共找到 26 项 “华泰文化事业股份有限公司,2007” 相关结果
Logistics management:concepts, functions & integration
作者: 苏雄义著
Sampling methods & survey analyses:concepts, designs, analyses, case studies
作者: 张纮炬著
Introduction to retailing management
作者: 周泰华,杜富燕著
Decision analysis:methods and applications
作者: 翁振益,周瑛琪等著
Purchasing:selection and procurement for the hospitality industry
作者: Andrew Hale Feinstein,John M. Stefanelli著;林芳仪译
Railway transportation operations and management
作者: 张有恒著
Introduction of sport management
作者: 程绍同[等]著
Marketing management:a strategic perspective
作者: 黄俊英著
Introduction to statistics
作者: 方世荣著
Principle of marketing
Personal risk management
作者: 凌〓宝,陈森松著
Silicon dragon
作者: 郑伯埙,蔡舒恒等著
Human resource management
作者: 黄良志[等]著
Cost-benefit analysis
作者: 郭昱莹著
Operations management in service industries
作者: 顾志远,薄荣薇著
Strategic management theory:an integrated approach
作者: Charles W. L. Hill,Gareth R. Jones著;朱文仪,陈建男,黄豪臣译
Work study
作者: 林清河著
Essentials of management:theory and practice in Taiwan
作者: 陈海鸣著
Air transportation
Customer relationship management:a databased approach
作者: 古玛(V. Kumar),雷纳慈(Werner J. Reinartz)著;洪育忠译
Property and liability insurance
作者: 凌〓宝主编;陈森松,吴瑞云著