作者: 赵洪亮
出版社:五洲传播出版社 2015年3月
简介:图书从南水北调工程的建设缘起、规划设计、工程建设、移民搬迁、文物保护、治污、创造性的建设成就等多个方面,体现了南水北调这一历史性工程的全貌,同时小中见大,引用大量建设者的故事,翔实的数据等突出这一工程的建设细节和创新之处。This book shows the whole picture of this historical project from the perspective of the origin of the project, the planning and design, project construction, the relocation of displaced people, protecting cultural relics, pollution control and creative achievements. At the same time, it tells the stories of many project builders and refers to detailed data to underline the construction details and innovation highlights.