Chapter 1日常起居
Sentence 1 起床啦!太阳晒屁股啦!——早晨起床的地道英文
Rise and shine!
Sentence 2“瞎混”用英语怎么说?——平时这样打招呼
Just hanging in there.
Sentence 3准备好出门了吗?——准备出门
I'm leaving.
Sentence 4全家总动员!——家务事这样说最地道
You do the door,and I do the window.
Sentence 5做强大的“自己动手女”——家庭故障英文
She is a strong do.it.herselfer.
Sentence 6我是月光族——用英语聊财务状况
I'm a moonlight clan.
Sentence 7 家是强大的后盾——家人之间最常用的英文
Home is your strong backing.
Sentence 8今天忙得四脚朝天!——谈谈一天的感受
I'm up to my neck in work.
Sentence 9晚上又要开夜车了!——睡前准备和晚安问候
1 will pull an all—nighter.
Chapter 2娱乐生活
Sentence 1 萝卜青菜各有所爱!——谈论兴趣爱好
Every man has his hobbyhorse.
Sentence 2 我的闲暇周末!——假期周末活动地道英语
Have any plans for the weekend?
Sentence 3讨人厌的“剧透党”!——地道美语聊影视剧
You're a masty spoiler.
Sentence 4 麦霸一枚?——KTV里的英文表达
I am a microphone—hog.
Sentence 5 High翻派对——派对夜店必备英文
You are a party pooper.
Sentence 6 购物狂的自白——购物英语轻松学
Buy one and get one free?
Sentence 7 网虫的线上生活——网络英文
You are such a mouse potato.
Chapter 3最in话题
Sentence 1 对号入座.你是哪一族?——新鲜族群英文流利说
They belong to the flash marriage group.
Sentence 2你来自哪颗星?——用英语畅聊星座
He'S a typical Taurus.
Sentence 3 “土豪”.我们做朋友吧!——网络新词大搜罗
Beverly Hillbillies,let'S be~iends!
Sentence 4八卦聊不完——英文畅聊八卦
You're such a gossip!
Sentence 5 喵星人还是汪星人?——聊聊你的萌宠
1 walk the dog every day.
Sentence 6你是“自拍狂”吗?——拍照英语一网打尽
She'S selfie—addicted.
Chapter 4时尚世界
Sentence 1 时尚潮人的必备单品——用英语聊时尚
Skinny jeans is a must—have.
Sentence 2今天你睡美容觉吗?——护肤保养的那些英文
I must get my beauty sleep.
Sentence 3素面朝天?还是彩妆达人?——彩妆的英语表达
She is always getting a make—under.
Sentence 4完美变身!——英文畅谈整形风
1 want to get a nose job.
Sentence 5从头发武装到指甲——用英语聊美甲美发
1 want to get manicures.
Chapter 5浪漫爱情
Sentence 1 3S lady的单身生活——单身英文这样说
I am a 3S lady.
Sentence 2 暧昧搭讪——看老美如何用英语搭讪
Let me chat her up.
Sentence 3你们来电吗?——看恋爱高手说英文
They are clicking.
Sentence 4热恋情侣说英文——甜言蜜语英文这么说
They are two peas in a pod.
Sentence 5嫁人豪门?——从求婚到结婚英文这样说
She wants to marry into the purple.
Sentence 6 当爱情遭遇挑战——教你用英文流利撂狠话
Her husband is a two—timer. 82
Sentence 7分手?复合?——用英文说恋爱中的分分合合
He remarried his ex—wife.
Sentence 8“孕妇装”英语怎么说?——准爸爸准妈妈的必备
英文Where are the maternitv clothes?
Chapter 6舌尖上的美食
Sentence 1 吃货的美食诱惑——美食英文专供
You are a totally foodaholic.
Sentence 2牛排几分熟?——西式美食英文这样说
I'd like my steak medium well.
Sentence 3舌尖上的中国——中餐英文流利说
A bite of China.
Sentence 4下馆子喽!——餐厅英文这样说
Let'S eat out.
Sentence 5 人人都有拿手菜——烹饪英语大搜罗
What's your signature dish?
Sentence 6饭煳了?切手了?——烹饪应急英语
I smell something burning.
Chapter 7体育运动
Sentence 1 铁杆球迷——最具美国范儿的体育运动
I,m a die—hard basketball fan.
Sentence 2你是健身达人吗?——健身运动英文
1 work out at the gym every day.
Sentence 3你又瘦了!——减肥塑身英语
Let'S stop this fat talk.
Sentence 4有氧运动正流行——风靡美国的有氧运动
I do my cardio every day.
Chapter 8健康与体检
Sentence 1 “流鼻涕''英文怎么说?——“身体不适”的英
文表达My nose is running.
Sentence 2“挂号”英语怎么说?——用英文求医问诊
Where do I register?
Sentence 3探望病人这样说——探病英文必备
How are you feeling today?
Sentence 4‘‘处方药”怎么说?——药店买药英文必备
Do you have a prescription?
Sentence 5全面体检!——健康体检说出美国范儿
I need a thorough check—up.
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