

作   者:刘显斌,朱月凤编著





  展现在我们面前的是程十发先生作于乙亥(1995年)的一件山水画精品。说它是精品,显然是可以取得大家共识的:这样的作品一跃入眼帘,就能紧紧地抓住欣赏者,使人感到一种摄魂夺魄的强大艺术魅力。作者对于构图中的“计白当黑”法则运用得极其高明娴熟,在这件作品当中,作者调动着大量细微繁杂的艺术处理手段,让它们在自己的妙手调合下,组成了一首寓新奇于传统、融意外于情理的雅曲。     程十发先生曾说过,他的国画是在上万张的连环画和插图的创作实践中磨炼出来的,“在普及工作中提高了我的中国画技巧”,我们从这幅作品中可以看到,画家娴熟运用着他独特的“程家线描”,在一根线条中,蕴谱了粗细、干湿、畅涩、短长、轻重、浓淡等等诸多的矛盾,纵横驰骋,自由凝炼。而对于用色,十发先生也总结出一套独特的方法,使画面呈现出绚丽又古艳的效果。仔细欣赏这幅作品,我们发现,画面近景的山石、坡水、树木、屋宇,画家都不厌其烦,描摹得极其精细而富有韵律节奏;远景的远山云朵,只用淡淡墨彩,却令人在这色与墨的块面中体察到丰富的内容,不由得使欣赏者由衷的钦佩画家手段的超卓。无怪乎著名的程十发作品收藏家陆牧滔先生要将这件作品著录在1997年11月由上海书画出版社隆重推出的《程十发·陆牧滔藏品第一集》中,并且将作品印作封面,拍摄了局部,以令更多的欣赏者体味这件作品出众的艺术魅力。     程十发先生的画风被人们评作“菇古涵今,独卧蹊径”,是毫无愧色的评品。在中国画的传承与创新的过程中,可以试问,在人物、山水、花卉、动物诸画科中皆能且皆有高超成就的大师人物,多少年才能出现一位呢?而以笔者的调见,程先生的山水作品所蕴含的艺术信息量是在其它类型的作品之上的,更遑论象《秋山古木》这样的精彩绝伦之作了。  


1 Breeding the chicken
2 Antithetical couplet
3 Ci Xi
4 CiXi(Part)
5 Fishing Boat Return
6 Old man and Maid
7 Imperior Garden Changchun
8 Imperior Garden Changchun(part)
9 My Country Small Kunshan
10 My Country Small Kunshan(part)
11 Flowers and Birds Album
12 Flowers and Birds Album(1)
13 Flowers and Birds Album c2)
14 Flowers and Birds Album(3)
15 Flowers and Birds Album(4)
16 Flowers and Birds Album(5)
17 Flowers and Birds Album(6)
18 Flowers and Birds Album(7)
19 Flowers and Birds Album(8)
20 Flowers and Birds Album(9)
21 Flowers and Birds Album(10)
22 Flowers and Birds Album(11)
23 Flowers and Birds Album(12)
24 Flowers and Birds Album(13)
25 Flowers and Birds Album(14)
26 Flowers and Birds Album(15)
27 Flowers and Birds Album(16)
28 Flowers and Birds Album(17)
29 Flowers and Birds Album(18)
30 Flowers and Birds Album(19)
31 Flowers and Birds Album(20)
32 Flowers and Birds Album(21)
33 Flowers and Birds Album(22)
34 Flowers and Birds Album(23)
35 Flowers and Birds Album(24)
36 Zhan Pingping
37 Night Scene in the Autumn Mountain
38 Calligraphy
39 Princess Shuang Yang
40 Abundant Harvest
41 Herding Cow
42 Old Tree
43 Antithetical Couplet
44 Red Skirt Maid
45 Fish
46 Always Happy
47 Old Thatched Cottage
48 Antithetical Couplet
49 Interesting Cow
50 Bamboo Reporting Well
51 Zhong Kui Listening the Vertial Bamboo Flute
52 Ancient Tower
53 Antithetical Couplet
54 Petty View in the West of Yunnan Province
55 Pheasant
56 72Generation Pube Taking the Post of Master
57 Plum Blossoming Simultaneously
58 Antithetical Couplet
59 Lotus
60 Double Chickens
61 Guan Shi Yin Buddha
62 Good Spring
63 Flowers and Plants
64 Calligraphy
65 Red Lotus and Double Birds
66 Plum, Baboo and Maid
67 Looking Wu Mountain Clearly and Far
68 Maid and Three Deers
69 Maid and Double Chickens
70 Fragrant Orchid and Bamboo
71 Calligraphy
72 Returning Boat
73 Calligraphy
74 Interesting Chicken
75 Two Jubilant Maids Riding on Swine
76 Flying Swallow Welcoming Spring
77 Late Autumn on Cliff
78 Calligraghy
79 Narcissus
80 Lady with Fan
81 Happy Evening in Autumn Mountain
82 Antithetcial Couplet
83 Maid
84 Fish
85 Galloping Horse's Hoof
86 Misty Ancient Temple
87 Calligraphy
88 Maid and Deer
89 Returning After Picking Medicine
90 Pomegranate and Maid
91 Calligraphy
92 Auspicious Snow Welcomming Spring
93 Letter
94 Monkey Beating White-boned Demon Three Times
95 Shanghai Waitan
96 Calligraphy
97 Butterfly Flower
98 Dancing Well with Long Sleeves
99 Autumn Chrysanthemum
100 Tide Turning Back to the Sea
101 Orchid
102 Letter
103 Chysanthemum, Orchid and Stone
104 Zhong Kui Touching Strings
105 Calligraphy
106 Maid Picking Lotus
107 Maid Picking Lotus(Part)
108 Ancient Wood in Autumn Moutain
109 Ancient Wood in Autumn Moutain(Part)
110 Pure and Fresh in Cold Forest
111 Always as One Wishes
112 Covering of Fan
113 Self-draw Portrait



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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