《王者之风:迈克尔?杰克逊慢歌精选》内容包括:I'll Be There、 Ben、 Music and Me、One Day in Your Life、She's Out of My Life、Someone in the Dark、Scared of the Moon、We are the World、I Just Can't Stop Loving You等。
1. I'll Be There
2. Ben
3. Music and Me
4. One Day in Your Life
5. She's Out of My Life
6. Someone in the Dark
7. Scared of the Moon
8. We are the World
9. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
10. Heal the World
11. Will You Be There
12. Gone Too Soon
13. Stranger in Moscow
14. Earth Song
15. You Are Not Alone
16. Childhood
17. Smile
18. Speechless
19. You Are My Life
20. The Lost Children
2. Ben
3. Music and Me
4. One Day in Your Life
5. She's Out of My Life
6. Someone in the Dark
7. Scared of the Moon
8. We are the World
9. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
10. Heal the World
11. Will You Be There
12. Gone Too Soon
13. Stranger in Moscow
14. Earth Song
15. You Are Not Alone
16. Childhood
17. Smile
18. Speechless
19. You Are My Life
20. The Lost Children
Lord of music-Michael Jackson’s classical slow cantuses
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