Programming guide for Java = 最新Java编程指南 /


作   者:[美]弗·海斯布洛克著.








chapter 1 introduction to the environment

1.1 visualage for java product family

1.1.1 visualage for java professional edition

1.1.2 visualage for java entry professional edition

1.1.3 visualage for java enterprise edition

1.1.4 visualage for java entry enterprise edition

1.1.5 updates to visual age java
1.2 building your first applet

1.2.1 let's get started!

1.2.2 smartguide

1.2.3 the workbench

1.2.4 modifying your applet

1.2.5 creating an animated applet

1.2.6 changing the properties of the applet

1.3 building your first application

1.3.1 running a program as an applet and application

1.3.2 the visuaage for java source view window

1.4 the visualage for java scrapbook

l.4.l using the scrapbook
. l.4.2 scrapbook context

l.4.3 correcting errors in the scrapbook

l.4.4 if your scmpbook page remains busy

l.5 customizing visualage for lava

l.5.l workbench options

l.6 building yom first servlet

chapter 2 organizing your code

2.1 projects in visualage for java

2.l.l adding features

2.2 packages in visualage for java

2.3 the workbench

2.3.l the workbench projects page

2.3.2 the workbench packages view

2.4 types from other packages

2.4.l workbench resomces page

2.4.2 the workbench classes page

2.4.3 the workbencb interfaces page

2.4.4 the workbench aii roblems page

2.5 full source code edit

2.6 code assists

2.7 importing and exporting with visuaiage for java

2.7.l imponing into visualage for java

2.7.2 exporting from visualage for java

chapter 3 migrating to java2

3.l the fix/migrate smartguide

3.2 the repair process

3.3 migrating your servlet and jsps

chapter 4 beginning the atm project

4.l problem domain

4.2 building the atm model

4.2.l use casss

4.2.2 atm state diagrams

4.2.3 analysis class diagram
4.2.4 design class diagrams

4.2.5 interaction diagram

4.3 overall architecture

4.3.l the big picnlle

4.3.2 gui clieat

4.3.3 browser client

4.3.4 database access

4.4 example implementation

4.4.l detailed steps implementing the first class

4.4.2 reusing existing method to create a new method

4.4.3 primarykey class hierarchy

4.4.4 creating an inner class
4.4.5 persistency based on hashmaps

4.4.6 finder methods

4.4.7 implemenutions of the state diagram

4.4.8 test application

chapter 5 creating servlets

5.1 overview of java servlets

5.2 the java servlet api

5.3 building the atm application servlets

chapter 6 creating jsps

6.1 java server pages

6.2 how java server pages work

6.3 jsp intemctions

6.4 invoking a jsp by url

6.4.l calling a servlet from a jsp

6.5 jsp o.91 and l.0

6.6 designing dte jsp model

6.6.l model-view-controller (mvc)

