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The treasury of English short stories
作者: Nancy Sullivan
简介:Includes stories by Chaucer, Daniel Defoe, Richard Steele, Joseph Addison, James Hogg, Sir Walter Scott, Elizabeth Gaskell, William Makepeace Thackeray, Charles Dickens, J.S. Le Fanu, Anthony Trollope, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hardy, W.H. Hudson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, H.G. Wells, John Galsworthy, Saki (H.H. Munro), Walter de la Mare, W. Somerset Maugham, A.E. Coppard, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Hugh Walpole, D.H. Lawrence, Joyce Cary, Katherine Mansfield, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Aldous Huxley, Liam O'Flaherty, Elizabeth Bowen, Sean O'Faolain, V.S. Pritchett, Morley Callingham, Frank O'Connor, Alan Paton, Graham Greene, H.E. Bates, R.K. Narayan, Daphne Du Maurier, Mary Lavin, Patrick White, Dylan Thomas, Roald Dahl, Muriel Spark, Doris Lessing, Brendan Behan, Nadine Gordimer, Janet Frame, Iain Crichton Smith, William Trevor, Dan Jacobson, Shirley Hazzard, Alice Munro, Julia O'Faolain, Fay Weldon, Edna O'Brien, Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter, Bernard MacLaverty, and Neil Jordan.
Lady Chatterley's lover = 查泰莱夫人的情人 /
作者: D.H. Lawrence.
简介:内容简介 年轻貌美而心地善良的康妮嫁给了贵族地主查 泰莱为妻,婚后不久,查泰莱在战争中负伤,腰部 以下终身瘫痪。在查泰莱家的庄园中,两人的生活虽 无忧无虑,却死气沉沉。庄园猎场的狩猎人梅勒斯 重新燃起了康妮的爱情之火,她经常来到他的林中 小屋幽会,尽情享受充满激情的生活,犹如回归原 始的亚当与夏娃。康妮怀孕了,这时狩猎人尚未离 婚的妻子突然回来。这一切迫使查泰莱、康妮和狩 猎人该如何选择呢?
作者: (英)劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)著;张艳威译
简介: 目录 1、 SIR FRANCIS BACON(1561-1626), Narcissus; or Self-Love 2、 ABRAHAM COWLEY(1618-1667), Of Avarice 3、 JONATHAN SWIFT(1667-1745), A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding 4、 LORD CHESTERFIELD(1694-1773), Upon Affectation 5、 JOSEPH ADDISON(1672-1719), Thoughts in Westminsters Abbey 6、 SIR RICHARD STEELE(1672-1729), On Recollections of Childhood 7、 SAMUEL JOHNSON(1709-1784), Conversation 8、 DAVID HUME(1711-1776), Of the Dignity of Meanness of Human Nature 9、 OLIVER GOLDSMITH(?1730-1774), A Little Great Man 10、JAMES BOSWELL(1740-1795), First Meeting with Johnson 11、CHARLES LAMB(1775-1834), The Child Angel: a Dream 12、WILLIAM HAZLITT(1778-1830), On a Landscape of Nicholas Poussin 13、JAMES H.L.HUNT(1784-1859), Getting Up on Cold Mornings 14、THOMAS DE QUINCEY(1785-1859), On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth 15、MATTHEW ARNOLD(1822-1888), Heine and the Philistines 16、WILLIAM HALE WHITE(1831-1913), An