简介:目录 上篇 1.打火匣/the tinder—box 2.小克劳斯与大克劳斯/great claus and little claus 3.豌豆上的公主/the princess onthe pea 4.小意达的花儿/little ida’sflowers 5.拇指姑娘/thumbelina 6.顽皮的孩子/the naughty boy 7.旅伴/the travelling companion 8.海的女儿/thelittle seamaid 9.皇帝的新装/the emperor’s new clothes 10.幸运的套鞋/the goloshes offortune 11.雏菊/the daisy 12.坚定的锡兵/the hardy tin soldier 13.野天鹅/the wild swans 14.天国花园/the garden of paradise 15.飞箱/the flying trunk 16.鹳鸟/the storks 17.铜猪/the metal pig 18.永恒的友情/the bond of friendship 19.荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰/a rose from the grave of homer 20.梦神/ole luk-oie 21.玫瑰花精/the rose—elf 22.猪倌/the swineherd 23.荞麦/the buckwheat 24.安琪儿/the angel 25.夜莺/the nightingale 26.恋人/the lovers 27.丑小鸭/the ugly duckling 28.枞树/the fir tree 29.白雪皇后/the snow queen 30.接骨木树妈妈/the elder tree mother 31.织补针/the darning-needle 32.钟声/the bell 33.祖母/grandmother 34.妖山/the elf-hill 35.红鞋/the red shoes 36.跳高者/the jumper 37.牧羊女和扫烟囱的人/the shepherdess andthe chimney-sweeper 38.丹麦人荷尔格/holger the dane 39.卖火柴的小女孩/the little match girt 40.城堡上的一幅画/a picture from the fortress wall 41.瓦尔都窗前的一瞥/by the almshouse window 42.老路灯/the old street lamp 43.邻居们/the neighbouring families 44.小杜克/little tuk 45.影子/the shadow 46.老房子/the old house 47.一滴水/the drop of water 48.幸福的家庭/the happy family 49.母亲的故事/the story of a mother 50.衬衫领子/the shirt collar 51.亚麻/the flax 52.凤凰/the phoenix bird 53.一个故事/a story 54.一本不说话的书/the dumb book 55.区别/“there is a difference” 56.老墓碑/the old gravestone