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简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Researchers and students who want a less mathematical alternative to the EQS manual will find exactly what they're looking for in this practical text. Written specifically for those with little to no knowledge of structural equation modeling (SEM) or EQS, the author's goal is to provide a non-mathematical introduction to the basic concepts of SEM by applying these principles to EQS, Version 6.1. The book clearly demonstrates a wide variety of SEM/EQS applications that include confirmatory factor analytic and full latent variable models. Analyses are based on a wide variety of data representing single and multiple-group models; these include data that are normal/non-normal, complete/incomplete, and continuous/categorical. Written in a "user-friendly" style, the author "walks" the reader through the varied steps involved in the process of testing SEM models. These include model specification and estimation, assessment of model fit, description of EQS output, and interpretation of findings. Each of the book's applications is accompanied by: a statement of the hypothesis being tested, a schematic representation of the model, explanations and interpretations of the related EQS input and output files, tips on how to use the associated pull-down menus and icons, and the data file upon which the application is based. Beginning with an overview of the basic concepts of SEM and the EQS program, the book carefully works through applications starting with relatively simple single group analyses, through to more advanced applications, such as a multi-group, latent growth curve, and multilevel modeling. The new edition features: *Many new applications that include a latent growth curve model, a multilevel model, a second-order model based on categorical data, a missing data multigroup model based on the EM algorithm, and the testing for latent mean differences related to a higher-order model. *A CD enclosed with the book that includes all application data. *Vignettes illustrating procedural and/or data management tasks using a Windows interface. *Description of how to build models both interactively using the BUILDULEQ interface and graphically using the EQS Diagrammer. Publisher Summary 2 This practical volume is intended for researchers and students who want a less technical alternative to the EQS manual.
作者: 姚卫著
简介:《跟我学二胡》内容简介:The rich connotation of Chinese traditional culture and deep heritage is being known by more and more foreign friends.For the strong interest in Chinese culture,music lovers around the world are attracted further more by the glamour of the Chinese f01l(music.Many foreigners are also quite interested in 1earning a little Chinese folk music as a channel to understand Chinese culture.Many foreign tourists buy Chinese national musical instmments as the novel and unique souvenirs to take back to their own countries.The erhu is a musical instrument with a more melancholy,1yrical and melodious sound,its sound is easy to enter people’s innermost feelings, touch people’s emotion.Nowadays,the pressure is quite big in the modem society tllis feature of the erhu can helo people relieve stress.As the erhu has a beautiful sound,the simple structure and it is very easy to leam, therefore,it attracts many foreigners.
简介: "The classic coming of age story of four sisters, brought to life in a new book-and-CD edition." The original novel Little Women is based loosely on the experiences of author Louisa May Alcott. Meg, Beth, Amy, and Jo are four sisters growing up in America during the Civil War. Each girl struggles with a personality trait - Meg is vain; Jo, short-tempered; Beth, shy; and Amy, self-centered. As the girls try to make the best of life while their father is away at war, through their creativity and love for one another, they are able to enjoy the good moments and endure the hard times. Join the girls on their heartfelt journey to becoming better sisters and better friends. With Hear It Read It, Sourcebooks is proud to introduce a new take on this classic story, in a sturdy hardcover that children will return to again and again. For generations parents and grandparents have shared the classics with children as they start to read and "graduate" from ABCs to picture books to chapter books. These tales need no introduction: they are the same stories that were read to them, the very same adventures that filled their imaginations and taught them the power of the word to change and challenge. Sourcebooks' Little Women is a bridge that introduces budding readers to chapter books. It includes not only the abridged story and 20 engaging black and white illustrations, but also the same version read on audio CD, letting kids choose how to enjoy: listen to the story, read along with the CD, or read the story to themselves. The CD is produced by Naxos, a leader in junior classics on audio, and read by BBC voice actor Liza Ross, with music and occasional effects to set the mood.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Earth Scienceoffers a reader-friendly overview of our physical environment for the reader with little or no exposure to science. The emphasis is on readability, with clear explanations and examples, superb illustrations by the renowned Dennis Tasa, and an incredible collection of full color photographs and topographical maps. Topics covered in this highly readable and interesting book are geology, oceanography, astronomy, and meteorology. For readers needing a basic informational book about Earth Science.