Afternoon Walk in October 17、W.H.HUDSON(1841-1922), Her Own Village 18、ALICE MEYNELL (1847-1922), July 19、RICHARD JEFFERIES(1848-1887), The Acorn-Gatherer 20、SIR EDMUND GOSSE(1849-1928), A Visit to Walt Whitman 21、AUGUSTINE BIRRELL(1850-1933), Book-Buying 22、OSCAR WILDE(1854-1900), Impressions of America 23、ARTHUR CLUTTON-BROCK(1868-1924), Sunday Before the War 24、HILAIRE BELLOC(1870-1953), Our Inheritance 25、SIR MAX BEERBOHM(1872-1956), The Morris Dancers 26、BERTRAND RUSSELL(1872-1970), On Being Modern-Minded 27、G.K. CHESTERTON(1874-1936), French and English 28、ROBERT LYND(1879-1949), The Darkness 29、E.M. FORSTER(1879-1970), My Wood 30、ROSE MACAULAY(1881-1958), Evening Parties 31、VIRGINIA WOOLF(1882-1941), On a Faithful Friend 32、D.H. LAWRENCE(1885-1930), Insouciance 33、JOYCE CARY(1888-1957), The Artist and the World 34、ALDOUS L. HUXLEY(1894-1963), Meditation on the Moon 35、J.B. PRIESTLEY(1894-1984), The Toy Farm 36、GEORGE ORWELL(1903-1950), Reflections on Gandhi 37、EVELYN WAUGH(1903-1966), Take Your Home into Your Own Hands! 38、CYRIL CONNOLLY(1903-1974), The Ant-Lion 39、WILLIAM EMPSON(1906-1984), The Faces of Buddha 40、ALFRED ALVAREZ(1929-), Death of the Poet
作者: (英)D.H.劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)著;李建,陈龙根,李平译
简介:《恋爱中的女人》代表了劳伦斯小说创作的最高成就。它以非凡的热情与深度探索了有关恋爱的心理问题。 小说以两姐妹为主人公,描述了她们不同的情感经历和恋爱体会。姐姐欧秀拉是一个温柔美丽的中学教师;妹妹古迪兰则是一个小有名气、恃才傲物的艺术家。古迪兰遇上了矿主的独生子杰拉德,原始的欲望点燃了爱的激情,然而在狂暴的激情过后,失望而痛苦的她与另一位艺术家又陷入了爱的狂欢。欧秀拉与本区督学伯基相爱了,她一心要让对方成为爱情的囚鸟,而对方却希望在灵与肉的交融中保持彼此心灵上的距离…… 《恋爱中的女人》是劳伦斯最伟大、最有代表性、最脍炙人口的两部长篇小说之一,他本人也认为这是他的“最佳作品”;它以英国小说中前所未有的热情与深度探索了有关恋爱的心理问题,代表了劳伦斯作品的最高成就,因此它同《虹》成为了现代小说的先驱。 劳伦斯毕生致力于男女性爱题材小说创作,他在揭示男女情爱的同时,将性爱描写上升到哲学和美学的高度,而那伴随着炽烈的性爱体验的,是对历史、政治、宗教、经济等社会问题的严肃思考。
简介:"In D.H. Lawrence and The Bible, Terry Wright establishes that Lawrence was familiar with the modernist critique of the Bible by higher critics and by anthropologists of religion. He also argues, however, that Lawrence's playfulreworking of the Bible, like that of Nietzsche, anticipates postmodernism." "After considering the extraordinary range of Lawrence's reading and the intertexts between the Bible and Lawrence's own writing, Wright engages in a theoretically informed but clear exploration of the textual dynamics of his writing. Lawrence's writing is seen to reveal a prolonged struggle to read the Bible in a much broader spirit than that encouraged by orthodox Christianity. Wright's study sheds light not only on his work but on the Bible and on the creative process itself."--BOOK JACKET.