6.6.2 servlet based modelins

6.7 building the atm application

6.7.l jsp tags

chapter 7 creating gui application

7. l abstract windowing toolkit and java foundation classes retiesher

7.2 visual composition editor

7.2.l the beans palene

7.2.2 modification of dle beans palette

7.2.3 visual composition editor toolbar

7.2.4 the free-form surface

7.3 working with beans in the visual composition editor

7.3.l adding beans

7.3.2 customlzd g beans

7.3.3 naming beans

7.3.4 beans list

7.3.5 factory and variable

7.4 visualho

7.4.l the atm classes created

7.4.2 building the cardbean class

7.4.3 building the cardbeanhome class

7.4.4 building the bankaccountbean class

7.4.5 buildiing the atm application

7.4.6 connections

7.4.7 connection propenies

7.4.8 creating connections

chapter 8 versioning your code

8.l introduction to versioning

8.l.l program elements

8.2 workspace versus repository

8.2.l the workspace is only a cache

8.2.2 backup or restore the workspace

8.2.3 clean workspace copy

8.2.4 multiple workspaces on one repository

8.2.5 baekup or restore the repository

8.2.6 workspace versus repository continued

8.3 version control

8.3.l edifions and versions

8.3.2 consequences of versioning

8.3.3 how to version elements with visualage for java

8.3.4 apply this to the atm application

8.3.5 methods, a special case

8.3.6 importance of versioning your code regularly

8.3.7 fields and inner classes

8.3.8 venioning resource files

8.4 using editions

8.4.l method edition tab

8.4.2 comparison result window

8.4.3 merging compared elements

8.4.4 types edition tab

8.4.5 packages edition tab

8.4.6 projects edition tab

8.4.7 replacing cunent edition

8.4.8 extemal versioning systems

8.5 import and export effects

8.5.1 import and export with java files

8.5.2 import and export with repository files

8.6 repository explorer

8.6.1 purging and restoring elements

8.6.2 compacting a repository

8.6.3 go to tools

8.6.4 solutions

chapter 9 testing and debugging the web application
9.1 vaj debugger

9.1.l the debugger
9.l.2 the debug page

9.1.3 the breakpoints page

9.l.4 external debug

9.l.5 generating a class trace

9.l.6 performance and the class trace option

9.l.7 inspectors
9.1.8 the inspector wiodow

9.2 websphere test environment(wfe)

9.2.1 start the websphere test envimnment

9.3 testiag jsps under websphere test envimnment

9.3.l visuaiage for java configuration for jsps

9.3.2 runniog a simple jsp

9.4 debugging servlet and jsps

9.4.l debugging a servlet

9.4.2 jsp execution monitor

9.4.3 debugging jsp generated source code

9.4.4 debuggiog jsp without importing

9.5 penistent name server

9.6 websphere test environment-advanced configmation

9.6.l types of resources

9.6.2 resource locations

9.6.3 the key con8guration files

9.7 websphere test environment-multiple web applicatioas

9.7.1 configuring multiple web applications

9.7.2 using the sewletenginecon8gdumper senlet

chapter 10 using relational databases

1o.l jdbc 2.0

10.l.1 datasource versus drivermana5er

1o.2 queries antl result seb

1o.3 stored procedures

1o.4 updating qte database

1o.5 using sqlj inside visual age for java

1o.6 data access beans

1o.7 making the atm penistent

1o.7.l prerequisites

1o.7.2 creating tables

1o.8 making the card class persistent

1o.9 creating the select beans

1o.9.l card select bean

1o.9.2 card select all bean

1o.9.3 cardacctselect

1o.1o modify beans

1o.1o.l card blsen

1o.1o.2 card delete

1o.1o.3 cald update

1o.1o.4 caltl visual composition editor view

1o.1o.5 modifying related methods

1o.ll data access beans with an application

chapter 11 internationalization

ll.l java intemationalization framework

11.1.1 locales

1l.l.2 resource bundle

ll.2 internationalization in visualage for java

1l.3 building a langnage panel

1l.3.l languagepanel view

1l.3.2 cleating the resource bundles

1l.4 dynamicany changing the locale

ll.4.1 loading resource bundles

1l.4.2 reuieving resomces from resource bundles

1l.4.3 finishiag the languagepanel

1l.4.4 formatting dates and times

11.5 other intemationalization considerations

l1.5.l using predefined formats

ll.6 intemationalization in the web envimnment

ll.7 character codes on the web

chapter 12 deploying the web application

12.l before yon start

12.2 using websphere application server

12.2.l deploying a web application

12.2.2 planniag fm multiple web applications

12.2.3 deploying a jsp

12.3 deploying an application

12.3.l include referenced types

12.4 deploying an applet

12.4.l web browsen

12.4.2 classpath or codebase

12.4.3 applet tags

12.4.4 deploying dle atmapplication applet

12.4.5 deploying supporting code

appendix jsp tag syntax

jsp tag syntax summary

websphere specific tags



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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