作者: (意)亚米契斯等著
简介: 《新东方?豌豆三兄弟:英汉对照》是新东方生命教育双语绘本“人己”系列中的一个小故事。农庄花圃的豌豆荚里,住着豌豆三兄弟,从小一起聊天,长大,转眼间到了该离开豆荚的时候,三兄弟分别迈向他们的前程,也分别遇到不同的困难。大哥卡在窗台上,出不来,二哥掉在河里,小弟落在玫瑰丛里。三兄弟用他们的智慧和勇气脱离困境,各自找到一个属于自己可以生长的地方。
简介: The green-buih and sustainable development technologies and their integration with life cycle infrastructure design and management are essential to improve living standards without adversely affecting the environment of the region. Although much progress in research on these aspects has been made in past years, there has been little focused effort to bring the three together in theory and in practice. Now, it is time to evaluate the existing state of research and application, and focus on future research.
简介: Designed as a video-based textbook of ophthalmic surgeries, Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgeries covers the entire spectrum of ocular surgeries, divided into Basic and Advanced editions. Both the Basic and Advanced editions are entirely video-based teaching products with high quality, narrated videos. With 129 videos, Video Atlas of Basic Ophthalmic Surgeries contains nearly 10 hours of state of the art video teaching. Each video is edited in such a way that the viewer can quickly grasp all the relevant information without having to sit through extensive, unedited surgical videos. Each surgical video is accompanied with narration so that the viewer can watch and listen to each step during the surgery and learn by demonstrated example. Some Video Sections and Topics Include: ? Oculoplasty and Orbit o Upper eye lid cyst excision, Quickert suture, Evisceration, and more ? Conjunctiva and Cornea o Gunderson Flap, Corneal Biopsy, Graft Complications, and more ? Refractive Surgery o Aberropia, Intacs with femtosecond, Limbal relaxing incisions, and more ? Cataract and IOL o Gas Forced Infusion, Little rhexis trick, Foldable capsular rings, and more ? Glaucoma o Exploring the Schlemm’s canal, Trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C, Limbus based trabeculectomy, and more ? Pediatric Ophthalmology o Pediatric cataract extraction, Medial rectus recession, Lateral rectus resection, and more ? Retina and Vitreous o Vitrectomy machine choice, Subretinal band removal, Vitreous surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and more Led by Amar Agarwal and joined by associate editor Soosan Jacob and their 170 contributors, this user-friendly video-based textbook is the ideal way to successfully understand and immediately apply the given techniques in a clinical environment. It is a must-have for those specializing in individual fields of ophthalmology; practicing ophthalmologists; students, fellows and residents in ophthalmology; as well as libraries and teaching institutions. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS This DVD can play on a DVD player or through your computer. If you wish to view it on your computer, you will need a DVD drive and DVD software to view, such as InterVideo WinDVD, CyberLink, PowerDVD, Sonic CinePlayer, ATI DVD, etc. This software is commonly preinstalled or provided with any computer that has a DVD drive. ?
简介: Do you know a bit of English, and want to improve without a teacher? Whether you're a student, a traveller, or you just want to learn basic English, this plain-speaking guide will help you pick up the essentials so you'll be understanding and speaking English in no time. Improve your grammar, speech, vocabulary and pronunciation at your own pace, and prepare yourself to get around in any English-speaking country comfortably - and without embarrassment! "Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies" includes: Part I Getting Started - Chapter 1 You Already Know a Little English, Chapter 2 Basic English Grammar, Chapter 3 Greetings and Introductions; Part II English in Action, Chapter 4 Shopping and Numbers, Chapter 5 Eating Out, Chapter 6 Out on the Town, Chapter 7 Hobbies and Free Time, Chapter 8 Talking on the Phone, Chapter 9 At the Office and Around the House, and Chapter 10 Written English - Newspapers and Signs; and, Part III English on the Go - Chapter 11 Money, Chapter 12 Checking into a Hotel, Chapter 13 Asking Directions and Getting Around, and Chapter 14 Handling Emergencies. It includes: Part IV The Part of Tens - Chapter 15 Ten Ways to Speak English Quickly, Chapter 16 Ten Favourite English Expressions, Chapter 17 Ten Holidays to Remember, and Chapter 18 Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Fluent in English; and, Part V Appendices Appendix - A: Phrasal verbs explained, Appendix B: Common Verbs [Agree, Can / be able, Come, Do, Go, Have, Make , Need, Put, Think] English Irregular Verbs, and Appendix C: On the CD. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
