Fundamentals of Crystallography 2nd


作   者:C. Giacovazzo; H. L. Monaco; G. Artioli; D. Viterbo; G. Ferraris





This crystallography textbook for students and researchers is a translation of Introduzione alla cristallografia moderna, Edizioni Frateli Laterza, Bari, published in Italy in 1985 and updated to reflect the breadth of the field today. New to the second edition, the CD-ROM contains simulated experiments and interactive exercises that emphasize general crystallography. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


Table Of Contents:

List of contributors xxi

Symmetry in crystals 1(37)

Carmelo Giacovazzo

The crystalline state and isometric operations 1(2)

Symmetry elements 3(3)

Axes of rotational symmetry 3(2)

Axes of rototranslation or screw axes 5(1)

Axes of inversion 5(1)

Axes of rotoreflection 5(1)

Reflection planes with translational component (glide planes) 6(1)

Lattices 6(1)

The rational properties of lattices 7(3)

Crystallographic directions 8(1)

Crystallographic planes 8(2)

Symmetry restrictions due to the lattice periodicity and vice versa 10(2)

Point groups and symmetry classes 12(6)

Point groups in one and two dimensions 18(1)

The Laue classes 18(1)

The seven crystal systems 18(1)

The Bravais lattices 19(5)

Plane lattices 19(1)

Space lattices 20(4)

The space groups 24(8)

The plane and line groups 32(1)

On the matrix representation of symmetry operators 32(6)
Appendices 38(99)

The isometric transformations 38(2)

Direct movements 38(1)

Opposite movements 39(1)

Some combinations of movements 40(4)

Wigner-Seitz cells 44(1)

The space-group matrices 44(3)

Symmetry groups 47(12)

Sub groups 49(1)

Cosets 50(1)

Conjugate classes 51(1)

Conjugate subgroups 52(1)

Normal subgroups and factor groups 52(2)

Maximal subgroups and minimal supergroups 54(1)

Maximal subgroups and minimal supergroups for three-dimensional crystallographic point groups 55(1)

Limiting groups in two and three dimensions 56(1)

Representation of a group 57(1)

Opposite movements 58(1)

Symmetry generalization 59(8)

The symmetry groups Gnm 59(1)

The G1 groups 59(1)

The G2 groups 59(1)

The G3 groups 60(3)

The G4 groups 63(1)

The groups of colour symmetry 63(1)

References 64(3)

Crystallographic computing 67(70)

Carmelo Giacavazzo

Introduction 67(1)

The metric matrix 67(2)

The reciprocal lattice 69(3)

Basis transformations 72(2)

Transformation from triclinic to orthonormal axes 74(2)

Rotations in Cartesian systems 76(4)

Some simple crystallographic calculations 80(5)

Torsion angles 81(1)

Best plane through a set of points 81(1)

Best line through a set of points 82(1)

Principal axes of a quadratic form 83(2)

Metric considerations on the lattices 85(6)

Niggli reduced cell 85(3)

Sublattices and superlattices 88(1)

Coincidence-site lattices 89(2)

Calculation of the electron density function 91(2)

Calculation of the structure factor 93(2)

The method of least squares 95(20)

Linear least squares 95(3)

Linear least squares with constraints 98(1)

Non-linear (unconstrained) least squares 99(1)

Least-squares refinement of crystal structures 100(4)

Practical considerations on crystallographic least squares 104(7)

Constraints and restraints in crystallographic least squares 111(4)

Alternatives to the method of least squares 115(5)

Maximum likelihood refinement 116(2)

Gradient methods 118(2)

Rietveld refinement 120(10)

Preliminary steps 120(2)

The basis of the Rietveld refinement 122(3)

Some practical aspects of Rietveld refinement 125(5)

Analysis of thermal motion 130(3)

The effect of thermal motion on bond lengths and angles 133(2)

About the accuracy of the calculated parameters 135(2)
Appendices 137(50)

Some metric relations between direct and reciprocal lattices 137(1)

Some geometrical calculations concerning directions and planes 138(3)

Some transformation matrices 141(1)

Reciprocity of F and I lattices 141(1)

Transformations of crystallographic quantities in rectilinear spaces 142(2)

Derivation of the normal equations 144(1)

Derivation of the variance-covariance matrix Mx 145(1)

Derivation of the unbiased estimate of Mx 145(1)

The FFT algorithm and its crystallographic applications 146(7)

References 147(6)

The diffraction of X-rays by crystals 153(34)

Carmelo Giacovazzo

Introduction 153(1)

