Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? [Board book] 苏斯博士:绿鸡蛋和火腿 ISBN9780375859601
Dr. Seuss's classic Green Eggs and Ham is now interactive forbabies and toddlers—in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary ofthe original publication! I am Sam. Sam-I-am. Do you like green eggs and ham? Babies and toddlers will love these green eggs! This irresistibleinteractive board book sports a plastic green egg for little onesto squeeze and spin. Kids can see their reflection in themini-mirror, press the yolk to make it squeak, and give the egg awhirl. They'll like green eggs just as much as Sam does! The Dr. Seuss Nursery Collection introduces the most beloved Dr.Seuss characters to the littlest of listeners. Based on Dr. Seuss'ssignature art and rollicking rhymes, each book introduces the mostpopular characters of the title on which it's based in a bold andsimple format, which will engage babies and toddlers at each stageof development.
Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? [Board book] 苏斯博士:绿鸡蛋和火腿 ISBN9780375859601
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