简介: Introduction Foreword About the Author Core MFC The MFC Architecture A Brief History of MFC The MFC Class Hierarchy CObject CCmdTarget CWinThread CWinApp CWnd CFrameWnd CView CDocument Summary MFC Dialogs, Controls, and Data Interaction Creating an Application Starting and Using MFC AppWizard The AppWizard-Generated Code Modifying the Application Adding Dialog Controls Adding Initialization Using Dialog Controls ToolTips Enabling ToolTips Displaying Text Dialog Data Exchange Standard DDX UpdateData Using Standard Dialog Boxes File Open/Save Color Selector Font Selector Print Dialog Summary The Windows Common Controls Initializing and Using the Common Controls Notifications for Windows Common Controls The Notification Message Structure Overview of the Notification Process A Better Notification Handling Scheme Specifying Notification Ranges with ON_NOTIFY_RANGE Hot Key Controls: Class CHotKeyCtrl CHotKeyCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing a CHotKeyCtrl Object Using a Hot Key Control Spin Controls: Class CSpinButtonCtrl Spin Control Styles CSpinButtonCtrl Messages CSpinButtonCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing a Spin Control Sample Program: SPIN1 Slider Controls: Class CSliderCtrl Slider Control Styles CSliderCtrl Messages CSliderCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing a Slider Control Sample Program: Slider Controls (SLIDER1) Sample Program: SLIDER1 Progress Bar Controls: Class CProgressCtrl CProgressCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing a CProgressCtrl Object Using a Progress Control Image Lists: Class CImageList CImageList Class Methods Creating and Initializing a CImageList Control List View Controls: Class CListCtrl List View Control Styles Image Lists and the List View Control List View Items and Subitems List View Notification Messages Creating and Initializing a CListCtrl Object Using the List View Control Tree View Controls: Class CTreeCtrl Tree View Control Styles Tree View Notification Messages CTreeCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing a Tree View Control Using a CTreeCtrl Object Sample Program: TREELIST.EXE Tab Controls: Class CTabCtrl Tab Control Styles Tab Control Notification Messages CTabCtrl Class Methods The Tab Item Structure (TC_ITEM) Creating and Initializing a Tab Control Using a Tab Control Animate Controls: Class CAnimateCtrl Animate Control Styles Animate Control Notification Messages CAnimateCtrl Class Methods Creating and Initializing an Animate Control Using an Animate Control Rich Edit Controls: Class CRichEditCtrl Rich Edit Control Window Styles The Character Format Structure (CHARFORMAT) The Paragraph Format Structure (PARAFORMAT) CRichEditCtrl Class Methods CRichEditCtrl Line-Related Methods CRichEditCtrl Text-Selection Methods CRichEditCtrl Formatting Methods CRichEditCtrl Editing Methods CRichEditCtrl Clipboard Methods CRichEditCtrl General-Purpose Methods Creating and Initializing a Rich Edit Control Using a Rich Edit Control Summary Painting, Device Contexts, Bitmaps, and Fonts Device Contexts The Graphics Device Interface MFC Wrapping MFC Device Context Classes The Base Class: CDC Painting with Class CPaintDC Managing Client Areas with Class CClientDC Managing Frame Windows with Class CWindowDC Windows Graphic Objects Pens: Class CPen Brushes: Class CBrush Fonts: Class CFont Bitmaps: Class CBitmap Palettes: Class CPalette Regions: Class CRgn GDI Coordinate Systems Logical Mapping Modes Vector Graphics Drawing Modes Lines and Polylines Rectangles Regions Polygons Ellipses Bezier Curves Fonts and Text Font Characteristics The TEXTMETRIC Structure The LOGFONT Structure Font Creation Drawing Text Sample Program: Vector Graphics and Text Methods (VECTEXT1.EXE) Raster Graphics Named Raster Operations (ROPs) Bitmaps Device-Dependent Bitmaps Device-Independent Bitmaps (DIBs) The CBitmap Class Transferring and Contorting Bitmaps Bitmap Resources Tacking Resources onto an Executable File Getting Image Resources out of an Executable File Sample Program: Exploring Bitmap Resources (BITMAP1) Summary Custom Control Development Window Classes Versus C++ Classes A Validating Edit Control The Clock Static Control Control Metrics Painting the Face Locating the Hands Painting the Hands Setting the Time