Basic properties of X-rays 153(1)

Thomson scattering 154(2)

Compton scattering 156(1)

Interference of scattered waves 157(1)

Scattering by atomic electrons 158(2)

Scattering by atoms 160(1)

The temperature factor 161(2)

Scattering by a molecule or by a unit cell 163(1)

Diffraction by a crystal 164(4)

Bragg's law 168(1)

The reflection and the limiting spheres 168(1)

Symmetry in reciprocal space 169(7)

Friedel law 170(1)

Effects of symmetry operators in the reciprocal space 170(1)

Determination of the Laue class 170(1)

Determination of reflections with restricted phase values 171(2)

Systematic absences 173(3)

Unequivocal determination of the space group 176(1)

Diffraction intensities 176(4)

Anomalous dispersion 180(5)

The Fourier synthesis and the phase problem 185(2)
Appendices 187(91)

Mathematical background 187(15)

Dirac delta function 187(2)

A mathematical model for the lattice 189(1)

Convolutions 190(3)

Some properties of convolutions 193(1)

The Fourier transform 194(2)

Some examples of Fourier transform 196(4)

Fourier transform of spherically symmetric functions 200(1)

Deconvolution of spectra 201(1)

Scattering and related topics 202(18)

Compton scattering 202(1)

The anisotropic temperature factor 202(3)

Symmetry restrictions on the anisotropic temperature factors 205(3)

The Renninger effect and experimental phase determination by means of multiple diffraction experiments 208(5)

Electron diffraction 213(3)

Neutron scattering 216(4)

About electron density mapping 220(7)

References 224(3)

Beyond ideal crystals 227(51)

Carmelo Giacovazzo

Introduction 227(1)

Ordering types 228(1)

Crystal twins 229(7)

Diffuse scattering 236(8)

Thermal diffuse scattering 237(2)

Disorder diffuse scattering 239(5)

Modulated crystal structures 244(3)

Quasicrystals 247(9)

Introductory remarks 247(1)

A mathematical basis 248(2)

Aperiodic tiling and quasicrystals 250(3)

Embedding quasicrystals in higher-dimensional space 253(3)

Liquid crystals (or mesomorphic phases) 256(4)

The paracrystal 260(2)

Amorphous and liquid states 262(8)

Diffraction from a finite statistically homogeneous object 263(2)

Diffraction from a finite statistically homogeneous object with equal atoms 265(3)

Diffraction from an isotropic statistically homogeneous object 268(1)

The Debye formula 268(2)

Diffraction by gases 270(2)

Diffraction by liquids and amorphous bodies 272(2)

Small-angle scattering 274(4)
Appendices 278(110)

Examples of twin laws 278(3)

Cubic system 278(1)

Tetragonal system 278(1)

Hexagonal and trigonal systems 278(2)

Orthorhombic system 280(1)

Monoclinic system 280(1)

Triclinic system 280(1)

How to recognize and treat twins 281(4)

Embedding of modulated structures in higher-dimensional space 285(4)

About Fibonacci numbers and sequences 289(6)

References 291(4)

Experimental methods in X-ray and neutron crystallography 295(93)

Hugo L. Monaco

Gilberto Artioli

Introduction 295(1)

X-ray sources 295(18)

Conventional generators 295(5)

Synchrotron radiation 300(6)

X-ray optics: monochromatization, collimation, and focusing of X-rays 306(7)

Neutron sources 313(5)

Nuclear reactors 314(1)

Pulsed neutron sources 315(2)

Neutron optics 317(1)

X-ray and neutron detectors 318(11)

X-ray detectors 320(8)

Neutron detectors 328(1)

Data collection techniques for single crystals 329(19)

The Laue method 330(1)

The single crystal cameras 331(4)

The single crystal diffractometer 335(13)

Data collection techniques for polycrystalline materials 348(21)

Diffraction of polycrystalline materials 348(4)

Cameras used for polycrystalline materials 352(5)

Diffractometers used for polycrystalline materials 357(5)

Applications of powder diffraction 362(7)

In situ measurements in non-ambient conditions 369(7)

High-temperature polycrystalline diffraction 372(1)

Low-temperature single crystal diffractometry 373(1)

High-pressure experiments 374(2)

Data Reduction 376(12)

Lorentz correction 377(1)

Polarization correction 378(2)

Absorption correction 380(3)

Radiation damage correction 383(3)

Relative scaling 386(2)
Appendices 388(88)

Determination of the number of molecules in the unit cell of a crystal 388(2)

