Water : where water comes from. 1981 ed.
作 者:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Table Of Contents:
Why we study water 3(12)
Rainfall 4(2)
Water in the ground 6(1)
The water table 7(1)
Water on the surface 8(1)
Evaporation 9(1)
Transpiration 9(1)
The process begins again 10(2)
When rain falls 12(6)
How much rain falls 12(1)
Kind of soil 13(2)
Slope of the land 15(1)
Plants 16(2)
Water in the ground 18(5)
Water and the soil 19(1)
Water and the subsoil 20(1)
Water and parent rock 21(2)
Where to find water in the ground 23(3)
Wells 24(1)
Springs 25(1)
Water on the surface 26(3)
Groundwater can become surface water 26(2)
Surface water run-off 28(1)
Where to find surface water 29(1)
Swamps, ponds and lakes 29(1)
Streams and rivers 30
Why we study water 3(12)
Rainfall 4(2)
Water in the ground 6(1)
The water table 7(1)
Water on the surface 8(1)
Evaporation 9(1)
Transpiration 9(1)
The process begins again 10(2)
When rain falls 12(6)
How much rain falls 12(1)
Kind of soil 13(2)
Slope of the land 15(1)
Plants 16(2)
Water in the ground 18(5)
Water and the soil 19(1)
Water and the subsoil 20(1)
Water and parent rock 21(2)
Where to find water in the ground 23(3)
Wells 24(1)
Springs 25(1)
Water on the surface 26(3)
Groundwater can become surface water 26(2)
Surface water run-off 28(1)
Where to find surface water 29(1)
Swamps, ponds and lakes 29(1)
Streams and rivers 30
Water : where water comes from. 1981 ed.
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