查泰莱夫人的情人cha tai lai fu ren de qing ren
作者: D.H. Lawrence[著]
简介:Includes short stories, poems, plays, and essays by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Stephen Crane, James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, Frank O'Connor, Flannery O'Connor, Toni Cade Bambara, Sandra Cisneros, William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Robert Browning, Emily Dickinson, Thomas Hardy, Gerard Manley Hopkins, A.E. Housman, William Butler Yeats, Robert Frost, Robert Graves, Stevie Smith, Countee Cullen, Dylan Thomas, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Philip Larkin, Anthony Hecht, Peter Meinke, Robert Mezey, June Jordan, Bruce Bennett, Deborah Pope, Molly Peacock, Katherine McAlpine, Jill Bialosky, Nick Flynn, Sophocles, Tennessee Williams, Langston Hughes, Joan Didion, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Herman Melville, Franz Kafka, James Thurber, Richard Wright, Shirley Jackson, Ursula K. LeGuin, Harlan Ellison, Amy Tan, Tennyson, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Wallace Stevens, Claude McKay, Bertolt Brecht, W.H. Auden, Muriel Rukeyser, Richard Wilbur, Denise Levertov, Philip Levine, Marge Piercy, Stephen Dunn, Rober t Pinsky, Nikki Giovanni, Carolyn Forche, Henrik Ibsen, August Wilson, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Jefferson, Emma Goldman, Martin Luther King Jr., William Faulkner, James Baldwin, Chinua Achebe, Bharati Mukherjee, Alice Walker, Barry Lopez, Jamaica Kincaid, Louise Erdrich, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Amy Lowell, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, E.E. Cummings, Anne Sexton, Etheridge Knight, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Wole Soyinka, Linda Hogan, Taslima Nasrin, Arthur Miller, Lorraine Hansberry, Athol Fugard, Virginia Woolf, Zora Neale Hurston, George Orwell, Maya Angelou, Kate Chopin, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Irwin Shaw, Alice Munro, Raymond Carver, Joyce Carol Oates, Sappho, Shakespeare, Thomas Campion, John Donne, Edmund Waller, Andrew Marvell, Robert Burns, Walt Whitman, Matthew Arnold, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker, Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, May Sarton, Robert Hayden, Anthony Hecht, Adrienne Rich, Sylvia Plath, Audre Lord, Lucille Clifton, Seamus Heaney, Billy Collins, Sharon Olds, Gary Soto, Susan Glaspell, Erich Fromm, Maxine Hong Kingston, Edgar Allan Poe, Leo Tolstoy, D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Anne Porter, Bernard Malamud, Bessie Head, Tim O'Brien, Leslie Marmon Silko, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Antonio Machado, Wilfred Owen, Pablo Neruda, Dylan Thomas, Philip Larkin, Maxine Kumin, Mary Oliver, Samuel Beckett, Woody Allen, Harvey Fierstein, Mark Twain, Jessica Mitford, and others.
Lady Chatterley's lover / Bantam classic ed.
作者: by D.H. Lawrence ; preface by Lawrence Durrell ; edited and with an introduction by Ronald Friedl...
简介: Perhaps the most famous of Lawrence's novels, the 1928 Lady Chatterley's Lover is no longer distinguished for the once-shockingly explicit treatment of its subject matter--the adulterous affair between a sexually unfulfilled upper-class married woman and the game keeper who works for the estate owned by her wheelchaired husband. Now that we're used to reading about sex, and seeing it in the movies, it's apparent that the novel is memorable for better reasons: namely, that Lawrence was a masterful and lyrical writer, whose story takes us bodily into the world of its characters. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
简介: 小说开始描绘了中部地区某个小城镇的一个布店。小说原题为《豪顿 小姐的反抗》,通篇按时间顺序详细描写了反抗的过程,也就是在那个环 境中出生的姑娘在文化所能允许范围内所能做出的反抗。小说在某种程度 上证实了劳伦斯能够游刃有余地运用一些技巧,而他很清楚自己必将抛弃 这些技巧。艾妮维娜从她愚蠢的父亲那令人窒息的控制中摆脱了出来,当 上了助产士;她曾被拖回家,但终于又逃了出来。作品中有一种朋友间闲 聊的散漫感:艾妮维娜是个颇有教养的小家碧玉,一天,她突然人性萌动 ,去妇产科护士训练班接受了训练,数月之内,她卖弄风骚,追情逐欲, 使许多公子哥神魂颠倒,然后她就完全不能控制自己,加入流动的演出队 与西西欧同床共枕,进医院与53岁的密伽珥医生情意绵绵……完全是误入 了欲拔更陷的情网之中。
简介:Written by one of the world's leading literary theorists, this book provides a wide-ranging, accessible and humorous introduction to the English novel from Daniel Defoe to the present day. Covers the works of major authors, including Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, Laurence Sterne, Walter Scott, Jane Austen, the Bronte虉s, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce; distils the essentials of the theory of the novel; and follows the model of Eagleton's hugely popular Literary Theory: An Introduction (Second Edition, 1996). - Publisher.
