Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [Book+CD] 查理和巧克力工厂ISBN 9780141331027
作者: 罗尔德·达尔 (Roald Dahl) 著
出版社:Penguin 2010年04月
简介: For the first time in a decade, Willy Wonka, the reclusive andeccentric chocolate maker, is opening his doors to thepublic--well, five members of the public, actually. The lucky fivewho find a Golden Ticket in their Wonka bars will receive a privatetour of the factory, given by Mr Wonka himself. For young CharlieBucket, this a dream come true. So when he finds a dollar bill inthe street, he can't help but buy two Wonka's Whipple-ScrumptiousFudgemallow Delights--even though his impoverished family couldcertainly use the extra dollar for food. But as Charlie unwraps thesecond chocolate bar, he sees the glimmer of gold just under thewrapper. The very next day, Charlie, along with his unworthy fellowwinners Mike Teavee, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde and AugustusGloop, steps through the factory gates to discover whether or notthe rumours surrounding the Chocolate Factory and its mysteriousowner are true. What they find is that the gossip can't compare tothe extraordinary truth, and for Charlie, life will never be thesame again. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: anotherunforgettable masterpiece from the legendary Roald Dahl, neverfails to delight, thrill and utterly captivate. (Ages 9 to 12)