BSAVA manual of canine and feline neurology / 3rd ed.
作 者:edited by Simon R. Platt and Natasha J. Olby.
The third edition of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Neurology has been completely rewritten and restyled, reflecting the rapid and extensive advances that have taken place in this field over the last 10 years. Accompanying chapters from neurology specialists across Europe and the USA are a set of stunning specially commissioned full colou... more 籸 illustrations.
The book is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the essentials of neurological diagnosis including, examination, lesion localization, clinical pathology, electrophysiology, neuroradiology and tissue biopsy. And it is within the neuroradiology chapter that the greatest differences from the previous edition are evident. Increased access to advanced imaging has greatly expanded neurological knowledge and here these techniques are explored in depth alongside thorough descriptions of radiographic techniques typically used in small animal practice.
The second section focuses on clinical presentation and has been expanded with the addition of several new chapters on different presenting problems. This has been necessary due to the overwhelming increase in information now available on both new and previously described diseases. The aim of these chapters is to provide the practising veterinary surgeon with information identify the area of the nervous system responsible for their patient's clinical signs. The reader is then guided through an appropriate diagnostic approach and the different diseases to be considered. Each chapter in this section presents the diseases in a similar fashion; detailing the clinical presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of each disease.This is followed by the final section of completely new chapters devoted to the special treatment considerations necessary for the neurological patient. Considered here are emergency neurology presentations (e.g. head injury), neuroanaesthesia, clinical pharmacology, radiotherapy, neurosurgery and rehabilitation of the neurological patient. ?less
Table Of Contents:
List of contributors v
Foreword vii
Preface viii
Part 1 Diagnostic procedures
The neurological examination 1(23)
Laurent Garosi
Lesion localization and differential diagnosis 24(11)
Laurent Garosi
Clinical pathology 35(19)
Heather Wamsley
A. Rick Alleman
Electrophysiology 54(16)
Luc Poncelet
Neuroradiology 70(14)
Natasha J. Olby
Donald E. Thrall
Tissue biopsy 84(13)
Sam N. Long
T. James Anderson
Part 2 Neurological presentations
Seizures 97(16)
Michael Podell
Coma, stupor and behavioural change 113(20)
Rodney S. Bagley
Disorders of eyes and vision 133(22)
Jacques Penderis
Head tilt and nystagmus 155(17)
Karen R. Munana
Neurological abnormalities of the head and face 172(17)
Nick Jeffery
Tremor and involuntary movements 189(13)
Rodney S. Bagley
Neck and back pain 202(12)
Simon R. Platt
Tetraparesis 214(23)
Natasha J. Olby
Paraparesis 237(28)
Joan R. Coates
Monoparesis 265(15)
Sonia Anor
Exercise intolerance, collapse and paroxysmal disorders 280(22)
Simon R. Platt
G. Diane Shelton
Tail, anal and bladder dysfunction 302(18)
Joan R. Coates
Neurological emergencies 320(17)
Simon R. Platt
Natasha J. Olby
Part 3 Therapeutics
Anaesthesia, analgesia and supportive care 337(18)
Anthea L. Raisis
Jacqueline C. Brearley
Principles of neurosurgery 355(13)
Beverly K. Sturges
Peter J. Dickinson
Drug therapy for diseases of the central nervous system 368(17)
Mark G. Papich
Radiation therapy of the nervous system 385(9)
Donald E. Thrall
Nursing and rehabilitation of the neurological patient 394(26)
John Sherman
Natasha J. Olby
1 Neurological disorders associated with cat and dog breeds 408(10)
Carley J. Abramson
2 DAMNITV classification of diseases 418(1)
3 Conversion table for units 419(1)
Index 420
List of contributors v
Foreword vii
Preface viii
Part 1 Diagnostic procedures
The neurological examination 1(23)
Laurent Garosi
Lesion localization and differential diagnosis 24(11)
Laurent Garosi
Clinical pathology 35(19)
Heather Wamsley
A. Rick Alleman
Electrophysiology 54(16)
Luc Poncelet
Neuroradiology 70(14)
Natasha J. Olby
Donald E. Thrall
Tissue biopsy 84(13)
Sam N. Long
T. James Anderson
Part 2 Neurological presentations
Seizures 97(16)
Michael Podell
Coma, stupor and behavioural change 113(20)
Rodney S. Bagley
Disorders of eyes and vision 133(22)
Jacques Penderis
Head tilt and nystagmus 155(17)
Karen R. Munana
Neurological abnormalities of the head and face 172(17)
Nick Jeffery
Tremor and involuntary movements 189(13)
Rodney S. Bagley
Neck and back pain 202(12)
Simon R. Platt
Tetraparesis 214(23)
Natasha J. Olby
Paraparesis 237(28)
Joan R. Coates
Monoparesis 265(15)
Sonia Anor
Exercise intolerance, collapse and paroxysmal disorders 280(22)
Simon R. Platt
G. Diane Shelton
Tail, anal and bladder dysfunction 302(18)
Joan R. Coates
Neurological emergencies 320(17)
Simon R. Platt
Natasha J. Olby
Part 3 Therapeutics
Anaesthesia, analgesia and supportive care 337(18)
Anthea L. Raisis
Jacqueline C. Brearley
Principles of neurosurgery 355(13)
Beverly K. Sturges
Peter J. Dickinson
Drug therapy for diseases of the central nervous system 368(17)
Mark G. Papich
Radiation therapy of the nervous system 385(9)
Donald E. Thrall
Nursing and rehabilitation of the neurological patient 394(26)
John Sherman
Natasha J. Olby
1 Neurological disorders associated with cat and dog breeds 408(10)
Carley J. Abramson
2 DAMNITV classification of diseases 418(1)
3 Conversion table for units 419(1)
Index 420
BSAVA manual of canine and feline neurology / 3rd ed.
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