作者: 周群著;David B. Honey译
简介: The Collection of Critical Biographies of Chinese Thinkers,
under the general editorship of the late honorary president of
Nan jing University, Professor Kuang Yaming, is the largest-scale
project of research materials on Chinese thinkers undertaken
since the beginning of the twentieth century. Standing on the
shoulders of this great man and other 200 well-known Chinese
professors, this collection of concise Chinese-English version is
not only based on aprofound academic foundation, but also
exhibits a brand new feature which is the virtue of explaining
the profound in a simple way, hence leading readers to mastery of
the contents; it also incorporates a refined principle of
selection, a simple mode of evaluation and commentary, and a
moving narration of the stories and their wisdom.
Confucius, the first great educator in Chinese history and
the most important thinker and the founder of Confucianism, is
revealed as a man of flesh and blood, of passions and
aspirations, of triumphsand tragedies, and of surpassing cultural
and intellectual import.