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One of the most lively and contentious issues in contemporary linguistic theory concerns the elusive boundary between semantics and pragmatics, and Professor Laurence R. Horn of Yale University has been at the center of that debate ever since his groundbreaking 1972 UCLA dissertation. This volume in honor of Horn brings together the best of current work at the semantics/pragmatics boundary from a neo-Gricean perspective. Featuring the contributions of 22 leading researchers, it includes papers on implicature (Kent Bach), inference (Betty Birner), presupposition (Barbara Abbott), lexical semant.


Wher havm t smOic of the presuppositions gone? i
Barbara Abbota
The toP 010 1isonceptions atbout imphicaturei 21
Kent Baich
Infentiat relations a cid noncanonical word order 31
SBetth v Btir
S lynoc - iHolm s was in no danger 53
(ef Crsbon ana Gianluca Storto
Fr1e c 1 nie n Ro in 71
DoAica F. Bc kas
oarit, qu stuios and tih scalar properties of even 95
A tasi Giannakidou
iscourse parclcs and the syisisn of na turail language processing
b- ot 1u i
a:ndaxsicr-es;ea-rc 117
Saying less land eangleliss: :137
Sc m to figre thi out 7
eerig expressions and conversationi imlicature 177
Ande K/hi'r and Greg oy Ward
Indi lheriogr hy 195
Stcve TlAincler cd Raicndal Iggert
Why defining is seldom 'just emantics': arria ad rriag 21
Sally McConnell-Giet
Negation and modularity 241
FPrdecick i. Newn jm ye
A note on Mandarin posessives, demonstratives, and deiniteness 2
B,rbara H. Partee
On ahomework problem ofarr Ho n 281
Francis fef_, Pelletier and Andrew Hart4ini
Impersonal pronoun in French ad Yiddis: emanti reftrence
vs. discourse reference 295
lien F Prince
Motors and switches: An exercise n syntax and pragmatics 317
Jrrold M. Sadock
Fin- tuni g Jespersens Cycle i32
Scott A. Schwentr



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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