Pitfalls of Subclassing Standard Controls The Hyperlink Control Implementation Strategy Font Processing Painting the Window Controlling the Cursor Mouse Input Keyboard Input Launching the Link Advanced Custom Control Topics Subclassing Limitations Notifications Using the Resource Editor with Custom Classes Summary The MFC Application Object, Message Routing, and Idle Processing The MFC Application Object CWinApp and Application Lifetime The CWinApp Data Members The CWinApp Member Functions Application-Specific Initialization Functionality in InitInstance OLE Container Support 3D Look for Windows NT 3.5x Registry Usage Most Recently Used Files List SDI and MDI Document/View Main Frame Window Creation Automation Support Rich Edit Control Support Command-Line Handling Message Routing, Message Maps, and Message Categories Message Routing PreTranslateMessage Message Maps Idle Processing OnIdle Idle Processing for Dialogs The Splash Screen Component Summary Documents, Views, and Applications That Use Them The Document/View Architecture Documents, Frames, and Views Document Templates Creating New Documents Opening New Files Single Versus Multiple Document Templates Views The CView Class The CScrollView Class The CFormView Class The Database View Classes The Control Views Changing Views in an SDI Using the MDI Summary Extending the User Interface Responding to the User Keyboard Messaging Handling Keyboard Messages Mouse Messaging Handling Mouse Messages User Interfaces and AppWizard Extending Menus Obtaining Menus and Pop-up Menus Adding Menu Items Using Floating Pop-up Menus Putting Control Bars to Use Using Toolbars and Rebars Using Status Bars Showing and Hiding Control Bars Supporting ToolTips Updating the User Interface Property Sheets and Wizards MFC's Support for Property Sheets and Wizards Creating a Simple Wizard Splitting a View Summary Printing Printing Fundamentals Printing with MFC Printing in the View The PrintInfo Object Printing Menu Commands Printing and GDI Mapping Modes WYSIWYG Printing Application Resources The Application Class The View Class Pagination Printing with a Known Page Count Printing with an Unknown Page Count Printing Page Numbers Stopping and Aborting Print Jobs Halting a Print Job in OnPrepareDC() Halting a Print Job in OnPrint() Summary MFC and COM Programming COM A Little History Interfaces, Objects, and Methods Some Terminology A Real-World View The IUnknown Interface Servers, Clients, and Classes The COM Runtime Environment Defining the Class Factory How Are COM Objects Reused? Marshaling and Threading Marshaling Threading COM, OLE, and Automation IDispatch Automation Servers, Objects, and Controllers Supporting Both IDispatch and IUnknown Persisting COM Data Structured Storage Identifying COM Data (Monikers) Transferring Data Uniform Data Transfer Connectable Objects DCOM Object Creation Invoking Methods Security Issues Some Important Information BSTR SAFEARRAY HRESULT VARIANT Further Reading Summary COM and MFC Understanding the Afx Global Functions Application Lifetime Control Client Control Management Connection Point Management Control Registration Exceptions Initialization Licensing Type Information Reviewing the OLE Macros Class Factories Client/Container Common Commands Control Property Persistence Dialog Data Exchange Dispatch Maps Event Maps Property Page Data Mapping Property Pages Type Library Access MFC and the OLE Class Categories Active Document Automation Common Dialogs for OLE Container Control Drag and Drop (Universal Data Transfer) Document Servers Support Summary MFC OLE Servers Document Servers Server Types Full Server Active Document Container/Server Mini-Server Document Server Design OLE Documents Active Documents Building an Active Document Server Persistence Rendering the View Automation Servers IDispatch GetIDsOfNames GetTypeInfo GetTypeInfoCount Invoke IDispatch-Derived Interface in ODL Calling Methods Through IDispatch GetIDsOfNames Type Information Methods Invoke Dispinterfaces Differ from Interfaces Calling Methods Through IDispatch Dual Interfaces The Variant An Automation Server Using MFC Server Type Declaring and Defining Additional Dispinterfaces Adding Methods and Properties Summary MFC OLE Clients IDispatch and Its Place in Automation Interface Definition for Automation Servers IDL and ATL ODL and MFC Dual Interfaces MFC and Automation Controller Connecting to a Server Server Review Building a Controller Using COleDispatchDriver Using #import Remote Automation Summary MFC ActiveX Controls