作者: Herman Melville, edited and with an introduction by Charles Child Walcutt
简介:Book Description "What's the use of elaborating what, in its very essence, is so short-lived as a modern book? Though I wrote the Gospels in this century, I should die in the gutter." — Herman Melville, in a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1851 One hundred-fifty years have passed since Herman Melville wrote his masterpiece. Yet Moby-Dick endures as an indisputable literary classic that continues to speak to readers today. Join Captain Ahab, an eerily compelling madman, as he pursues an unholy war against a creature as vast and dangerous and unknowable as the sea itself. In his monomaniacal quest, Ahab focuses his distilled hatred and suffering — and that of generations before him — against one single creature, and pursues it relentlessly. More than just a novel of adventure, more than an encyclopedia of whaling lore and legend, this is a haunting, mesmerizing, and important social commentary populated with several of the most unforgettable and enduring characters in literature. Written with wonderfully redemptive humor, Moby-Dick is a profound and timeless inquiry into character, faith, and the nature of perception. Synopsis: No American masterpiece casts quite as awesome a shadow as Melville's monumental "Moby Dick. Mad Captain Ahab's quest for the White Whale is a timeless epic--a stirring tragedy of vengeance and obsession, a searing parable about humanity lost in a universe of moral ambiguity. It is the greatest sea story ever told. Far ahead of its own time, "Moby Dick was largely misunderstood and unappreciated by Melville's contemporaries. Today, however, it is indisputably a classic. As D.H. Lawrence wrote, "Moby Dick "commands a stillness in the soul, an awe . . . [It is] one of the strangest and most wonderful books in the world." Amazon.co.uk Arguably Herman Melville's greatest work, and hailed as a classic American novel, Moby Dick tells the tale of one man's fatal obsession and his willingness to sacrifice his life and that of his crew to achieve his goal. The story follows the fortunes of Captain Ahab and the culturally and spiritually diverse crew of the Pequod, a 19th century whaling ship. The Pequod is on its last voyage out of New Bedford, Mass, in pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale which has been Ahab's obsessional quarry and bitter adversary for many years. Narrated by sole survivor Ishmael, the tale forms a complex fictional fusion, combining a wealth of literary symbolism, hidden meaning and philosophical debate with adventure narrative and a detailed historical account of the 19th century whaling trade. --Emily Lowson From Library Journal In a sense, this work is the piece de resistance of the textual revolution in American scholarship of the past generation. The first half is the final MLA "Approved Text" of the classic novel, prepared under the auspices of the Center for Editions of American Authors. The second half consists of an Historical Note detailing background, genetic composition, publication, and ensuing critical reception; a discussion of its textual history; and some relevant marginalia. The work is not only thorough and rigorous, but, considering the scholarly grittiness of the endeavor, surprisingly lucid and graceful in its exposition. Highly recommended for special collections. Earl Rovit, City Coll., CUNY From School Library Journal Grade 5 Up-Opening with the classic line, "Call me Ishmael," the narrator's New England accent adds a touch of authenticity to this sometimes melodramatic presentation. The St. Charles Players do a credible job on the major roles, but some of the group responses, such as "Aye, aye Captain," sound more comic than serious. This adaptation retains a good measure of Melville's dialogue and key passages which afford listeners a vivid connection with the lengthy novel. Background music and appropriate sound effects enhance the telling of the story about Captain Ahab's obsessive pursuit of the malevolent white whale. The cassettes are clearly marked, and running times are noted on each side of the tapes. Announcements at the beginning of each side and a subtle chime signal at the end make it easy to follow the story, but a stereo player must be used to hear some dialogue. The lightweight cardboard package is inadequate for circulation. Done in a radio theatre format, the recording does a nice job of introducing the deeper themes of the book and covering the major events. For school libraries that support an American literature curriculum, this recording offers a different interpretation of an enduring classic. Barbara Wysocki, Cora J. Belden Library. Rocky Hill, CT About Author Herman Melville (1819-1891) was born in New York City and became a seaman at a young age. His works include Typee, The Confidence Man, and Pierre. Andrew Delbanco is the Julian Clarence Levi Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University. Tom Quirk is the Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of English at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Book Dimension:
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 D.H. Lawrence often wrote for newspapers in his last years not only because he needed the money, but because he enjoyed producing short articles at the prompting of editors. He also wrote substantial essays such as the contentious introduction to his own volume of Paintings and the highly controversial Pornography and Obscenity. Written between 1926 and Lawrence's death in 1930, all thirty-nine articles are collected and edited in this volume, including two previously unpublished autobiographical pieces. Publisher Summary 2 Essays and articles written by D. H. Lawrence between 1926 and 1930, including work never before published.
