Computer science : an overview = 计算机科学概论 / 8th ed.


作   者:J. Glenn Brookshear著.





本书内容覆盖了计算机科学各学科的主要领域,分别以历史的眼光、 发展的角度、当前的水平以及现阶段研究的方向几个方面,对各领域的知 识作了全景式的阐述。第8版中还增加和更新了有关内容,密切关注这些领 域最新进展。全书深入浅出、图文并茂,内容安排灵活,便于读者学习。 通过本书,读者可以对计算机科学这一学科有一个全面的了解。书中每节 都有问题与练习题,每章都有复习题,每章后都附有与本章内容相关的那 些需要关心或可能引起争议的社会问题供读者思考、讨论。书后还提供了 为深入学 习有关专题内容应阅读有参考书目。这些都使本书内容和系统更 加完整,更能激发学生的学习兴趣,也便教师教学。 本书适合作为高等学校计算机概念或计算机科学基础课程的教材。对 于计算机工作者及希望全面了解计算机科学的一般读者,本书也是一本优 秀的基础读物。


chapter 0 introduction . 1

0.1 the role of algorithms 2

0.2 the origins of computing machines 4

0.3 the science of algorithms 9

0.4 abstraction 9

0.5 an outline of our study 11

0.6 social repercussions 12

social issues 13

additional reading 15

chapter 1 data storage 17

1.1 bits and their storage 18

1.2 main memory 26

1.3 mass storage 28

1.4 representing information as bit patterns 34

1.5 the binary system 41

1.6 storing integers 46

1.7 storing fractions 53

1.8 data compression 57

1.9 communication errors 61

chapter review problems 65

.social issues 70

additional reading 71

chapter 2 data manipulation 73

2.1 computer architecture 74

2.2 machine language 77

2.3 program execution 83

2.4 arithmetic/logic instructions 90

2.5 communicating with other devices 94

2.6 other architectures 99

chapter review problems 102

social issues 107

additional reading 108

chapter 3 operating systems 109

3.1 the evolution of operating systems 110

3.2 operating system architecture 113

3.3 coordinating the machine's activities 120

3.4 handling competition among processes 123

3.5 security 127

chapter review problems 129

social issues 132

additional reading 133

chapter 4 networking and the internet 135

4.1 network fundamentals 136

4.2 the internet 141

4.3 the world wide web 147

4.4 network protocols 156

4.5 security 164

chapter review problems 167

social issues 169

additional reading 170

chapter 5 algorithms 171

5.1 the concept of an algorithm 172

5.2 algorithm representation 175

5.3 algorithm discovery 182

5.4 iterative structures 188

5.5 recursive structures 199

5.6 efficiency and correctness 207

chapter review problems 216

social issues 222

additional reading 223

chapter 6 programming languages 225

6.1 historical perspective 226

6.2 traditional programming concepts 235

6.3 procedural units 246

6.4 language implementation 254

6.5 object-oriented programming 263

6.6 programming concurrent activities 269

6.7 declarative programming 272

chapter review problems .. 278

social issues 282

additional reading 283

chapter 7 software engineering 285

7.1 the software engineering discipline 286

7.2 the software life cycle 288

7.3 modularity 293

7.4 design methodologies 299

7.5 tools of the trade 303

7.6 testing 308

7.7 documentation 309

7.8 software ownership and liability 311

chapter review problems 313

social issues 316

additional reading 317

chapter 8 data abstractions 319

8.1 data structure fundamentals 320

8.2 implementing data structures 324

8.3 a short case study 337

8.4 customized data types 342

8.5 classes and objects 346

8.6 pointers in machine language 348

chapter review problems 350

social issues 355

additional reading 357

chapter 9 database systems 359

9.1 database fundamentals 360

9.2 the relational model 364

9.3 object-oriented databases 376

9.4 maintaining database integrity 379

9.5 traditional file structures 382

9.6 data mining 391

9.7 social impact of database technology 393

chapter review problems 395

social issues 400

additional reading 401

chapter 10 artificial intelligence 403

10.1 intelligence and machines 404

10.2 understanding images 408

10.3 reasoning 411

10.4 artificial neural networks 423

10.5 genetic algorithms 434

10.6 other areas of research 438

10.7 considering the consequences 446

chapter review problems 448

social issues 453

additional reading 455

chapter 11 theory of computation 457

11.1 functions and their computation 458

11.2 turing machines 460

11.3 universal programming languages 464

11.4 a noncomputable function 470

11.5 complexity of problems 476

11.6 public key cryptography 485

chapter review problems 489

social issues 493

additional reading 494

appendixes 495

a ascii 495

b circuits to manipulate two's complement

representations 497

c a simple machine language 501

d high-level language program examples 503

e the equivalence of iterative and recursive structures 511

f answers to questions/exercises 513

index ... 550



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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