Turtle in Paradise 天堂里的海龟 2011年纽伯瑞银奖 9780375836909
作者: 詹妮弗·L·霍尔姆
出版社:Random House US 2011年12月
简介:1935年,自小随做帮佣的妈妈生活在大城市的女孩“小龟”,因为新雇主的排斥,被妈妈送回了故乡——佛罗里达的基维斯特。基维斯特并不是妈妈口中的天堂,反而是个又脏又破的穷地方。小龟最初对这个陌生的故乡充满了抵触,但是随着接触到越来越多的人,事情开始改变。友好的表兄弟、可爱的男孩帮、她从没见过面的爸爸、刻薄却有趣的外婆……与亲人朋友朝夕相处,经历过欺骗但也得到了更多温暖,小龟心中那如名字般坚硬的外壳终于融化,她明白了美丽的家一直就在身边,有爱你的人的地方,就是天堂。 Inspired by family stories, two-time NewberyHonor winner and "New York Times" bestselling author Jennifer L.Holm beautifully blends family lore with America's past in thischarming gem of a novel, rich in historical detail, humor, and theunique flavors of Key West. Life isn't like the movies, andeleven-year-old Turtle is no Shirley Temple. She's smart and toughand has seen enough of the world not to expect a Hollywood ending.After all, it's 1935, and jobs and money and sometimes even dreamsare scarce. So when Turtle's mama gets a job housekeeping for alady who doesn't like kids, Turtle says goodbye without a tear andheads off to Key West, Florida, to stay with relatives she's nevermet. Florida's like nothing Turtle has ever seen. It's hot andstrange, full of wild green peeping out between houses, ragtag boycousins, and secret treasure. Before she knows what's happened,Turtle finds herself coming out of the shell she has spent her lifebuilding, and as she does, her world opens up in the mostunexpected ways.