共找到 37 项 “扬智文化事业股份有限公司,2012” 相关结果
Practical casino math
作者: Robert C. Hannum,Anthony N. Cabot著;杨维宁译
Meal plan and nutrition for infant and young child
作者: 李义川著
作者: 孟樊著
Service industry management
作者: 林月枝,梁锦鹏著
Introduction to dietary culture
作者: 张玉欣,杨秀萍著
Table games management
作者: Vic Tacuer,Steve Easley著;丁蜀宗译
Aging and physical fitness
作者: 郭家骅[等]著
Developing a customer satisfaction index and a scale for public sports centers in Taipei city
作者: 黄蕙娟著
Butler service
作者: 陈贞绣编著
作者: 朱芬郁著
作者: 丁志达著
Chemical process safety management
作者: 张一岑著
Principles and practices of food preparations
作者: 李锦枫,林志芳,杨萃渚编著
Airport operations and management
作者: 赖金和编著
Cognitive aging:theory and practice
作者: 秦秀兰著
Medical tourism
作者: 邱锦添,邱筠惠编著
Small group communication:theory and practice
作者: 蔡鸿滨,郭曜棻,陈铭源著
Century of Taiwan movie industry
作者: 徐乐眉著
作者: 周庆华著
Menu design & cost control
作者: 高琦,蔡晓娟著
Long-term care policies for the elderly
作者: 叶至诚著
Operating business hotels today
作者: 余庆华著
Social participation of the elderly
Travel agency:practices and operations
作者: 容继业著
Administration studies:a broad examination of the public administration system of countries using common law, civil law, and Chinese law respectively
作者: 朱爱群著
Interpretation education
作者: 杨明贤著
Methods and techniques of community work
作者: 蔡宏进著
作者: 卓克华著
作者: 郭静晃著
Hotel safety management
作者: 黄惠伯著
Banquet management:theory and practice
作者: 许顺旺著
Fire and explosion protection