Study of second language acquisition
作者: Rod Ellis[著]
简介:《牛津应用语言学丛书:第二语言习得研究(第2版)》简介:This book provides an extensive and accessible introduction to the field of second language acquisition research.It fully updates chapters fi'om the first edition and includes new chapters reviewing work on second language acquisition from sociocultural and neurobiological perspectives.The new edition ensures its place as a standard reference work for researchers and for teachers and students on MA/Diploma courses in TESOL or Applied Linguistics.Rod Ellis presents a highly readable and balanced account of how the field has developed and expanded over the last forty years.There are sections on the description of learner language, the role of the linguistic environment, the learner's internal mechanisms, individual learner differences, and instructed second language acquisition.The first edition won the English Speaking Union's Duke of Edinburgh Book Competition.