Development Strategy MFC ATL MFC and ATL Control Development Two Faces of a Control Runtime Design Time Subclassing a Control MFC ATL Component Categories ICatRegister ICatInformation Methods, Properties, and Events Properties Methods Events Property Pages Property Pages in ATL Property Pages in MFC Component Registration Registration Scripts Registration and Controls COM Object Subkeys Building an MFC Control Interface Definition A Quick ATL Port Summary MFC ActiveX Control Containers Active Document Container Storage Site Objects In-Place Activation Document Extensions Building the Simplest Active Document Container OLE Controls Adding Containment to an Existing Project ActiveX Container Control Containment and Events Summary Using MFC and ATL What Is ATL and Why Is It Important for Programming in MFC? Helpful ATL COM Support for MFC Applications COM Pointers the Smart Way Other ATL COM Support Advanced ATL Support for MFC Applications Begin with Your MFC Application Add the Required ATL Support Summary Scripting Your MFC Application Scripting Basics Scripting Interfaces Dual Interfaces Object Models Implementing a Scripted Application Object Implementation Summary MFC Database Programming MFC Database Processing Relational Database Concepts Tables Columns Records Cursors Transactions Storing and Retrieving Data SELECT INSERT DELETE UPDATE Database Communication Mechanisms ODBC DAO Which Methodology Should I Use? ODBC/MFC CDatabase CRecordset DAO CDaoWorkspace CDaoDatabase CDaoRecordset CDaoTableDef CDaoQueryDef Summary Advanced Database Support The COM Approach OLE DB ADO Which One Should I Use? OLE DB Consumers Using the ATL Wrapper Classes CDataSource CSession Accessors Rowsets Accessing Datasource Data Using the ADO C++ Interfaces ADOConnection ADORecordset ADOCommand ADOField ADOProperty ADOParameter ADOError Summary MFC Utility Classes Strings and Collections Strings and String Classes Inside the CString Class Practical CString Usage CString Summary Collections Inside Collection Classes Templated Collections The UNL_MultiEd Application Overview An STL Approach Summary File I/O and MFC The CFile Class Processing Files with CFile Inside the CFile Class The CStdioFile Class The CMemFile Class The CSharedFile Class The CFileDialog Class The User-Defined CFileDialog Class Practical Usage of CFile and CFileDialog Opening a File Reading Data from a File A Classical Approach What Are Streams? Summary Exceptions What Are They Good For? Types of Exceptions Structured Exception Handlers Nesting of Structured Exception Handlers Raising Structured Exceptions Cleaning Up After an Exception C++ Exceptions Defining a C++ Exception Class MFC Exceptions MFC CException-Derived Classes CMemoryException CNotSupportedException CArchiveException CFileException CResourceException COleException CDbException COleDispatchException CUserException CDaoException CInternetException Deriving Your Own MFC-Compliant Exception Objects Deleting Exceptions Using MFC Exception Macros Mixing Exceptions Summary MFC and the Web MFC and DHTML DHTML, MSIE, and the Internet Using the Internet Explorer Web ActiveX Control Internet Explorer ActiveX Control Basics CHtmlView CHtmlView and the Document/View Relationship CHtmlView and COM Using the Internet Explorer ActiveX Control in a Dialog Box Using DHTML The DHTML Object Model The Document Object Other DHTML Objects Collection Objects DHTML COM Interfaces Obtaining the Document DHTML Interface Obtaining the DHTML Collections Interfaces Using the DHTML Interface The DHTML Element Interface Methods Document Navigation Summary CSocket Programming How Do Network Communications Work? Sockets, Ports, and Addresses Winsock and MFC Initializing the Winsock Environment Creating a Socket Making a Connection Sending and Receiving Messages Closing the Connection Socket Events Controlling Event Triggering Detecting Errors Getting Socket Information Sockets and I/O Serialization Building a Networked Application Creating the Application Shell Window Layout and Startup Functionality Inheriting from the CAsyncSocket Class Connecting the Application Sending and Receiving Ending the Connection Summary WinInet Programming Web Application Protocols and WinInet Hypertext Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol Gopher Protocol WinInet API and MFC Internet Session Basics CInternetSession CInternetFile CInternetException CInternetConnection Building a Simple WinInet Application Application-Level Functionality HTTP Classes FTP Classes Gopher