简介: 依口述採訪編寫台灣重要前輩書畫家張光賓先生之生命史,文分八節,包括:年少歷程(1915-1942)、杭州藝專與師從(1942-1945)、隨軍來台與定居(1948迄今)、故宮生涯(1968-1988)、元四大家研究、草書變革、繪畫皴法、退休與期許。每篇章節詳細介紹書畫家之生平經歷,並兼述當時重要藝術家以鋪陳百年來的藝術史發展。
Master Chang Kuang-bin was born in Szechuan (Sichuan) Province of China in 1915 and he did not receive formal education of fine arts until he was 28。 He moved to Taiwan in 1948 and had served in the Navy as a senior civil officer for 20 years; at the same time, he had continued his incessant practice in painting and calligraphy and held many exhibitions。 This book is based on oral history provided by interviews with Master Chang, and it covers his youth experience, formal study at National Hangchow Art College, move to Taiwan, career in National Palace Museum, research on the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty, and innovation in running script and painting; also, many of Master Chang’s works are included in the book。 This book is published to retain a record of Master Chang and acknowledge his achievement in painting and calligraphy。