作者: D.H. Lawrence.
简介:The story of the lives and emotional conflicts of two sisters. Ursula falls in love with Birkin, and Gudrun has a tragic affair with Gerald, the son of the local colliery owner.
作者: D.H. Lawrence ; [edited with an introduction by Laura Victoria Levin].
简介: [b]book description[/b] d.h. lawrence's magnificent exploration of human sexuality in the days surrounding world war i. "let us hesitate no longer to announce that the sensual passions and mysteries are equally sacred with the spiritual mysteries and passions," wrote d.h. lawrence in "women in love, a masterpiece that heralded the erotic consciousness of the twentieth century. echoing elements of lawrence's own life, "women in love delves into the mysteries between men and women as two couples strive for love against a haunting backdrop of coal mines, factories, and a beleaguered working class. new introduction by louis menand. [b]from [i]library journal[/i][/b] the published editions of women in love , probably lawrence's greatest novel, have always been remarkably corrupt due to a lengthy, complex process of revision and transcription, a threatened libel suit, and numerous unauthorized bowdlerizations. the editors of this new cambridge edition have labored scrupulously to produce an authoritative text. what emerges, if not dramatically different, is fresher and more immediate. the introduction provides a valuable history of the novel's composition, revision, publication, and reception, and though the elaborate textual apparatus is strictly for advanced students of bibliography, the notes are splendid. lawrence's 1919 foreword and two early discarded chapters are also included. the recovery of a modern classic. keith cushman, univ. of north carolina, greensboro [b]download description[/b] privately printed in 1920 and published commercially in 1921, women in love is the novel lawrence himself considered his masterpiece. set in the english midlands, the novel traces the lives of two sisters, ursula and gudrun, and the men with whom they fall in love. all four yearn for fufillment in their romantic lives, yet struggle in a world that is increasingly violent and destructive. commenting on the novel, which was composed in the midst of the first world war in 1916, lawrence wrote, "the bitterness of the war may be taken for granted in the characters." rich in symbolism and lyrical prose, women in love is a complex meditation on the meaning of love in the modern world. [b]the merriam-webster encyclopedia of literature[/b] novel by d.h. lawrence, privately printed in 1920 and published commercially in 1921. following the characters lawrence had created for the rainbow (1915), women in love examines the ill effects of industrialization on the human psyche, resolving that individual and collective rebirth is possible only through human intensity and passion. women in love contrasts the love affair of rupert birkin and ursula brangwen with that of gudrun, ursula's artistic sister, and gerald crich, a domineering industrialist. birkin, an introspective misanthrope, struggles to reconcile his metaphysical drive for self-fulfillment with ursula's practical view of sentimental passion. their love affair and eventual marriage are set as a positive antithesis to the destructive relationship of gudrun and crich. the novel also explores the relationship between birkin and crich. according to critics, birkin is a self-portrait of lawrence, and ursula represents lawrence's wife, frieda. [b]about author[/b] david ellis is the author of lawrence's non-fiction: art, thought and genre and wordsworth, freud and the spots of time. he has been commissioned to write volume hi of the new cambridge biography of lawrence. . [b]book dimension:[/b] length: (cm)17.6 width:(cm) 10.6
简介: Book Description Inspired by the long-standing affair between Frieda, Lawrence’s German wife, and an Italian peasant who eventually became her third husband, Lady Chatterley’s Lover is the story of Constance Chatterley, who, while trapped in an unhappy marriage to an aristocratic mine owner whose war wounds have left him paralyzed and impotent, has an affair with Mellors, the gamekeeper. Frank Kermode calls the book Lawrence’s "great achievement" and Ana?s Nin describes it as "artistically . . . his best novel." This Modern Library Paperback Classics edition includes the transcript of the judge's decision in the famous 1959 obscenity trial that allowed the novel to be published in the United States. Amazon.com Perhaps the most famous of Lawrence's novels, the 1928 Lady Chatterley's Lover is no longer distinguished for the once-shockingly explicit treatment of its subject matter--the adulterous affair between a sexually unfulfilled upper-class married woman and the game keeper who works for the estate owned by her