

作   者:高延青主编;于宝东编著







玉鸮 Jade Owl
玉鸮 Jade Owl
玉鸮 Jade Owl
玉鸮 Jade Owl
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉鸟 Jade Bird
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉蝉 Jade Cicada
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玉玦 Jade Ornament
玛瑙玦 Agate Ornament
方形玉璧 Square Jade Ornament
玉璧 Jade Ornament
玉管 Jade Tube
玉管 Jade Tube
玉璧 Jade Ornament
玉管 Jade Tube
玉匕 Jade Dirk
玉锥 Jade Awl
玉锛 Jade Adz
玉锛 Jade Adz
玉钺 Jade Tomahawk
玉斧 Jade Axe
玉斧 Jade Axe
钩形玉器 Jade Ware in Hook Shape
钩形玉器 Jade Ware in Hook Shape
玉璧 Jade Ornament
钩形玉器 Jade Ware in Hook Shape
钩形玉器 Jade Ware in Hook Shape
笔形玉器 Jade Ware in Pen Shape
勾云形玉器 Jade ware in Cloud Shape
勾云形玉器 Jade Ware in Cloud Shape
勾云形玉器 Jade Ware in Cloud Shape
勾云形玉器 Jade ware in Cloud Shape
勾云形玉器 Jade Ware in Cloud Shape
玉人面 Jade Ornament with Design of Human's Face
玉人面 Jade Ornament with Design of Human's Face
玉兽面 Jade Ornament with Design of Beast's Face
箍形玉器坯料 Material for Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器芯料 Material for Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器 Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器 Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器 Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器 Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
箍形玉器 Jade Ware in Hoop Shape
玉璧 Jade Ornament
三联璧形玉器 Three Connected Jade Ornaments
玉珠 Jade Bead
玉串珠 Jade Bead Chain
玉虎 Jade Tiger
镶嵌绿松石煤精带饰 Turquoise Inlaid Meijing Belt Ornament
龙纹煤精带饰 Meijing Belt Ornament with Design of Dragon
水晶、玛瑙项饰 Crystal and Agate Necklace
水晶鼠 Crystal Mouse
水晶狮 Crystal Lion
水晶鱼 Crystal Fish
龟形水晶杯 Crystal Cup in Tortoise Shape
曲口玛瑙杯 Agate Cup
水晶、玛瑙璎珞 Crystal and Agate Ornament
玛瑙、水晶项饰 Agate and Crystal Necklace
包金玛瑙勾舌 Gilded Agate Belt Clasp
玛瑙臂鞲 Agate Oversleeve
玉臂鞲 Jade Oversleeve
包金水晶饰 Gilded Crystal Ornament
荷叶形玉碗 Jade Bowl in Lotus Leaf Shape
玉砚 Jade Inkstone
水晶骨朵 Crystal Weapon
玛瑙骨朵 Agate Weapon
玉飞天 Jade Immortal Flying to Sky
鱼形玉盒 Jade Box in Fish Shape
双鱼玉佩 Jade Pendant with Design of Two Fishes
双鱼玉佩 Jade Pendant with Design of Two Fishes
交颈鸳鸯玉佩 Jade Pendant with Design of Mandarin Duck
熊形玉提携 Jade Ornament in Bear Shape
交颈鸿雁玉佩 Jade Pendant with Design of Swan Goose
玉熊 Jade Bear
龙风纹玉盒 Jade Box with Design of Dragon and Phoenix
螺形玉盒 Jade Box in Whorl Shape
鱼形玉盒 Jade Box in Fish Shape
动物形王组佩 Collection of Jade Pendants with Design of Animal
动物形玉组佩 Collection of Jade Pendants with Design of Animal
妆具形玉组佩 Jade Pendants in Make-up Tools Shape
玉带 Jade Belt
双铊尾玉带 Jade Belt
胡人乐舞纹玉带 Jade Belt with Design of Dancing Person
双铊尾玉带 Jade Belt
玉?丝鞓蹀躞带 Jade Belt with Hole
玉?银带 Silver Belt with Jade Board
玛瑙马具饰 Agate Harness
螭龙纹银镶白玉带饰 Silver Inlaid White Jade Belt Ornament with Design
玉人 Jade Ornament with Design of Human
蟠螭纹玉? Jade with Design of Hornless Dragon
“春水”玉饰 Chunshui Styled Jade Ornament
鱼龙纹玉? Jade with Design of Lchtyosaurus
“春水”玉饰 Chunshui Styled Jade Ornament
凤形玉帽顶 Phoenix Shaped Jade Ornament for Hat
玉龙 Jade Dragon
玉飞天 Jade Immortal Flying to Sky
玉耳杯 Jade Cup with Holder
玉簋 Jade Food Vessel
石锤 Stone Hammer
龟背形刮削器 Tortoise's Back Shaped Tool for Scraping
