感悟生命understanding life
the lesson of the cocoon破茧成蝶的启示
the drowning man即将淹死的人
i am with you我与你同在
joys and sorrows of life生命里的快乐与悲伤
morning coffee上午咖啡
the homeless man无家可归的人
a bag of potatoes一袋土豆
looking for diamonds寻找宝石
the joy of giving快乐付出
never miss the first opportunity永远不要错失第一次机会
the survivor生还者
the king餾 highway 国王的大路
a pot of gold 一罐金子
the rich man富人
the flower瞓ed餾 secret花圃秘语
blind boy失明的男孩
a lady named lill莉儿姑娘
the stonecutter石匠
the good side of fear恐惧的好处
a meaningful pack of biscuits一包有意义的饼干
the oyster牡蛎
honest abe诚实的艾贝
genghis khan and his hawk成吉思汗和鹰
爱的真谛true meaning of love
a brother's song哥哥唱的歌
a gift of love爱的礼物
the secret to a happy marriage幸福婚姻的秘密
i saw an angel cry 我看到天使在哭
two brothers 兄弟情深
a very special love特殊的爱
pickle jar泡菜坛
a dime 角硬币
does love need a reason爱需要理由吗
the yellow butterflies 黄色的蝴蝶
cap o餽ushes灯心草帽
love in that summer爱在那个夏天
peaches from heaven 来自天堂的桃子
what the fire didn餿 burn大火未烧毁的东西
by the river,he sat and wept他坐在河边哭泣
please just take care of my eyes请你照顾好我的眼睛
butterfly kisses蝴蝶之吻
i饁e not forgotten our promise我没有忘记我们的诺言
the lunch bag午饭袋
a girl in cd storecd店里的女孩
a boy with a mission肩负使命的男孩
幸福时光happy times
a glass of milk 一杯牛奶
seven world wonders世界七大奇迹
do what your heart tells you 爱随心动
white roses白玫瑰
just a little smile只要一点微笑
a letter to ruth露丝的一封信
a prayer for ice cream为冰激凌祈祷
a young soldier on christmas eve圣诞前夜的年轻士兵
the empty chair空椅子
nothing of value is ever lost任何有价值的东西都没失去
shadow of the cross十字架的影子
love without measure最大限度的爱
what we didn餿 do我们没做过的事情
人生之旅life餾 journey
a famous story of mark twain马克·吐温的故事
robin hood and maid marian罗宾汉与玛莉安姑娘
potatoes from prison来自监狱的土豆
king alfred and the beggar国王阿尔弗雷德和乞丐
when the clock got sick钟表生病时
jack o餷antern 杰克灯
the clever fisherman聪明的渔夫
a change of heart改变心意
childe rowland恰德·罗兰
feet on the pillow枕头上的双脚
ulysses and the bag of winds尤利西斯与风袋
either you are mad,or i am 不是你疯了就是我疯了
a chicken farmer鸡农
the lesson of the cocoon破茧成蝶的启示
the drowning man即将淹死的人
i am with you我与你同在
joys and sorrows of life生命里的快乐与悲伤
morning coffee上午咖啡
the homeless man无家可归的人
a bag of potatoes一袋土豆
looking for diamonds寻找宝石
the joy of giving快乐付出
never miss the first opportunity永远不要错失第一次机会
the survivor生还者
the king餾 highway 国王的大路
a pot of gold 一罐金子
the rich man富人
the flower瞓ed餾 secret花圃秘语
blind boy失明的男孩
a lady named lill莉儿姑娘
the stonecutter石匠
the good side of fear恐惧的好处
a meaningful pack of biscuits一包有意义的饼干
the oyster牡蛎
honest abe诚实的艾贝
genghis khan and his hawk成吉思汗和鹰
爱的真谛true meaning of love
a brother's song哥哥唱的歌
a gift of love爱的礼物
the secret to a happy marriage幸福婚姻的秘密
i saw an angel cry 我看到天使在哭
two brothers 兄弟情深
a very special love特殊的爱
pickle jar泡菜坛
a dime 角硬币
does love need a reason爱需要理由吗
the yellow butterflies 黄色的蝴蝶
cap o餽ushes灯心草帽
love in that summer爱在那个夏天
peaches from heaven 来自天堂的桃子
what the fire didn餿 burn大火未烧毁的东西
by the river,he sat and wept他坐在河边哭泣
please just take care of my eyes请你照顾好我的眼睛
butterfly kisses蝴蝶之吻
i饁e not forgotten our promise我没有忘记我们的诺言
the lunch bag午饭袋
a girl in cd storecd店里的女孩
a boy with a mission肩负使命的男孩
幸福时光happy times
a glass of milk 一杯牛奶
seven world wonders世界七大奇迹
do what your heart tells you 爱随心动
white roses白玫瑰
just a little smile只要一点微笑
a letter to ruth露丝的一封信
a prayer for ice cream为冰激凌祈祷
a young soldier on christmas eve圣诞前夜的年轻士兵
the empty chair空椅子
nothing of value is ever lost任何有价值的东西都没失去
shadow of the cross十字架的影子
love without measure最大限度的爱
what we didn餿 do我们没做过的事情
人生之旅life餾 journey
a famous story of mark twain马克·吐温的故事
robin hood and maid marian罗宾汉与玛莉安姑娘
potatoes from prison来自监狱的土豆
king alfred and the beggar国王阿尔弗雷德和乞丐
when the clock got sick钟表生病时
jack o餷antern 杰克灯
the clever fisherman聪明的渔夫
a change of heart改变心意
childe rowland恰德·罗兰
feet on the pillow枕头上的双脚
ulysses and the bag of winds尤利西斯与风袋
either you are mad,or i am 不是你疯了就是我疯了
a chicken farmer鸡农
Brilliant collection of inspiring stories
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