wheelchaired husband. Now that we're used to reading about sex, and seeing it in the movies, it's apparent that the novel is memorable for better reasons: namely, that Lawrence was a masterful and lyrical writer, whose story takes us bodily into the world of its characters. From AudioFile Lawrence's classic tale of love and discovery comes alive in this audio presentation. Lady Chatterley is trapped in an unhappy marriage with a husband who is paralyzed physically and emotionally. Jill Daly reads in a quiet tone which ebbs and flows with the excitement of the characters. The indecisiveness of Lady Chatterley, the callousness of her husband, the persuasiveness of her lover--all are portrayed in a quiet, even voice until the climactic end. The abridgment is an excellent taste of D.H. Lawrence. Some language and imagery are explicit. M.B.K. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by D.H. Lawrence, published in a limited English-language edition in Florence (1928) and in Paris (1929). It was first published in England in an expurgated version in 1932. The full text was only published in 1959 in New York City and in 1960 in London, when it was the subject of a landmark obscenity trial (Regina v. Penguin Books Limited) that turned largely on the justification of the use in the novel of until-then taboo sexual terms. This last of Lawrence's novels reflects the author's belief that men and women must overcome the deadening restrictions of industrialized society and follow their natural instincts to passionate love. Constance (Connie) Chatterley is married to Sir Clifford, a wealthy landowner who is paralyzed from the waist down and is absorbed in his books and his estate, Wragby. After a disappointing affair, Connie turns to the estate's gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors, a symbol of natural man who awakens her passions. Inside Flap Copy Lyric and sensual, D.H. Lawrence's last novel is one of the major works of fiction of the twentieth century. Filled with scenes of intimate beauty, explores the emotions of a lonely woman trapped in a sterile marriage and her growing love for the robust gamekeeper of her husband's estate. The most controversial of Lawrence's books, Lady Chatterly's Lover joyously affirms the author's vision of individual regeneration through sexual love. The book's power, complexity, and psychological intricacy make this a completely original work--a triumph of passion, an erotic celebration of life. More About Author D. H. Lawrence was born on September 11, 1885, in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England. His father was a coal miner, his mother a former lace worker and unsuccessful haberdasher. He began school just before the age of four, but respiratory illness and a weak constitution forced him to remain home intermittently. Two months before his sixteenth birthday, he went to work as a clerk in a badly ventilated factory that made medical supplies, and eventually contracted pneumonia. After a long convalescence, he got a job as a student teacher, but privately he resolved to become a poet. He began writing seriously in 1906 and entered University College, Nottingham, to earn his teacher's certificate. Two years later he started teaching elementary school full time. He published his first poems in the English Review in 1909. When he contracted pneumonia a second time, he gave up teaching. His first two novels, The White Peacock and The Trespasser, were published in 1911 and 1912. About three weeks after the publication of The Trespasser, he left England with Frieda Weekley, née von Richthofen, the German wife of Ernest Weekley, a British linguist who had been his French and German instructor at University College. He wrote the final version of his autobiographical novel Sons and Lovers (1913)--begun when his mother was dying of cancer in 1910--during their year-long courtship in Germany and Italy. It was immediately recognized as the first great modern restatement of the oedipal drama, but, like most of Lawrence's novels during his lifetime, sold poorly. They married in London in July 1914, immediately after Frieda's divorce became final, and lived peripatetically and in relative poverty. They spent World War I in England, a country they both essentially disliked, and endured a series of clumsy surveillance and harassment campaigns by local police because of her nationality (several of her relatives were diplomats, statesmen, and politicians, and she was a distant cousin of Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron') and his apparent lack of patriotism (among other charges, The Prussian Officer, a collection of stories, published in November 1914, several months after Great Britain entered the war, was considered politically and morally offensive by conservative