unit one
passage a making energy clean,safe,and affordable
passage b back to the future
passage c seeing green
unit two
passage a how progress makes us sick
passage b investing in the rural poor
passage c the hallenge we face
unit three
passage a how to grow old
passage b “much madness is divinest sense”
passage c early warnings
unit four
passage a saved by strangers
passage b “i'm not letting you go,dad”
passage c no time to panic
unit five
passage a genetically engineered secret ingredients
passage b health alert:new facts about food poisoning
passage c six critical symptoms patients overlook
.unit six
passage a the chess goddess
passage b on the path to everest
passage c glory in the afternoon
unit seven
passage a buckingham palace:symbol of strength and tradition
passage b battle of gettysburg
passage c 1796:the first real election
unit eight
passage a nestle's quisk
passage b never say never
passage c rudolph ran and world went wild
unit nine
passage a paying to keep your job
passage b new financial narkets
passage c what supermarkets know about you
unit ten
passage a going mobile
passage b dolly,you're history
passage c digital cities
passage a making energy clean,safe,and affordable
passage b back to the future
passage c seeing green
unit two
passage a how progress makes us sick
passage b investing in the rural poor
passage c the hallenge we face
unit three
passage a how to grow old
passage b “much madness is divinest sense”
passage c early warnings
unit four
passage a saved by strangers
passage b “i'm not letting you go,dad”
passage c no time to panic
unit five
passage a genetically engineered secret ingredients
passage b health alert:new facts about food poisoning
passage c six critical symptoms patients overlook
.unit six
passage a the chess goddess
passage b on the path to everest
passage c glory in the afternoon
unit seven
passage a buckingham palace:symbol of strength and tradition
passage b battle of gettysburg
passage c 1796:the first real election
unit eight
passage a nestle's quisk
passage b never say never
passage c rudolph ran and world went wild
unit nine
passage a paying to keep your job
passage b new financial narkets
passage c what supermarkets know about you
unit ten
passage a going mobile
passage b dolly,you're history
passage c digital cities
A Graduate English Reader
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