A new English course


作   者:李观仪主编





《新编英语教程》(修订版)是供高等学校英语专业四年制本科生使用的综合英语教材,能帮助学生练好坚实的语言基本功,使他们的英语综合技能达到得心应手、运用自如的程度;使他们具有宽广的社会科学和自然科学方成的知识;使他们能灵活地进行有效的社会交际活动。 本教材共分九级: 预备级——为学生提供最基本的英语语音、语法和词汇知识及其应用方法,是目后熟练掌握英语综合技能的奠基石。本级教材有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、录音带。 第1至4级——供基础阶段学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、录音带。 第5至8级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书,练习参考答案。


unit 1.

main teaching points

1. the simple past and the present perfect contrasted

2. the past progressive

3. the past perfect

listening comprehension

a happy coincidence

unit 2

main teaching points

the nominal clause used as the object, introduced by

1. if

2. wh-word

3. that

listening comprehension

an interview for a job

unit 3

main teaching poin'is

the passive sentence

1. in the simple present

2. in the present perfect

.3. in the simple past

4. in the future

listening comprehension


unit 4

main teaching points

1. modal auxiliaries can /could and be ab/e to used to express 'ability'

2. modal auxiliary have to expressing 'obligation'

3. modal auxiliaries can/may used to express 'permission' or 'request for permission'

4. modal auxihary had better expressing 'advice' or 'suggestion'

listening comprehension

six thousand skirts

unit 5

main teaching points

indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb

1. reporting statements

2. reporting yes-no questions

3. reporting wh-questions

listening comprehension

a talk with the hospital doctor

unit 6

main teaching points

the adverbial clause of time introduced by

1. when

2. before

3. since

4. until

listening comprehension

time to relax

unit 7

main teaching points

1. the infinitive preceded by a wh-word used as the object

2. the infinitive used as a postponed object in the pattern it takes (so much time) to do something

3. the bare infinitive used as the object complement

4. the -ing participle used as the object in the pattern would you mind ... ?

listening comprehension

'how to' books

unit 8

main teaching points

the relative clause introduced by

1. that (as the subject)

2. that (as the object of a verb)

3. who

4. who(m)

listening comprehension


unit 9

main teaching points

1. sentences of real conditions

2. sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with be in the conditional clause

3. sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with have in the conditional clause

4. sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with action verbs in the conditional


listening comprehension

third time lucky

unit 10..

main teaching points

1. the future progressive

2. the future perfect

3. the future perfect progressive

listening comprehension

a lecture about the future

unit 11

main teaching points

the nominal clause introduced by

1. who used as the direct object

2. (that) used as the object of i don' t think

3. (that) preceded by an adjective, used as the subject complement

4. that used as the postponed subject in the pattern it is + adjective + that clause

listening comprehension

english food

unit 12

main teaching points

the passive sentence

1. in the present progressive

2. in the past progressive

3. in the be going to structure

4. with a modal auxiliary

listening comprehension

fresh water factories

unit 13

main teaching points

1. modal auxiliaries may/might used to express 'possibility'

2. modal auxiliaries should/ought to expressing 'obligation'

3. medal auxiliary wou/d rather expressing 'preference'

4. modal auxiliaries must and can't used to express 'strong probability' and 'impossibility'


listening comprehension

eye and ear

unit 14

main teaching points

indirect speech introduced by

1. a simple present verb reporting past events

2. a simple past verb reporting questions and answers

3. a simple past verb reporting a conversation

listening comprehension

changes in the village

unit 15

main teaching points

the adverbial clause

1. of place introduced by where

2. of condition introduced by unless

3. of cause introduced by because

4. of cause introduced by since

5. of concession introduced by though

listening comprehension

on the train

unit 16

main teaching points

1. -ing participle used as the object

2. -ing participle preceded by go

3. -lng participle used as the subject

4. -ing participle used as the object of a preposition

5. -ing participle used as a noun modifier

6. -ing participle used as the object complement

7. the infinitive preceded by in order expressing 'purpose'

listening comprehension

be your own best friend

unit 17

main teaching points

1. the relative clause introduced by whose

2. the relative clause introduced by who(m) (as the object of a preposition)

3. the cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elements

4. the relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative

listening comprehension

the food industry

unit 18

mahn teaching points

1. sentences of unreal conditions making a supposition about the future

2. sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and present imaginary consequences

3. sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and past imaginary consequences

listening comprehension

tracing a criminal

a sample test

answers and tapescripts for the sample test

key to the workbook...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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