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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 3 presents another collection of inspiring and motivational tutorials for artists of all levels. A range of top professionals share the benefits of their experience in the digital art industry and offer tips, tricks, and advice intended to help the next generation of artists reach new heights. The chapters contained within this book are wide-ranging and comprehensive. Robh Ruppel and Ignacio Bazan Lazcano tackle the subject of futuristic cities, Thomas Pringle and Craig Sellars look at creating concept art for games, and Peter Swigut rounds things off by covering matte painting. Their in-depth tutorials are rich in advice about how to improve workflows and produce portfolio-worthy artwork, making Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 3 an essential resource for any digital artist. Chee Ming Wong is the director of Opus Artz Ltd, and has over ten years of creative visualization and industrial design experience. Robh Ruppel designs for video games, feature films, and publishing, and has worked on titles including the critically acclaimed Uncharted 2. Ignacio Bazan Lazcano is an illustrator and concept artist at TimeGate Studios, Argentina, and has been working in the games industry for four years.   Publisher Summary 2 Building on the success of the previous two volumes, Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 3explores the latest digital painting techniques.  


Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1 Creatures From Folkore

Goblin 12(6)

Andrei Pervukhin

Siren 18(4)

Min Yum

Ogre 22(6)

Richard Tilbury

Troll 28(10)

Simon Dominic
Chapter 2 Concept Of Art For Games

Prison Planet: The Entrance 38(4)

Thomas Pringle

Prison Planet: Labor Camps 42(2)

Thomas Pringle

Prison Planet: Prisoner Transport 44(6)

Craig Sellars

Prison Planet: Heavy Ground Transport 50(6)

Craig Sellars

Prison Planet: Alien Prisoner 56(6)

Bart Tiogson

Prison Planet: Chief Of Security 62(10)

Bart Tiongson
Chapter 3 Monsters

Sewer Monster 72(6)

Andrei Pervukhin

Volcano Monster 78(6)

Jason Wei Che Juan

Sea Monster 84(16)

Richard Tilbury

Mountain Monste 92r

Simon Dominic
Chapter 4 Sci-Fi Cities

Futuristic Market Place 100(4)

Ignacio Bazan Lazcano

Desert City 104(4)

Jama Jurabaev

Futuristic Dock 108(6)

Richard Tilbury

Wealthy City 114(6)

Robh Ruppel
Chapter 5 Futuristic Marines

Futuristic Marine 120(4)

Svetlin Velinov

All-Terrain Marine 124(6)

Richard Tilbury

Female Marines 130(8)

Alex Ruiz
Chapter 6 The Five Ages Of Steampunk

Historical Period 138(8)

Chee Ming Wong

Transportations 146(10)

Chee Ming Wong

Industrial 156(8)

Chee Ming Wong

Mechanical 164(8)

Chee Ming Wong

Fantasy 172(8)

Chee Ming Wong
Chapter 7 Portraiture

Male Self-Portrait 180(8)

Daarken Lim

Beste Erel 188(10)

Nykolai Alexander

Gabriel 198(6)

Richard Tilbury

Female Self-Portrait 204(8)

Charlie Bowater
Chapter 8 Matte Painting

Blocking In And Concept 212(4)

Piotrek Swigut

Adding The Sky 216(4)

Piotrek Swigut

Adding Elements 220(4)

Piotrek Swigut

Lighting 224(4)

Piotrek Swigut

Transforming The Time Of Day 228(6)

Piotrek Swigut
Chapter 9 Complete Projects

The Making Of "Diaper Faerie" 234(6)

Branko Bistrovic

The Making Of "Concrete 5" 240(4)

Yang Xueguo

The Making Of "Wasp Woman Returns" 244(8)

Gediminas Pranckevicius
The Gallery 252

Featuring Images By The Likes Of Alp Altiner, Ian Mcque, Daniel Dociu



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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