This set of proceedings details the contributions for the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS 10) held in Sydney, Australia from 21 23 July 2010. The conference builds on a successful series which were initiated by Professor Chang-Koon Choi of KAIST and held in Pusan, Korea in 2001 (ICSCS 01), Seoul, Korea in 2004 (ICSCS 04) and Manchester, UK in 2007 (ICSCS 07). The conference is supported by and focuses on the themes of the successful international Journal published by Techno-Press, Steel and Composite Structures which is Managed by Professor Chang-Koon Choi, and supported by Regional Editors Professors David Nethercot, Christopher Earls and Brian Uy for Europe, America and Asia-Pacific respectively. This conference has attracted 143 contributions from 27 countries and 6 continents. Nine Keynote papers are included which emanate from 7 countries and 4 continents. The broad topics of the conference which included 27 technical sessions covered the broad areas of Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Bridge Structures, Building Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Uses of FRP and Sustainability Issues. The conference has been managed by a Local Organising Committee (LOC) in collaborationwith ICE Australia. The Local Organising Committee wish to thank Laura Moody and Andrea Gall from ICE Australia, together with Mrs Magdalene Wong-Borgefjord, Jodie Clark and Narelle Chambers from the School of Engineering and Civionics Research Centre for all the administrative support in organising this event. The LOC also would like to thank the International Conference Chairs and the International Scientific Committee for their role in promoting and contributing articles to the conference. Furthermore, the role of the many reviewers that assessed and reviewed some 200 abstracts and 150 full papers is gratefully acknowledged. The LOC wishes to make special mention to thank the Keynote Presenters for their excellent contributions to making the ICSCS 10 conference such a success. The nine Keynote Presenters selected are all international experts in their field and all have contributed to national and international specifications in the fields of steel and composite structures for the Australian Standards, American Institute of Steel Construction, British Standards, Chinese Standards, Eurocodes, Hong Kong Buildings Department, Japanese Standards and Singapore Structural Steel Society
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