作者: Corey Donaldson 著
出版社:Random House US 2001-5-1
简介:The Book to Read Before You Say "I Do"If you're headed for the altar -- or you're in a seriousrelationship that could lead to marriage -- you probably alreadyknow that issues like love, sex, money, religion, kids, in-laws,and even who has to walk the dog can become potential landmines ifyou and your partner don't discuss your feelings openly before youtake the plunge. Now, Corey Donaldson has put together more than500 questions -- ranging from playful to provocative -- designed toget you and your partner talking frankly and communicatingeffectively before you walk down the aisle. Donaldson covers hottopics such as:* Does it matter to you who earns most of the money?* What does my family do that annoys you?* What is the difference, for you, between love and romance?* What place do you believe religion has in the world?* How long do you want to wait before having children?* If I wanted to move away from our families for work, would yousupport me?* Who cleans the house?Perfect for couples in the midst of planning their nuptials, a duoconsidering "I do," or even partners in established relationshipswho just want to get to know each other again, Don't You DareGet Married Until You Read This! is a must-have for anyone whowants to make their marriage last.