prefa ce
1 introduction to system dynamics
1-1 introduction
1-2 mathematical modeling of dynamic systems
1-3 analysis and design of dynamic systems
1-4 summary
2 the laplace transform
2-1 introduction
2-2 complex numbers, complex variables, and complex functions
2-3 laplace transformation
2-4 inverse laplace transformation
2-5 solving linear, time-invariant differential equations
example problems and solutions
3 mechanical systems
3-1 introduction
3-2 mechanical elements
3-3 mathematical modeling of simple mechanical systems
3-4 work, energy, and power
example problems and solutions
. problems
4 transfer-function approach to
modeling dynamic systems
4-1 introduction
4-2 block diagrams
4-3 partial-fraction expansion with matlab
4 4 transient-response analysis with matlab
example problems and solutions
5 state-space approach to modeling
dynamic systems
5-1 introduction
5-2 transient-response analysis of systems
in state-space form with matlab
5-3 state-space modeling of systems with no
input derivatives
5-4 state-space modeling of systems with input derivatives
5-5 transformation of mathematical models with matlab
example problems and solutions
6 electrical systems and electromechanical
6-1 introduction
6-2 fundamentals of electrical circuits
6-3 mathematical modeling of electrical systems
6-4 analogous systems
6-5 mathematical modeling of electromechanical systems
6-6 mathematical modeling of operational-amplifier systems
example problems and solutions
7 fluid systems and thermal systems
7-1 introduction
7-2 mathematical modeling of liquid-level systems
7-3 mathematical modeling of pneumatic systems
7-4 linearization of nonlinear systems
7-5 mathematical modeling of hydraulic systems
7-6 mathematical modeling of thermal systems
example problems and solutions
8 time-domain analysis of dynamic systems
8-1 introduction
8-2 transient-response analysis of first-order systems
8-3 transient-response analysis of second-order systems
8-4 transient-response analysis of higher order systems
8-5 solution of the state equation
example problems and solutions
9 frequency-domain analysis
of dynamic systems
9-1 introduction
9-2 sinusoidal transfer function
9-3 vibrations in rotating mechanical systems
9-4 vibration isolation
9-5 dynamic vibration absorbers
9-6 free vibrations in multi-degrees-of-freedom systems
example problems and solutions
10 time-domain analysis and design
of control systems
10-1 introduction
10-2 block diagrams and their simplification
10-3 automatic controllers
10-4 transient-response analysis
10-5 transient-response specifications
10-6 improving transient-response and steady-state characteristics
10-7 stability analysis
10-8 root-locus analysis
10-9 root-locus plots with matlab
10-10 tuning rules for pid controllers
example problems and solutions
11 frequency-domain analysis and design
of control systems
11-1 introduction
11-2 bode diagram representation of the frequency response
11-3 plotting bode diagrams with matlab
11-4 nyquist plots and the nyquist stability criterion
11-5 drawing nyquist plots with matlab
11-6 design of control systems in the frequency domain
example problems and solutions
appendix a systems of units
appendix b conversion tables
appendix c vector-matrix algebra
appendix d introduction to matlab
1 introduction to system dynamics
1-1 introduction
1-2 mathematical modeling of dynamic systems
1-3 analysis and design of dynamic systems
1-4 summary
2 the laplace transform
2-1 introduction
2-2 complex numbers, complex variables, and complex functions
2-3 laplace transformation
2-4 inverse laplace transformation
2-5 solving linear, time-invariant differential equations
example problems and solutions
3 mechanical systems
3-1 introduction
3-2 mechanical elements
3-3 mathematical modeling of simple mechanical systems
3-4 work, energy, and power
example problems and solutions
. problems
4 transfer-function approach to
modeling dynamic systems
4-1 introduction
4-2 block diagrams
4-3 partial-fraction expansion with matlab
4 4 transient-response analysis with matlab
example problems and solutions
5 state-space approach to modeling
dynamic systems
5-1 introduction
5-2 transient-response analysis of systems
in state-space form with matlab
5-3 state-space modeling of systems with no
input derivatives
5-4 state-space modeling of systems with input derivatives
5-5 transformation of mathematical models with matlab
example problems and solutions
6 electrical systems and electromechanical
6-1 introduction
6-2 fundamentals of electrical circuits
6-3 mathematical modeling of electrical systems
6-4 analogous systems
6-5 mathematical modeling of electromechanical systems
6-6 mathematical modeling of operational-amplifier systems
example problems and solutions
7 fluid systems and thermal systems
7-1 introduction
7-2 mathematical modeling of liquid-level systems
7-3 mathematical modeling of pneumatic systems
7-4 linearization of nonlinear systems
7-5 mathematical modeling of hydraulic systems
7-6 mathematical modeling of thermal systems
example problems and solutions
8 time-domain analysis of dynamic systems
8-1 introduction
8-2 transient-response analysis of first-order systems
8-3 transient-response analysis of second-order systems
8-4 transient-response analysis of higher order systems
8-5 solution of the state equation
example problems and solutions
9 frequency-domain analysis
of dynamic systems
9-1 introduction
9-2 sinusoidal transfer function
9-3 vibrations in rotating mechanical systems
9-4 vibration isolation
9-5 dynamic vibration absorbers
9-6 free vibrations in multi-degrees-of-freedom systems
example problems and solutions
10 time-domain analysis and design
of control systems
10-1 introduction
10-2 block diagrams and their simplification
10-3 automatic controllers
10-4 transient-response analysis
10-5 transient-response specifications
10-6 improving transient-response and steady-state characteristics
10-7 stability analysis
10-8 root-locus analysis
10-9 root-locus plots with matlab
10-10 tuning rules for pid controllers
example problems and solutions
11 frequency-domain analysis and design
of control systems
11-1 introduction
11-2 bode diagram representation of the frequency response
11-3 plotting bode diagrams with matlab
11-4 nyquist plots and the nyquist stability criterion
11-5 drawing nyquist plots with matlab
11-6 design of control systems in the frequency domain
example problems and solutions
appendix a systems of units
appendix b conversion tables
appendix c vector-matrix algebra
appendix d introduction to matlab
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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