共找到 69 项 “美商麦格罗·希尔国际股份有限公司台湾分公司,2008” 相关结果
Discrete mathematics and its applications
作者: Kenneth H. Rosen著;谢良瑜,陈志贤译
Management lessons from mayo clinic:inside one of the world’s most admired sevice organizations
作者: 李纳·贝瑞(Leonard L. Berry),肯特·赛特曼(Kent D. Seltman)著;陈琇玲译
When markets collide
作者: 艾尔阿里安(Mohamed El-Erian)著;骆咏蓝译
Investing the templeton way
作者: 洛兰·坦伯顿(Lauren C. Templeton),史考特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)原著;罗耀宗,黄贝玲译
Science of staying young
作者: 约翰·莫利(John E. Morley),席莉·柯博格(Sheri R. Colberg)著;蔡心语译
Strategic management of technological innovation
作者: Melissa A. Schilling著;李亭林,吴学良编译
作者: 104人才派遣中心作者群著
Personality not included:why companies lose their authenticity
作者: 罗希特·巴加瓦(Rohit Bhargava)著;邱慧菁译
Strategic marketing
作者: David W. Cravens,Nigel F. Piercy著;陈智凯编译
Film art:an introduction
作者: 大卫·鲍德威尔(David Bordwell),克莉丝汀·汤普逊(Kristin Thompson)著;曾伟祯译
It-enable business innouation and organizational change
作者: 萧瑞麟著
Perfect selling
作者: 琳达·理查森(Linda Richardson)著;吴书榆译
Performance management:strategies, interventions, drivers
作者: Srinivas R. Kandula著;李亭林编译
Silicon dragon:how China is winning the tech race
作者: 蕾贝卡·芬宁(Rebecca A. Fannin)著;陈正芬译
Management:leading & collaborating in a competitive world
作者: 汤姆斯·贝特曼(Thomas S. Bateman),史考特·史耐尔(Scott A. Snell)著;苏锦俊,李庆芳编译
My view from the corner:a life in boxing
作者: 安哲罗·邓迪(Angelo Dundee),伯特·蓝道夫·舒格(Bert Randolph Sugar)原著;黄俊荣译
Don’t keep me a secret:proven tactics get more referrals and introductions
作者: 比尔·凯兹(Bill Cates)著;张书华译
Toyota culture:the heart and soul of the Toyota way
作者: 杰弗瑞·莱克(Jeffrey K. Liker),麦克·豪瑟斯(Michael Hoseus)原著;李芳龄译
Principles of economics
作者: Robert H. Frank,Ben S. Bernanke著;黄柏农编译
Introduction to probability and statistics:principles and applications for engineering and the computing seiences
作者: J. Susan Milton,Jesse C. Arnold原著;吴荣彬译
Fundamental methods of mathematical economics
作者: Alpha C. Chiang,Kevin Wainwright著;蔡颖义译
Road to organic growth:how great companies consistently grow marketshare from within
作者: 爱德华·赫斯(Edward D. Hess)著;洪世民译
Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics
作者: J. M. Smith,H. C. Van Ness,M. M. Abbott著
Managerial accounting
作者: Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen, Peter C. Brewer著;庄雅妃,张玲玲译