钱兴坤、单卫国所*的《亚洲LNG市场展望及价格机制创新(英文版)》Based on analyzing the market fundamentals and pricing mechanism in Asia, specifically in the 5 LNC consuming areas, the report put forward measures to safeguard supply to the Asian LNC Market and reduce Asian Premium. Excess emphasis on supply security and expanding imports will inevitably expose Asian gas buyers to more risks associated with international gas supply and unreasonable higher import price,both of which are the most urgent issues to be resolved jointly by Asian gas buyers.The report put forward a system of "3-D" counter-measures.The first dimension is dealing with gas industrial chain,which is composed of 4 side measures, i.e., supply expansion, demand streamlining, trade flexibility and rational pricing.The second dimension is geological dimension, dealing with both measures within a country and regiorial cooperation.The third dimension is timing for actions, dealing with both short term and long term measures.
Chapter 1 Major Findings and Key Messages
Chapter 2 Analysis of Asian Natural Gas( LNG) Market Fundamentals
2.1 Features of Asian NaturaIGas(LNG)Market
2.1.1 Demand Side Analysis
2.1.2 Supply Side Analysis
2.1.3 The Features of Asia-Pacific Natural Gas( LNG) Market
2.2 Future Development of Asia-Pacific Natural Gas( LNG) Market and Its Role in the World Market
2.2.1 Natural Gas Demand in Asia-Pacific Keep Growing
2.2.2 Gas Supply & Demand Gap in Asia-Pacific Is Widening
2.2.3 More Countries in Asia Turn to Import LNG
2.2.4 Rising Demand Attracts more Suppliers
2.3 The Challenges of Securing Supply to Asian Natural Gas( LNG) Mark
2.3.1 Local Gas Resource Is Insufficient
2.3.2 More Import Means More Risk of Supply Interruption
2.3.3 Heavy Burden Still Exists Due to Asian Premium
2.3.4 Infrastructure Constraints Brings Risks for Sustained and Stable Supply
Chapter 3 Analysis on Natural Gas Market Fundamentals in Major Asian Countries and Regions
3.1 China
3.1.1 Gas Consumption
3.1.2 Gas Supply
3.1.3 Infrastructure
3.1.4 Demand and Supply Outlook
3.1.5 Regulatory Policies
3.1.6 Challenges for Supply
3.2 India
3.2.1 Historical Demand and Supply Conditions in India Market
3.2.2 Natural Gas Market Structural Features
3.2.3 Natural Gas Infrastructure Conditions in India
3.2.4 Natural Gas Regulatory Policies
3.2.5 India Natural Gas Demand and Supply Outlook
3.2.6 Actions for Developing a Robust Natural Gas Industry in India
3.3 Japan
3.3.1 Supplyand Demand
3.3.2 Infrastructure
3.3.3 Regulatory Policies
3.3.4 Supply and Demand Outlook
3.3.5 Challenges for Supply Security
3.4 Korea
3.4.1 Supplyand Demand
3.4.2 Market Structural Features
3.4.3 Infrastructural Conditions
3.4.4 Analysis of Natural Gas Regulatory Policies
3.4.5 Natural Gas Demand Projection
3.5 Taiwan(China)
3.5.1 The Structure of Taiwan' s Energy Supply and Demand
3.5.2 Taiwan' s Natural Gas Supply and Demand
3.5.3 The Current Status of Taiwan' s Natural Gas Infrastructure
3.5.4 Natural Gas Administration Policies
3.5.5 Taiwan' s Natural Gas Supply and Demand Outlook
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Asian and World Gas Price Formation
4.1 Research on the World Gas Pricing Formation
4.1.1 The Overview of the Global Gas Pricing Mechanisrus
4.1.2 The Trend of the Global Gas Pricing Formation
4.1.3 Gas Pricing in the United States
4.1.4 Gas Pricing in the European Union
4.2 Research on Gas Pricing Mechanisms in Major Asian Consumers
4.2.1 Pricing Mechanism in the Asia-Pacific
4.2.2 China
4.2.3 India
4.2.4 Japan
4.2.5 Korea
4.2.6 Taiwan(China)
Chapter 5 Measures to Safeguard Supply to the Asian LNG Market and Reduce Asian Premium
5.1 Supply Expansion
5.1.1 Enhancing Exploration and Production of Gas Resources within the Region
5.1.2 Cooperating in Oversea Gas Exploration and Production
5.1.3 Diversifying Gas Import Sources
5.1.4 Involving in Global LNG Projects including Upstream
5.1.5 Increasing Dialogue between Consumers and Suppliers
5.1.6 Cost Reduction of Gas Supply through Better Management and New Technology
5.2 Measures on Demand Side
5.2.1 Price Mechanism to Balance Supply & Demand and to Reflect Market Value
5.2.2 Policy to Liberalize Gas Market and Introduce Competition
5.2.3 Better Power Mix and Efficient Use of Gas
5.2.4 Cooperative Measures
5.3 Flexibility of Long-Term Contract Terms
5.3.1 Elimination of Destination Clauses, Innovation of Swap and Re-sale in Long-Term Contracts
5.3.2 Adjusting Pricing Mechanism of Long-Term Contracts
5.4 Elimination of Asian Gas Premium by Forming Price Benchmark
5.5 Enhancing Cooperation
5.5.1 Enhancing Infrastructure for the Development of Integrated Regional Market
5.5.2 Regional Buyer Cooperation
5.5.3 Sharing of Information
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