复刃砍砸器 Tool for Chopping
石人 Stone Human
石人 Stone Human
石人 Stone Human
石人 Stone Human
石人 Stone Human
石人头像 Stone Statuary of Human'Head
石兽 Stone Beast
连体石人 Stone Human
石人面 Stone Statuary with Design of Human's Face
异形石器 Stoneware in Strange Shape
玉髓镞 Chalcedony Arrowhead
玉髓镞 Chalcedony Arrowhead
石镞 Stone Arrowhead
条形玉髓 Chalcedony in Bar Shape
刮削器 Tool for Scraping
钩形玉髓 Chalcedony in Hook Shape
刀形玉髓 Chalcedony in Sword Shape
石耜 Stone Plough
石耜 Stone Plough
石钺 Jade Tomahawk
石钺 Jade Tomahawk
石杯 Stoneware in Cup Shape
尖底石杯 Stone Cup with Pointed Bottom
石磬 Stone Chime Stone
石雕龙首 Stone Carved Dragon's Head Inlaid
羊首柄石杯 Stone Cup with Handle in Sheep's Head Shape
“安阳”布石范 Stone Mold with Characters of "An Yang"
石刀范 Stone Mold with Design of Sword
镂空石组佩 Collection of Hollowed Stone Pendants
“建宁三年”墓碑 Tombstone for with Characters of"Jian Ning San Nian"
石刻 Inscription on Stone
石兽 Stone Beast
石人 Stone Human
凉州刺史墓志 Tombstone for Governor of Liangzhou
大唐故银州龙川府长史白君墓志铭 Tombstone for Governor of Yinzhou in Tang Dynasty
王逆修墓志 Tombstone for Wang Nixiu
“西京”澄泥砚 Chengni Inkstone with Characters of "Xi Jing"
鹿座石枕 Stone Pillow on Back of Deer
菩萨石雕像 Stone Statuary of Bodhisattva
迦陵频伽石雕像 Stone Statuary with Design of Bird with Human's Face
飞天石雕像 Stone Statuary of Flying Apsaras
飞天石雕像 Stone Statuary of Flying Apsaras
菩萨石雕像 Stone Statuary of Bodhisattva
释迦佛石造像 Stone Statuary of Sakyamuni Buddha
石雕佛像 Stone Statuary of Buddha
彩绘卧佛石造像 Painted Stone Statuary of Lying Buddha
石雕男侍俑 Stone Carved Figurine of Male Servant
石雕女侍俑 Stone Carved Figurine of Female Servant
石雕近侍图 Stone Carved Statuary of Close Servant
石雕散乐图 Stone Carved Statuaries of Musicians
石雕龙凤纹棺盖 Stone Carved Coffin Cover with Design of Dragon and Phoenix
石雕龙纹棺板 Stone Carved Coffin Cover with Design of Dragon
砖铭建塔碑 Stele for Tower
龟趺墓志 Tombstone with Design of Tortoise
螭首造像建塔碑 Stele for Tower with Design of Dragon's Head
鲜演大师墓志 Tombstone for Master Xian Yan
奚大王碑 Stele for King of Xi Nationality
大辽赠秦魏国王墓志(汉文) Tombstone for Emperor of Qinwei Presented by Liao Dynasty(Chinese Characters)
陈国公主墓志 Tombstone for Princess of Chen
耶律羽之墓志 Tombstone for Yelu Yuzhi
耶律习涅墓志 Tombstone for Yelu Xinie
耶律隆祐墓志 Tombstone for Yelu Longyou
韩匡嗣墓志 Tombstone for Han Kuangsi
大契丹国萧氏夫人墓志 Tombstone for Madam Xiao of Khitan
韩德威墓志 Tombstone for Han Dewei
萧兴言墓志 Tombstone for XiaoXingyan
北大王墓志(汉字) Tombstone for Northern King(Chinese Characters)
大辽故皇弟秦越国妃萧氏墓志 Tombstone for Concubine of Emperor's Brother in Liao Dynasty
金代石刻 Stone Inscription of Jin Dynasty
五子登科画像石 Stone with Picture of Five Persons Passing Official Exam
石雕人像 Stone Carved Human Statuary
石雕龙纹建筑构件 Stone Component for Construction with Design of Dragon
狩猎图岩画 Rock Painting of Hunting
石香炉 Stone Incense Burner
龙首石门饰 Stone Gate Ornament with Design of Dragon's Head
应昌路新建龙兴寺碑 Stele for New Longxing Temple
胡人石像 Stone Human
伊斯兰教墓顶石 Stone for Top of Islamic Tomb
石匾 Stone Stele
“镇宁门”石匾 Stone Stele with Characters of “Zhen Ning Men”
彩绘药师佛石造像 Painted Stone Statuary for Medicine King
御赐功德碑 Stele for Merit Granted by Emperor



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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