Writing English language tests = 英语测试/ New ed.
作者: J.B. Heaton ; 韩宝成导读.
简介: Writing English Language Tests is for all teachers who write tests of English, from the classroom teacher writing for a particular class to the test constructor writing for an examination board. It gives detailed guidance on how to write, administer and score test questions, and how to avoid the pitfalls. It outlines the general principles of language testing, and shows how different types of test questions can be applied to different language tests. The new edition of this well-established title reflects recent development in language testing techniques, and contains a more comprehensive selection of sample test items from current examinations and tests administered by the major examining bodies.
J. B. Heaton is Senior Lecturer and Director of the English Language Unit for Overseas Students at the University of Leeds. He is the author of several books concerned with English as a second or foreign language, and has taught and lectured throughout Europe and Asia. He has had a long association with the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate and with the Joint Matriculation Board.