共找到 72 项 “[台湾]行政院劳工委员会劳工安全卫生研究所,[2011](中华民国100年)” 相关结果
Exposure assessment of phthalate esters for workers of printing industry
作者: 汪禧年,李俊璋著
Investigation of welding fume concentrations in the ship-building industry
作者: 李联雄著
Study on deposition of particle in the local respiratory system.1
作者: 张振平,陈志杰著
Assessment of the relationship between the cooking oil quality and the hazardous materials in the air of the operating environment
作者: 张振平著
Pilot study of gaseous trichloramine in indoor swimming pool workers
作者: 蔡诗伟,郑淑芳著
Study on cytotoxicity screening methods for evaluating nanoparticles in air.1
作者: 张振平,阙斌如著
Evaluation of occupational safety and hygiene exposure for the staff of brush cutter saw
作者: 张振平,林佳仪著
Evaluation of aeroacoustic characteristics of nozzle by the computational method
作者: 张振平,林桂仪著
Analysis of the difference between using small quantity of data and large quantity of data in association with statistical model for the estimation of exposure profile
Occupational cancer certification standards and evidence-based study.2,Liver cancer and urinary system cancer
作者: 王荣德,潘致弘著
Needlestick injury surveillance system and prevention training
作者: 萧淑铢,林洺秀著=Needlestick injury surveillance system and prevention training
Biomarkers for occupational liver cancer study
作者: 陈宜民,潘致弘著
Follow-up study of post-traumatic stress disorder among workers after occupational injuries.2
作者: 胡佩怡,郭育良著
Epidemiological study of reproductive and pregnancy hazard among female workers
作者: 陈芬苓,李谕升,王承龙著
Research on the hospital pollution control and hygiene intervention of chemotherapy drugs exposure
作者: 熊映美,陈睿瑜著
Evaluation of health hazard for furnishing wood worker and efficiency of air purification
作者: 李联雄,庄坤远著
Assessment on the lead-particle-exposure characteristics and the lead-in-blood contribution of labors in a lead battery manufacturing factory
作者: 张振平,郭益铭著
Cell toxicity and worker health caused by nano-sized metal from laser-cutting process
作者: 熊映美,谢俊明,刘佩珊著
Surveillance system of health examinations from labor insurance database.2
作者: 谢曼丽,徐儆晖著
Study on evaluation of high-tech workplace stress risk and management performance
作者: 陈俊瑜,张原道著
Study of the preventive measures for chemical hazard in mechanical industry
作者: 张承明著
Study on major occupational disaster of overseas process safety
Evaluation and promotion of incident investigation program on probation
非致癌性物质健康风险评估中不确定性系数之应用与规范研究=Application of uncertainty factors in noncancer health risk assessments and criteria of utilization
作者: 吴幸娟,陈振菶著
Establishment of distribution profile and control strategy of bioaerosols contamination during dental treatment:based on the indoor microclimate
作者: 洪粕宸著
Analysis of environmental scenarios and human behavior leading to occupational accidents in manufacture
作者: 曹常成,谢贤书,蔡永铭著
Effect of safety leadership and safety incentive on safety performances
作者: 曹常成,郭建志著
Study about the correlation netween collapse and the failure mode of concrete shorings
作者: 张智奇,问世贤著
Study on occupational injure prevention education among indigenous workers in area of high occupational injure rate
Study of the feasibility analysis and safety criterions of excavator in lifting operations
作者: 沈育霖,康渊,林义量著
Study of occupational safety and health consultation and industry safety investment model for metal surface treatment industry
Investigation of the explosion during transmission of nano-metallic particles in the air,Static charges
作者: 吴鸿钧,高振山,唐綮著
Drill of emergency response on an integrated of "decision counsel system of emergency response" and "life safety monitoring and controlling system"
作者: 高崇洋,郑子涵著
Study on the safety improvement of manual operate door elevator
作者: 沈育霖,张铭坤,林义量著
Prevention of runaway hazards in peroxide crosslinking agents types batch process
作者: 吴鸿钧,张日诚著