The cylindrical film cameras geometry 390(6)

The precession camera geometry 396(3)

The rotation method geometry 399(14)

References 403(10)

Solution and refinement of crystal structures 413(63)

Davide Viterbo

Introduction 413(2)

Statistical analysis of structure-factor amplitudes 415(4)

The Patterson function and its use 419(13)

The heavy atom method 424(8)

Direct methods 432(33)

Introduction 432(2)

Structure invariants and semi-invariants 434(4)

Probability methods 438(6)

Fixing the origin and the enantiomorph 444(4)

Phase determination procedures 448(17)

Completing and refining the structure 465(11)

Difference Fourier method 465(2)

Least-squares method 467(8)

Absolute configuration 475(1)
Appendices 476(270)

Structure-factor probability distributions 476(3)

Patterson vector methods 479(7)

Probability formulae for triplet invariants 486(3)

Pseudotranslational symmetry 489(1)

Magic integers 490(1)

New multisolution techniques 491(2)

Procedures for completing a partial model 493(10)

Weights for Fourier syntheses 493(2)

Syntheses for completing a partial model 495(1)

References 496(7)

Mineral and inorganic crystals 503(82)

Giovanni Ferraris

Introduction 503(2)

Bonding aspects 505(33)

Chemical bond and solid-state properties 505(1)

Melting 506(1)

Cleavage 507(1)

Structure and morphology 508(1)

Morphology and optical properties 509(1)

Representing crystal structures 509(1)

The ionic radii 510(2)

Packing of spheres 512(4)

Coordination polyhedra 516(1)

Interstitial sites 516(2)

Ionic radii and coordination polyhedra 518(3)

Electrostatic bond strength and Pauling's rules 521(3)

Bond strength versus bond length 524(1)

The charge distribution (CD) method 525(3)

Applications of CD and ECoN 528(2)

Bond valence and hydrogen bond 530(1)

Bond valence and hydrates 531(1)

Bond strength of the O...O hydrogen bond 532(1)

Polymorphism 533(1)

Solid solutions 534(2)

Solid solutions, order/disorder and crystal-chemical formula 536(2)

Structure types 538(14)

Closest- and close-packing type structures 538(1)

Packing spheres only 538(1)

Filling tetrahedral sites 539(4)

Filling octahedral sites 543(6)

Filling octahedral and tetrahedral sites 549(1)

More cp structures 550(2)

Structures with complex anions 552(9)

Orthosilicates 552(2)

Disilicates and ring silicates 554(1)

Chain silicates (inosilicates) 555(1)

Layer (sheet) silicates (phyllosilicates) 556(3)

Tectosilicates 559(2)

More materials of technological interest 561(1)

Modular structures 561(14)

Polytypism 561(1)

Modelling the structure of OD polytypes 562(2)

Identification of long-period polytypes 564(3)

Polysomatic series 567(1)

Modelling structures of polysomes 568(3)

Modular series and homology 571(2)

Intersecting modular series 573(1)

Miscellany of modular structures 574(1)

Modulated structures 575(1)

Real structures 575(10)

Symmetry domains 576(2)

Unmixing phenomena 578(2)

References 580(5)

Molecules and molecular crystals 585(82)

Gastone Gilli

Chemistry and X-ray crystallography 585(3)

Crystal and molecular structure 585(2)

The growth of structural information 587(1)

The nature of molecular crystals 588(22)

Intermolecular forces 588(8)

A more detailed analysis of intermolecular forces 596(4)

Thermodynamics of molecular crystals 600(3)

Free and lattice energy of a crystal from atom-atom potentials 603(3)

Polymorphism 606(1)

The prediction of the crystal structures 606(4)

Elements of classical stereochemistry 610(15)

Structure: constitution, configuration, and conformation 610(2)

Isomerism 612(5)

Ring conformations 617(1)

Ring conformation and group theory 618(6)

Computation of puckering coordinates 624(1)

Molecular structure and chemical bond 625(14)

Introduction 625(1)

Quantum-mechanical methods 626(2)

Qualitative bonding theories 628(2)

The VSEPR theory 630(2)

VB theory 632(2)

Molecular mechanics (MM) 634(3)

Molecular mechanics, force fields, and molecular modelling 637(2)

Molecular hermoneutics: the interpretation of molecular structures 639(28)

Correlation methods in structural analysis 639(2)

Some three-centre-four-electron linear systems 641(1)

Nucleophilic addition to organometallic compounds 642(2)

Nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group 644(1)

Conformational rearrangements 645(5)

