423(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1423(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1424(1)
Fractures 1424(3)
Etiology 1424(1)
Incidence 1425(1)
Manifestations 1425(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1425(1)
Therapeutic Management 1425(2)
Nursing Considerations 1427(1)
Soft Tissue Injuries: Sprains, Strains, and Contusions 1427(1)
Etiology 1427(1)
Incidence 1427(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1427(1)
Therapeutic Management 1428(1)
Nursing Considerations 1428(1)
Osgood-Schlatter Disease 1428(1)
Etiology, Incidence, and Pathophysiology 1428(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1429(1)
Therapeutic Management 1429(1)
Nursing Considerations 1429(1)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 1429(1)
Etiology 1429(1)
Manifestations 1429(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1429(1)
Therapeutic Management 1429(1)
Nursing Considerations 1430(1)
Osteomyelitis 1430(2)
Etiology 1430(1)
Incidence 1431(1)
Manifestations 1431(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1431(1)
Therapeutic Management 1431(1)
Juvenile Arthritis 1432(5)
Etiology 1433(1)
Incidence 1433(1)
Manifestations 1433(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1433(1)
Therapeutic Management 1433(4)
Muscular Dystrophies 1437(1)
Etiology 1438(1)
Incidence 1438(1)
Pathophysiology 1438(1)
Manifestations 1438(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1438(1)
Therapeutic Management 1438(1)
Nursing Considerations 1438(1)
Scoliosis 1438(2)
Etiology 1439(1)
Incidence 1439(1)
Manifestations 1439(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1439(1)
Therapeutic Management 1439(1)
Kyphosis 1440(5)
Etiology and Incidence 1440(4)
Manifestations 1444(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1444(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1444(1)
Lordosis 1445(3)
Etiology and Incidence 1445(1)
Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation 1446(1)
Therapeutic Management and Nursing Considerations 1446(2)
The Child with an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration 1448(38)
Review of the Endocrine System 1449(1)
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures 1450(2)
Phenylketonuria 1452(1)
Etiology 1452(1)
Incidence 1452(1)
Manifestations 1452(1)
Diagnostic Evaluation 1452(1)
Therapeutic Management 1452(1)
Nursing Considerations 1452(1)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1453(1)
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