the five mottos of successful ielts students / 1
unit one introduction to ielts speaking module /2
i. introduction / 2
ii. why prepare for ielts / 3
iii.purpose of the ielts speaking section / 3
iv.main features of the ielts speaking test / 4
v. assessment standards / 8
vi.why some people score lower than they expect / 11
vii. why some people score higher than they expect / 16
viii. frequently asked questions (faq) / 19
ix. how to self-study / 23
x. in summary / 25
unit two stage 1: introduction / 27
i. interview / 27
ii.outline of stage 1 / 28
iii.features of stage 1 / 29
iv.process / 30
v. purpose / 30
vi.requirements / 31
vii. strategies / 31
.viii. self-study strategies / 35
ix.communication points and exercises / 36
x.additional exercises / 43
xi.answer keys / 53
xii. useful expressions and exercises / 63
xiii. useful vocabulary / 69
xiv. model questions and answers / 80
unit three stage 2: the long talk / 104
i. interview / 104
ii.outline of stage 2 / 105
iii.features of stage 2 / 107
iv.process / 108
v. purpose / 109
vi.topics / 109
vii. requirements / 110
viii. strategies for stage 2 / 111
ix.self-study strategies / 114
x. communication points and exercises / 114
xi.additional exercises / 125
xii. answer keys / 133
xiii. useful expressions and exercises / 149
xiv. useful vocabulary / 160
xv. model verbal prompt cards for practice / 167
xvi. model answers to cards / 203
unit four stage 3: two-way discussion/245
i. interview / 245
ii.outline of stage 3 / 246
iii.features of stage 3 / 247
iv.process / 248
v.purpose / 249
vi.topics / 249
vii. requirements / 249
viii. strategies for stage 3 / 251
ix.self-study strategies / 255
x. communication points and exercises / 256
xi.additional exercises / 264
xii. answer keys / 275
xiii. useful expressions and exercises / 287
xiv. useful vocabulary / 299
xv. model questions and answers / 307
unit five practice interviews /342
i. interview 1 / 342
ii.interview 2 / 343
iii.interview 3 / 344
iv.interview 4 / 345
v.interview 5 / 346
vi.interview 6 / 347
vii. interview 7 / 348
unit six sample interviews/350
i. sample interview 1 / 351
ii. sample interview 2 / 357
iii.sample interview 3 / 363
conclusion / 368
unit one introduction to ielts speaking module /2
i. introduction / 2
ii. why prepare for ielts / 3
iii.purpose of the ielts speaking section / 3
iv.main features of the ielts speaking test / 4
v. assessment standards / 8
vi.why some people score lower than they expect / 11
vii. why some people score higher than they expect / 16
viii. frequently asked questions (faq) / 19
ix. how to self-study / 23
x. in summary / 25
unit two stage 1: introduction / 27
i. interview / 27
ii.outline of stage 1 / 28
iii.features of stage 1 / 29
iv.process / 30
v. purpose / 30
vi.requirements / 31
vii. strategies / 31
.viii. self-study strategies / 35
ix.communication points and exercises / 36
x.additional exercises / 43
xi.answer keys / 53
xii. useful expressions and exercises / 63
xiii. useful vocabulary / 69
xiv. model questions and answers / 80
unit three stage 2: the long talk / 104
i. interview / 104
ii.outline of stage 2 / 105
iii.features of stage 2 / 107
iv.process / 108
v. purpose / 109
vi.topics / 109
vii. requirements / 110
viii. strategies for stage 2 / 111
ix.self-study strategies / 114
x. communication points and exercises / 114
xi.additional exercises / 125
xii. answer keys / 133
xiii. useful expressions and exercises / 149
xiv. useful vocabulary / 160
xv. model verbal prompt cards for practice / 167
xvi. model answers to cards / 203
unit four stage 3: two-way discussion/245
i. interview / 245
ii.outline of stage 3 / 246
iii.features of stage 3 / 247
iv.process / 248
v.purpose / 249
vi.topics / 249
vii. requirements / 249
viii. strategies for stage 3 / 251
ix.self-study strategies / 255
x. communication points and exercises / 256
xi.additional exercises / 264
xii. answer keys / 275
xiii. useful expressions and exercises / 287
xiv. useful vocabulary / 299
xv. model questions and answers / 307
unit five practice interviews /342
i. interview 1 / 342
ii.interview 2 / 343
iii.interview 3 / 344
iv.interview 4 / 345
v.interview 5 / 346
vi.interview 6 / 347
vii. interview 7 / 348
unit six sample interviews/350
i. sample interview 1 / 351
ii. sample interview 2 / 357
iii.sample interview 3 / 363
conclusion / 368
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