Advances in hydrogen bond theory by structure-correlation methods 650(7)

References 657(10)

Protein crystallography 667(79)

Giuseppe Zannotti

Introduction 667(2)

Biological macromolecules 669(14)

Globular proteins 669(1)

Protein folding: general rules 670(1)

Levels of organization of proteins: Secondary structure 671(5)

Representation of the polypetide chain conformation 676(1)

Higher levels of organization: tertiary and quaternary structure, domains, and subunits 676(2)

The influence of the medium 678(1)

Groups other than amino-acids 679(2)

Protein classification 681(2)

Nucleic acids 683(1)

Protein crystals 683(11)

Principles of protein crystallization 685(1)

Crystallization methods 686(1)

Testing the conditions: factorial approaches 687(2)

The solvent content of protein crystals 689(2)

Cryotechniques 691(1)

Preparation of isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives 692(1)

How isomorphous are isomorphous derivatives? 693(1)

The solution of the phase problem 694(34)

The isomorphous replacement method 694(1)

The determination of heavy-atom positions 695(1)

The single isomorphous replacement (SIR) method 696(2)

The classical solution of the problem of phase ambiguity: the MIR technique 698(1)

Anomalous scattering: a complementary (or alternative) approach to the solution of the phase problem 699(2)

The optimal choice of wavelength and the multiple anomalous dispersion (MAD) technique 701(2)

The use of anomalous scattering in the determination of the absolute configuration of the macromolecule 703(2)

The treatment of errors 705(4)

The refinement of heavy atoms parameters 709(2)

Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian estimates: an alternative approach in phase refinement 711(1)

Picking up minor heavy-atom sites: the difference-Fourier synthesis 712(1)

Density-modification: how to solve the phase ambiguity and improve the electron density map 713(3)

Rotation and translation functions and the molecular replacement method 716(2)

The first step in molecular replacement: the rotation function 718(2)

The rotation matrix C and the choice of variables 720(1)

Translation functions 720(3)

Self-rotation and self-translation functions: improving the electron density maps 723(2)

Practical hints in molecular replacement 725(1)

The direct methods in macromolecular crystallography 725(3)

The interpretation of the electron density maps and the refinement of the model 728(18)

The interpretation of the electron density maps 728(1)

Interactive computer graphics and model building 729(2)

The refinement of the structure 731(1)

Constrained versus restrained least-squares 732(3)

Restrained and constrained least-squares 735(1)

Crystallographic refinement by molecular dynamics 736(1)

The strategy of the refinement of protein structures 737(2)

R factor and Rfree. Structure validation 739(2)

Thermal parameters and disordered structures 741(2)

The organization of solvent 743(1)

The influence of crystal packing 744(1)

Dynamical studies: time-resolved crystallography 744(2)
Appendices 746(64)

Some formulae for isomorphous replacement and anomalous dispersion 746(2)

Translation functions 748(1)

Macromolecular least-squares refinement and the conjugate-gradient algorithm 749(2)

Conventions and symbols for amino acids and peptides 751(8)

References 752(7)

Physical properties of crystals: Phenomenology and modelling 759(51)

Michele Catti

Introduction 759(1)

Crystal anisotropy and tensors 760(5)

Tensorial quantities 761(2)

Symmetry of tensorial properties 763(2)

Overview of physical properties 765(1)

Electrical properties of crystals 766(3)

Pyroelectricity 767(1)

Dielectric impermeability and optical properties 768(1)

Elastic properties of crystals 769(12)

Crystal strain 770(3)

Inner deformation 773(2)

Stress tensor 775(1)

Elasticity tensor 775(4)

Examples and applications 779(2)

Piezoelectricity 781(4)

Symmetry properties of the piezoelectric tensor 783(2)

Modelling of structural and elastic behaviour 785(6)

Atomistic potential functions 785(2)

Athermal equation of state 787(2)

Elastic constants 789(2)

Crystal defects 791(1)

Experimental methods 792(2)

Planar defects 794(3)

Line defects: dislocations 797(8)

The Burgers circuit 799(1)

X-ray topography of dislocations 799(2)

Energy of a dislocation 801(1)

Motion and interaction of dislocations 802(1)

Partial dislocations 803(1)

Small-angle grain boundaries 804(1)

Point defects 805(1)

Thermal distribution of defects 806(1)

Diffusion 807(1)

Ionic conductivity 808(2)
Appendices 810(5)

Properties of second-ranki tensors 810(1)

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 810(1)

Representation surfaces and their properties 811(4)

References 813(2)
Index 815



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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