共找到 36 项 “财信出版有限公司,2008” 相关结果
Up the organization:how to stop the corporation from stifling people and strangling profits
作者: 罗伯特·汤森(Robert Townsend)著;刘孟华译
Hp way, my way
作者: 惠友会,林宏文著
作者: 杨淑慧,金微华,陈重亨主编
Selecting lessens from a stock operator
作者: 黄嘉斌著
Global private banking and wealth management:the new realities
作者: 大卫·莫德(David Maude)著;刘宗圣译
Grande expectations:a year in the life of starbucks’ stock
作者: 凯伦·布鲁曼索(Karen Blumenthal)著;吴国卿译
Search for the competitive strength
作者: 蔡明介口述;林宏文,李书齐采访整理
Accidental investment banker:inside the decade that transformed wall street
作者: 强纳森·尼(Jonathan A. Knee)著;洪慧芳译
Alternative investments
作者: 史纲主编
Inside the investor’s brain:the power of mind over money
作者: 理察·彼得森(Richard L. Peterson)著;洪慧芳译
Futurecast:how superpowers, populations, and globalization will change the way you live and work
作者: 夏毕洛(Robert J. Shapiro)著;吴国卿译
Investing in Vietnam:the practice workbook for investors
作者: 刘宗圣,李洋升,彭颖华著
Curry: a biography
作者: 莉琪·科林汉(Lizzie Collingham)著;程芸译
Interpretation of financial statements
作者: 班杰明·葛拉汉(Benjamin Graham),史宾瑟·梅瑞迪斯(Spencer B. Meredith)著;陈仪译
Foreign exchange
作者: 李家纬著
Global view by CEO Shieh
作者: 谢金河著
Soft power in Taiwan
作者: 徐小波著
Strategy paradox:Why committing to success leads to failure (and what to do about it)
作者: 麦可·雷诺(Michael E. Raynor)著;高子梅译
Psychology of finance:understanding the behavioural dynamics of markets
作者: 拉斯·特维德(Lars Tvede)著;方耀译
New spend less revolution
作者: 蕾贝卡·艾许(Rebecca Ash)著;苏宇译
Rising powers, shrinking planet:the new geopolitics of energy
作者: 麦克·克莱尔(Michael T. Klare)著;洪慧芳译
Rupert’s adventures in China:how Murdoch lost a fortune and found a wife
作者: 布鲁斯·多佛(Bruce Dover)著;柯安琪译
Investor’s quotient:the psychology of successful investing in commodities and stocks
作者: 杰克·伯恩斯坦(Jack Bernstein)著;陈重亨译
Only three questions that count:investing by knowing what others don’t
作者: 肯恩·费雪(Ken Fisher),菈菈·霍夫曼斯(Lara Hoffmans),珍妮佛·周(Jennifer Chou)著;萧美惠译
Strategic intuition:the creative spark in human achievement
作者: 威廉·杜根(William Duggan)著;刘慧玉译
Farewell to alms:a brief economic history of the world
作者: 葛瑞里·克拉克(Gregory Clark)著;洪世民译
作者: 杨淑惠,金薇华,陈重亨主编
台湾电子产业新版图:48项次产业 20大电子集团 10大热门题材
作者: 杨淑慧,金薇华,陈重亨主编
Asia future shock:business crisis and opportunity in the coming years
作者: 麦克·贝克曼(Michael Backman)著;吴国卿译
Emperor of wine:the rise of Robert M. Parker. Jr., and the reign of American taster
作者: 艾伦·麦考伊(Elin McCoy)著;程芸译