An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology
作者: 张韵斐主编
Ordmeaningandsenserela“ons(Chapters V tOⅨ
The SCOpe Of
and use Of English dic“Onaries
Exercises have alsO been proyided at the end Ofeach chapter.
Theb00k is intended fOr third·Or fOurth·year cOllege students whO have le.amed
English vocabula叮sO that they can improve theirabil讧y tO eHlarge theirpersonal vocab
ularies and choose the right words tO use in a giyen context.
The value OfSUCh knowledge is ViVidly in“mated by the fOllOWing remark:
that his interest in he study Ofthe Eng“sh language as a wh01e will be increased, and
his comprehensiOn and apprecia“on OfEnglish l让erature will be eHhanced.
the wotd plays SUCh a crucialpart in learningafOreign 1anguage,th
idiom Or a set phrase representing a semantic unit and funtioning as a
This is a textb00k on lexic010gy, a branch Oflinguisdcs concerned witl
1ary Ofthe English language in respect tO words and word equivalents. ①
飞the vocabU—
1exic010gy embraces the develOpment, structure, fOrmatiOn, meaning, and usage Of
WOrdsandwordequiValents. Accornglythisb00kiscomposedOfthefOUowingparts:
qu“eanamberOfEnglishwordstOgetherw讧hOtherfeaturesOfEngUsh. haimstOhelp
the students summarize what they have learned and acquire a systematic knowledge Of
“... there is a sense in which 1earning a fOreign language is basically a matter
1earning the vocabula叮Ofthat language. NOt being able tO nnd the words yon need
express yourselfis the most frustrating experience in speaking another language.'' ②
Moreover,the b00k may alsO help develOp the students'skills and hab讧s Ofanaly·
zing and generaUzing about Unguis“c phenomena Observed in his study Of Enghsh, sO
①Thetermword equivalentdenotesan
②Wallace,MichaelJ.(1982).Teaching Vocabulary.p.9.
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