作者: 陈自强
出版社:海燕出版社 2009年08月
简介:“陈氏太极三十六势单剑”,是太极拳套路占用短器械的一种。此剑法结合陈氏太极拳的身法、步法、窜、蹦、跳跃等,运用陈氏太极的螺旋缠丝劲,劲达腕关节,从而用手腕来控制剑的形状,把剑法的崩、挂、撩、劈、刺、点、托、架、扫、化等运用出来。此套剑法沉稳、轻快、飘洒、自然、演练时要以意导气、以气运身、劲贯剑身、人剑合一,方能体现出这套剑法的精华和奥妙。 Thirty-six Forms of Chen Famnily Taiji Sword is one of the short weapons of Taiji.lt is slow, gentle,delicate, containing both firmncss and gentleness requiring flexibility when you play it.lt is gentle andnatural, and also reflects both male and female characteristics.Finally, the sword is like a flowing dragon creating unity between body and sword.