教材以博采众长、兼收并蓄的“综合法”(Method Synergistics)为理论指导,侧重传统方法。
lesson one
text the sea 大海
grammar:adjectives & adverbs: comparative & superlative degrees 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级
writing: paragraph -- topic sentence 段落中的主题句
reading: the pyramids 金字塔
speaking: homework 作业
lesson two
text a letter to a teacher 写给老师的一封信
grammar: i. attributive clause 定语从句
ii. possessive pronoun 物主代词
writing: paragraph -- developer, transitional sentence & conclusion 段落中的发展句、转折句和结论句
reading: mountaineering 登山运动
speaking excuses 辩解
lesson three
text: kites 风筝
grammar: voice 动词的语态
writing: paragraph -- unity 段落的统一性
reading: can animals be made to work for us? 动物能为我们服务吗?
speaking: ordering food 点餐
lesson four
.text: late one evening 深夜
grammar: i. past perfect 过去完成时
ii. past perfect progressive 过去完成进行时
writing: paragraph -- coherence(1) 段落的连贯性(1)
reading: the longest race 最长的赛跑
speaking: fail to keep an appointment 失约
lesson five
text: fire! fire! 着火了!着火了!
grammar: i. past progressive 过去进行时
ii. the articles 冠词
writing: paragraph -- coherence(2) 段落的连贯性(2)
reading: walt disney 沃尔特·迪斯尼
speaking: husband and wife 夫妻之间
lesson six
text: memory 记忆
grammar: indirect speech 间接引语
writing: list & example paragraphs 列举法与举例法
reading: what is intelligence? 什么是智慧?
speaking: date-breaking 取消约会
lesson seven
text: oil 油
grammar: "it" structures 带引导词“it”的常用结构
writing: chronological paragraphs 时间顺序段落
spatial paragraphs 空间顺序段落
process paragraphs 过程描写
reading: greetings around the world 世界各地的问候方式
speaking: asking for a favor 请求帮助
text: crazy about animals 钟爱动物.
grammar: present participle 现在分词
writing: classification & dfinition 分类法与定义法
reading: phobias 恐惧症
text the sea 大海
grammar:adjectives & adverbs: comparative & superlative degrees 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级
writing: paragraph -- topic sentence 段落中的主题句
reading: the pyramids 金字塔
speaking: homework 作业
lesson two
text a letter to a teacher 写给老师的一封信
grammar: i. attributive clause 定语从句
ii. possessive pronoun 物主代词
writing: paragraph -- developer, transitional sentence & conclusion 段落中的发展句、转折句和结论句
reading: mountaineering 登山运动
speaking excuses 辩解
lesson three
text: kites 风筝
grammar: voice 动词的语态
writing: paragraph -- unity 段落的统一性
reading: can animals be made to work for us? 动物能为我们服务吗?
speaking: ordering food 点餐
lesson four
.text: late one evening 深夜
grammar: i. past perfect 过去完成时
ii. past perfect progressive 过去完成进行时
writing: paragraph -- coherence(1) 段落的连贯性(1)
reading: the longest race 最长的赛跑
speaking: fail to keep an appointment 失约
lesson five
text: fire! fire! 着火了!着火了!
grammar: i. past progressive 过去进行时
ii. the articles 冠词
writing: paragraph -- coherence(2) 段落的连贯性(2)
reading: walt disney 沃尔特·迪斯尼
speaking: husband and wife 夫妻之间
lesson six
text: memory 记忆
grammar: indirect speech 间接引语
writing: list & example paragraphs 列举法与举例法
reading: what is intelligence? 什么是智慧?
speaking: date-breaking 取消约会
lesson seven
text: oil 油
grammar: "it" structures 带引导词“it”的常用结构
writing: chronological paragraphs 时间顺序段落
spatial paragraphs 空间顺序段落
process paragraphs 过程描写
reading: greetings around the world 世界各地的问候方式
speaking: asking for a favor 请求帮助
text: crazy about animals 钟爱动物.
grammar: present participle 现在分词
writing: classification & dfinition 分类法与定义法
reading: phobias 恐惧症
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