booksellers). Exempt from active service because of his health, he wrote The Rainbow and Women in Love, arguably his two greatest novels. The former was seized and burned by the police for indecency in November 1915, two months after publication; Lawrence was unable to find a publisher for the latter until six years later. Composition of these two novels coincided with bouts of erratic behavior in Lawrence that bordered on mental instability, sexual confusion and experimentation that threatened to undermine his marriage, and endless health reversals, including a diagnosis of tuberculosis. Twilight in Italy, a collection of acerbic travel essays believed by some to show a sympathy for fascism that became more explicit in, for example, his novel The Plumed Serpent (1926), was published in 1916. He recorded the vicissitudes of his marriage in an autobiographical poem cycle, Look! We Have Come Through (1917). The Lawrences departed for Europe in late 1919 and spent most of the next two years in Italy and Germany. The Lost Girl, a novel, was published in 1920 and received the James Tait Black Memorial Prize the following year, which also saw the publication of Movements in European History, a text for schoolchildren; Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious, an anti-Freudian tract; Tortoises, a collection of poems; Sea and Sardinia, a travel book; and, belatedly, Women in Love. Early in 1922 he and Frieda went around the world by boat. They visited Ceylon, lived in Australia for a month and a half, and in the summer sailed to America, where they settled in New Mexico. Aaron's Rod, a novel; Fantasia of the Unconscious, a sequel to Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious; and England, My England, a collection of stories, were published that year. In the spring of 1923, after moving to Mexico, he and Frieda separated temporarily. He toured the western United States and briefly returned to Mexico; she moved to London. Kangaroo, his novel of Australia, and Birds, Beasts, and Flowers, a collection of poems, were published in the fall. He returned to Frieda in the winter. They went to New Mexico again in the spring of 1924; he suffered bouts of influenza, malaria, and typhoid fever the next year. The Lawrences eventually resettled in Italy in 1926. He began writing his last novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover, in 1926. It was published two years later and banned in England and the United States as pornographic. An avid amateur painter, a selection of his paintings--grossly rendered, full-figured representational nudes--was exhibited in London in 1929. The show was raided on July 5 by the police, who removed thirteen of the canvases. Lawrence coincidentally suffered a violent tubercular hemorrhage in Italy the same day. He went to Bavaria to undergo a cure--it was unsuccessful--and in 1930 entered a sanatorium in Vence, France, where treatment similarly failed. He died in a villa in Vence on the night of March 2, a half year short of his forty-fifth birthday, and was buried in a local cemetery. His body was eventually disinterred and cremated, and his ashes transported to Frieda Lawrence's ranch outside Taos, New Mexico. In addition to numerous plays, collections of poetry, and other, lesser known works published during his lifetime, his novels The Virgin and the Gypsy and Mr. Noon were published posthumously. Book Dimension length: (cm)19.7 width:(cm)12.8
The Best short stories of the modern age /
作者: selected and introduced by Douglas Angus.
简介:The short-stroy form continues to be a rich and fertile vein of literary expression. Collected in this remarkable volume are twenty renowned writers of the modern age who brilliantly mastered the distinctive power and beauty of the form--each bringing his or her own unique vision to the page. This powerful collection includes the work of: Sherwood Anderson, Anton Chekov, Joseph Conrad, Shirley Jackson, D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Lionel Trilling, and many more.
作者: Alan Bisbort.
简介:This fascinating volume offers an overview of the most influential and notorious media scandals, from newspaper publisher John Peter Zenger's groundbreaking 1735 trial for "printing and publishing false, scandalous, malicious and seditious statements" to Dr. Phil McGraw's 2008 thwarted attempt to force his television cameras inside Britney Spears' hospital room, from the attempts to ban literature by the likes of D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Henry Miller, and Allen Ginsberg to the excesses of gossip mongers like Walter Winchell, Hedda Hopper, Geraldo Rivera, and Matt Drudge. It delves into the tabloid press and walks through the minefields of political opinion shapers, the shouters, the muckrakers and whistleblowers.