

     illustration permeates all areas of design, be it industrial design, interior design, or product design, but nowhere is its impact and influence felt more directly than in the world of fashion design. hot fashion illustration commands attention and influences shoppers choices by allowing products to stand out boldly, and communicate directly, the feeling, vibe, and mission of a fashion brand. fashion wonderland studies the crucial role of illustration in fashion, and shows what a powerful tool it can be by sharing extraordinary examples from print, installation, interior decorating and from straight off the runway by established names in the fashion empire, and from emerging talents from around the globe. from preliminary concept sketches, to t-shirt graphics, eye-catching magazine ads, and patterns on textiles, to the essence of illustrative style generally, fashion wonderland contains hundreds of captivating examples of fresh illustration. the luminous work demonstrated in the book is an inspirational tool as much as a visual feast for anyone involved in the fashion or illustration world. a fantastic list of contributors includes 2 bit creative, alexandra compain-tissier, amelie hegardt (traffic), angel d amico design and illustration, anja kroencke (traffic), atomic attack, berto martinez (unit cma), c86 carole agaËsse, catalina estrada, cecilia carlstedt, chesley mclaren, chris ede (illustration ltd), christina k, christophe remy, coco, commando group, deanne cheuk design, elisabeth arkhipoff, ena (digmeout), geraldine georges, gi myao, hanazuki, handiedan, humili, ippei gyoubu, izak zenou (traffic), james jean, julia rothman, kicki fjell/ammo agency, klaus haapaniemi, laura quick, linn olosdotter, meannorth, mediawork, moa lindqvist bartling/ammo agency, montana forbes (illustration ltd), neil duerden (unit cma), ob27, ohgushi (artliason), penelope rolland (traffic), philip smiley (illustration ltd), ppaint (unit cma), qian, qian, ryu itadani, sarah beetson (illustration ltd), scott chambers (synergy art), shantell martin, skwak, sophie robert (agent 002), sophie toulouse, , studio sans nom, sugar clothes, sunday vision, takeshi hamada, tatiana arocha, toby neilan, tokidoki, tom bagshaw (cia), tomi & cherry, vault49 llc, wendy plovmand (cia/f&j), yuko kondo and more!   


Chocolate -- Orange -- Pearl -- Violet.



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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