Translation and creativity : perspectives on creative writing and translation studies /
作 者:edited by Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella.
Publisher Summary 1
The paperback edition of the cutting-edge research collection on creativity in translation covering theory, pedagogy and practice.
Table Of Contents:
Acknowledgements vii
Foreword ix
Theo Hermans
Introduction 1(18)
Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella
Part One Creating trends: exploring new frontiers
1. Notes on translating the self 19(14)
Paschalis Nikolaou
2. Translation and the spaces of reading 33(14)
Clive Scott
3. Loosening the grip of the text: theory as an aid to creativity 47(12)
Jean Boase-Beier
Part Two Translation methodologies
4. Unlocking the black box: researching poetry translation processes 59(16)
Francis R. Jones
5. Inventing subversion: body as stage amid desire, text and writing How space uses the unspeakable to develop a new methodology of translation practices in Greece 75(9)
Christiana Lambridinis
6. Painting with words 84(13)
Ann Pattison
Part Three Case studies: translators as creative writers
7. Creative translation, translating creatively: a case study on aesthetic coherence in Peter Stambler's Han Shan 97(12)
Xavier Lin
8. Poetry, music and transformation in the Gulf of Naples: a creative voyage of The Tempest 109(18)
Manuela Perteghella
Part Four Textuality and experiment
9. Translation and the challenge of orthography 127(18)
Judy Kendall
10. Faust goes pop: a translator's rereading(s) 145(13)
Chantal Wright
11. Poetry as 'translational form': a transgeneric translation of Jeanne Hyvrard's Mere la mort into English 158(15)
Eugenia Loffredo
Bibliography 173(16)
Index 189
Acknowledgements vii
Foreword ix
Theo Hermans
Introduction 1(18)
Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella
Part One Creating trends: exploring new frontiers
1. Notes on translating the self 19(14)
Paschalis Nikolaou
2. Translation and the spaces of reading 33(14)
Clive Scott
3. Loosening the grip of the text: theory as an aid to creativity 47(12)
Jean Boase-Beier
Part Two Translation methodologies
4. Unlocking the black box: researching poetry translation processes 59(16)
Francis R. Jones
5. Inventing subversion: body as stage amid desire, text and writing How space uses the unspeakable to develop a new methodology of translation practices in Greece 75(9)
Christiana Lambridinis
6. Painting with words 84(13)
Ann Pattison
Part Three Case studies: translators as creative writers
7. Creative translation, translating creatively: a case study on aesthetic coherence in Peter Stambler's Han Shan 97(12)
Xavier Lin
8. Poetry, music and transformation in the Gulf of Naples: a creative voyage of The Tempest 109(18)
Manuela Perteghella
Part Four Textuality and experiment
9. Translation and the challenge of orthography 127(18)
Judy Kendall
10. Faust goes pop: a translator's rereading(s) 145(13)
Chantal Wright
11. Poetry as 'translational form': a transgeneric translation of Jeanne Hyvrard's Mere la mort into English 158(15)
Eugenia Loffredo
Bibliography 173(16)
Index 189
Translation and creativity : perspectives on creative writing and translation studies /
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