共找到 77 项 “工业技术研究院产业经济与资讯服务中心,2004” 相关结果
2003 flat panel display yearkbook
作者: 陈茂成,王心婷主编
作者: 林志勋著
作者: 尤浚达著
作者: 王大维[著]
作者: 黄文魁,彭元兴,黄道真[著]
作者: 李维钦著
Opportunity of high value added and business transformation in synthetic resin industry
作者: 尤浚达,洪德芳,姚东兴[著]
Analysis Equiments Development Trend from Home Networking Applications Aspect
作者: 朱澔伟等著
Post-Gen5 TFT LCD Industry, the Competition Analysis and Strategy of R. O. C., Japan and Korea
作者: 金美敬,王心婷著
Insight into Cross-Strait DTV Industry under the Digital Era
作者: 郑雯隆著
Analysing Nanoelectronics Technology Development from Patent Map
作者: 陈俊儒著
Market Review on Plastics Components of Automobile
作者: 洪世淇,尤浚达著
Changes in Package & Test Technologies & Development Strategies Under SoC
作者: 董钟明著
How to Create High Value Industry by Analyzing Business Models of Medical Devices Companies
作者: 冯晋嘉著
Case Study of Network Communication Technology of Smart Appliances and Wide Area Services
作者: 邹立圆著
Trade-off Analysis of Electronic Material Market and Technology in Crossing-Strait
作者: 郭文杰等著
The Cooperation Model Between Taiwan and China in Auto Industry Under Globalization
作者: 戴志言著
The Co-Opetition Strategy Between Taiwan and Mainland China’s Power Electronics Industries
作者: 马利艳著
Domestic Technology Development Direction and Policy Regarding Worldwide Legal Requirement in Growing Environmental Concern
作者: 陈玲蓉等著
Investigation on the Technology Trend and Application Market of Photocatalyst in Asia Pacific Region
作者: 黄文魁等著
Probing Into Emerging Co-Opetition Strategy on Fabless Industry
作者: 简志胜著
Vehicle industry yearbook.2004
作者: 石育贤主编;石育贤等著
Power Conversion Technology of Distributed Generation System
作者: 洪国琮[著]
Technology Roadmap of Global SoC Industry
作者: 彭国柱等[著]
Seek the ICT and automobile industries opportunities from moving service chain
作者: 石育贤[等著]
Automotive electronics market trend
作者: 陈美玲著
Regional competition of machine tool lndustry and business operation strategy lnvestigation
作者: 刘信宏著
With the rising trend of EMS, analyzing development strategies and future market opportunities of surface mount technology equipment
作者: 陈家乐,刘信宏著
Study of domestic high-tech equipment manufacturers’ management strategy
作者: 黄茂业[等]著
WLAN integrate into cellular system market trend
作者: 邓友清著
Mechanical industry yearbook.2004
作者: 刘信宏主编
Specialty Chemical Industry Yearbook.2004
作者: 尤浚达主编;尤浚达等著
Trend Analysis of Broadband Network Application
作者: 徐爱蒂等著
Applications and Technology Roadmap for Smartphones
作者: 王英裕著
By Exploring the Technology Network Among Taiwan, China and Third Lands to Analyze Taiwan ICT Industry’s Position and Developing Strategy:Take Cellphone and IC Industry for Example
作者: 吕懿慧等著