Chicken soup for the teenage soul,The real deal: friends
简介 谁能够划船不用桨,谁能够扬帆沒有风向,谁能够离开好朋友沒有感伤……友谊。是人类最珍贵的情感之一。沒有朋友相陪的旅途是寂寞的。 沒有友情相伴的岁月是漫长的。 青春是挥洒友情最广阔的天空。友情是点缀青春最绚烂的花朵。孩童时代的友情是最纯真的,如一块无暇的白玉,上面刻着嬉笑玩耍阳光灿烂的日子,刻着互相鼓励追逐梦想的美好时光。《心灵鸡汤——友情岁月》用一个个温馨感人的小故事诠释美国青少年心中友情的真谛。坚而不摧的友谊也会受到种种现实问题的冲击。误会摩擦曾让他们无奈彷徨,不同的观点理想曾让他们爭执互不相让。然而信任理解宽容最终化解一切冰霜,始终不移的信念令友情久而弥坚…… 看了一个个慧人心智的故事后,你想不想测测自己的友情指数呢?赶快翻开《心灵鸡汤——友情岁月》吧,你是不是一个受欢迎的人。你是否善于修复受伤的友情,你是否择友得当……答案尽在其中!
chapter 1 what is a friend?
the first day
friendship soup
dear friend
being a friend
the gardener
chapter 2 friendship challenges
crossing the fence
a volunteer from the audience
not really a friend
the in-crowd
a deck of snails
chapter 3 friends who inspire
take care
true friends
my two best friends
a different kind of friend
. the gift of friendship
chapter 4 unusual friendships
a friendship never broken
my reflection
the friendship cake
comfort has four legs
a feline friend
directory assistance
chapter 5 blurry lines
"friends with benefits,"prom-style
just friends
can't fall in love with a friend
a changing season
i called you my best friend
chapter 6 when friendships change
the history of izzi and me
friend forever we'll always be
fear or vertigo
my rhiannon
for her own good
chapter 7 tough stuff
the little red bunny
my loss
why didn't you try?
chapter 8 friends in need
a fateful friendship
guys come,and guys go
take back the night
becoming one and losing a half
my dear friend
paying back a friend
the little things friends do
chapter 1 what is a friend?
the first day
friendship soup
dear friend
being a friend
the gardener
chapter 2 friendship challenges
crossing the fence
a volunteer from the audience
not really a friend
the in-crowd
a deck of snails
chapter 3 friends who inspire
take care
true friends
my two best friends
a different kind of friend
. the gift of friendship
chapter 4 unusual friendships
a friendship never broken
my reflection
the friendship cake
comfort has four legs
a feline friend
directory assistance
chapter 5 blurry lines
"friends with benefits,"prom-style
just friends
can't fall in love with a friend
a changing season
i called you my best friend
chapter 6 when friendships change
the history of izzi and me
friend forever we'll always be
fear or vertigo
my rhiannon
for her own good
chapter 7 tough stuff
the little red bunny
my loss
why didn't you try?
chapter 8 friends in need
a fateful friendship
guys come,and guys go
take back the night
becoming one and losing a half
my dear friend
paying back a friend
the little things friends do
Chicken soup for the teenage soul,The real deal: friends
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