list of abbreviations
table of contents
list of tables
list of figures
0.1 motivation
0.2 rationale and research orientation of the present study
0.3 overture to the present study
0.4 outline of the dissertation
part i literature review
chapter 1 task-based l2 lexical learning
1.1 introduction
1.2 definition of key terms
1.3 effects of task type on l2 lexical learning
1.4 effects of task frequency on 1_2 lexical learning
1.5 effects of textual, lexical and learner factors on l2 lexical learning
1.6 summary
.chapter 2 controversies over incidental and intentional l2 lexical learning
2.1 introduction
2.2 traditional dichotomy between incidental and intentional l2 lexical learning
2.3 arguments for incidental lexical learning and empirical findings
2.4 arguments for intentional l2 lexical learning and empirical findings
2.5 unsettled issues
2.6 solutions in the present study
2.7 summary
chapter 3 controversies over involvement load hypothesis
3.1 introduction
3.2 involvement load hypothesis
3.3 empirical findings
3.4 controversial issues
3.5 solutions in the present study
3.6 general framework of the present study
3.7 summary
part ii methodology
chapter 4 research design
4. 1 introduction
4. 2 the pilot study
4.3 the main study
4.4 summary
part iii results and discussions
chapter 5 effects of task type
5.1 introduction
5.2 overall effects of task type
5.3 modified effects of task type
5.4 role of task-induced involvement load
5.5 summary
chapter 6 effects of task frequency
6.1 introduction
6.2 overall effects of task frequency
6.3 modified effects of task frequency
6.4 optimal task frequency
6.5 summary
chapter 7 effects of lexical presentation
7.1 introduction
7.2 effects of lexical formation
7.3 effects of contextual elaborations
7.4 most and least learned target lus
7.5 summary
part iv conclusion
chapter 8 findings, implications and limitations
8.1 major findings
8.2 contributions
8.3 limitations
8.4 suggestions for future research
8.5 summary
appendix i treatment text for the pilot study
appendix ii a spelling test of target lexical units
appendix iii guided writing
appendix iv vocabulary acquisition test of the pilot study
appendix v a sentence translation exercise
appendix vi the 7 -scale scoring of vks for the pilot study
appendix vii revised vocabulary acquisition test for the main study
appendix viii interview guide
list of abbreviations
table of contents
list of tables
list of figures
0.1 motivation
0.2 rationale and research orientation of the present study
0.3 overture to the present study
0.4 outline of the dissertation
part i literature review
chapter 1 task-based l2 lexical learning
1.1 introduction
1.2 definition of key terms
1.3 effects of task type on l2 lexical learning
1.4 effects of task frequency on 1_2 lexical learning
1.5 effects of textual, lexical and learner factors on l2 lexical learning
1.6 summary
.chapter 2 controversies over incidental and intentional l2 lexical learning
2.1 introduction
2.2 traditional dichotomy between incidental and intentional l2 lexical learning
2.3 arguments for incidental lexical learning and empirical findings
2.4 arguments for intentional l2 lexical learning and empirical findings
2.5 unsettled issues
2.6 solutions in the present study
2.7 summary
chapter 3 controversies over involvement load hypothesis
3.1 introduction
3.2 involvement load hypothesis
3.3 empirical findings
3.4 controversial issues
3.5 solutions in the present study
3.6 general framework of the present study
3.7 summary
part ii methodology
chapter 4 research design
4. 1 introduction
4. 2 the pilot study
4.3 the main study
4.4 summary
part iii results and discussions
chapter 5 effects of task type
5.1 introduction
5.2 overall effects of task type
5.3 modified effects of task type
5.4 role of task-induced involvement load
5.5 summary
chapter 6 effects of task frequency
6.1 introduction
6.2 overall effects of task frequency
6.3 modified effects of task frequency
6.4 optimal task frequency
6.5 summary
chapter 7 effects of lexical presentation
7.1 introduction
7.2 effects of lexical formation
7.3 effects of contextual elaborations
7.4 most and least learned target lus
7.5 summary
part iv conclusion
chapter 8 findings, implications and limitations
8.1 major findings
8.2 contributions
8.3 limitations
8.4 suggestions for future research
8.5 summary
appendix i treatment text for the pilot study
appendix ii a spelling test of target lexical units
appendix iii guided writing
appendix iv vocabulary acquisition test of the pilot study
appendix v a sentence translation exercise
appendix vi the 7 -scale scoring of vks for the pilot study
appendix vii revised vocabulary acquisition test for the main study
appendix viii interview guide
Task-based L2 lexical learning: an experimental study
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