Classes Building a Simple FTP Client Summary ISAPI Extensions The Foundation From There to Here From GET to POST Adding Some Form Elements Change the Form Change the Parse Map Declare and Use the Handler Function Add a Radio Button Other Form Input Elements Change the Form Change the Parse Map Change the Handler Function Summary MAPI and MFC The Messaging Application Programming Interface Client Applications Two Higher-Level Alternatives: Simple MAPI and CMC Simple MAPI Common Messaging Calls The MapiMessage Structure The MapiFileDesc Structure Limited MAPI Functionality in MFC The CDocument Connection Doing MAPI the MFC Way The CDocument::OnFileSendMail() Method Sample Program: MAPI1.EXE Summary TAPE and MFC Overview Assisted Telephony Basic Telephony Service Supplemental Telephony Service Extended Telephony Service History of TAPI TAPI 1.3 TAPI 1.4 TAPI 1.5 TAPI 2 TAPI 2.1 TAPI 2.2 TAPI 3 Using Assisted Telephony Using Basic Telephony Configuring TAPI Connecting with TAPI Transmitting Data with TAPI Disconnection with TAPI Terminating a TAPI Session Summary MFC and Graphics Programming MFC and OpenGL What Is OpenGL? Graphics Boot Camp Core Terms and Key Concepts The Basic Mathematics of Graphics Programming OpenGL Boot Camp OpenGL Datatypes OpenGL Function Naming Conventions OpenGL Render Function Scoping The OpenGL Matrix Stack The OpenGL Rendering Context Minimal OpenGL Program and a Custom View Creating Your Basic MFC Application Adding the Custom OpenGL Base Class Integrate the Custom View Class into Your Application Build Your 3D Scene Add the OpenGL Libraries to Your Project抯 Link List 2D and 3D Models Basic Model Development Model Transformations Display Lists Light The Basics of Light in OpenGL Types of Light Object Material Properties Texture Mapping OpenGL Images and Windows Device-Independent Bitmaps Applying Texture Special Effects Blending Fog Summary MFC and DirectX What Is DirectX? DirectX in a Nutshell DirectX Components DirectX Basics Differences in COM Programming Style and DirectX DirectX Component Startup Sequence DirectDraw Basics Initializing DirectDraw DirectDraw and Palettes DirectDraw Surfaces DirectDraw Page Flipping DirectDraw from a Window Using DirectDraw in Practice Surfaces and Bitmaps Windowed Rendering Error Handling DirectDraw Shutdown Summary Multimedia and MFC Multimedia Fundamentals The DirectX Media Player Control Media Formats Supported by the Media Player Control Inside the Media Player Control The CMediaPlayer Class Using the Media Player Control Playing Sound Working with Waves Revisiting DirectSound Using DirectSound to Play Sound Effects Summary Advanced MFC Inside the Registry Registry Usage Configuration Services Information State User Preferences The Registry Structure Programmatic Control of the Registry The Registry API The Registry Sample Application The Registry Key Editor Dialog Creating a New Key Deleting a Key Deleting a Name/Value Pair A Word About Wrapping the Registry Functions A Word About Installation Summary Writing and Using DLLs Advantages of DLLs Code Elimination Modularity and Packaging Extensibility Inside an AFX DLL Exporting Classes, Functions, and Data The Big Deal About Exports Mangled Names Exporting Classes What Goes Around, Comes Around Exporting Explicit Functions Exporting Data Exporting MFC Data Exporting the Destructor Export Toolkit include Files What to Export Other DLL Issues AfxLoadLibrary and AfxFreeLibrary Designing for Extensibility and Reuse Resource Location Multiple Module Definition Files Load Addresses and the Linker Summary Creating Custom Wizards Property Sheets and Property Pages The CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage Classes The Wizard Walk and the Property Sheet Connection Creating a Wizard Setting the Wizard Mode Enabling the Wizard Buttons Displaying the Wizard Wizard Notification Messages Sample Program: Off to See the Wizard (WIZARD1.EXE) Creating Wizard Page Dialog Template Resources Create a Dialog Class for Each Dialog Resource Exploring the Welcome Page: Class CIntroPage Exploring the About You Page: Class CPage1 Updating Wizard Information for CPage2 and CPage3 Creating and Displaying the Wizard Summary Index
Fundamentals of statistical reasoning in education / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: Theodore Coladarci ... [et al.]
简介:The original introductory statistics textbook written specifically for the discipline of education. Typically, education professors had to select from textbooks that were directed at "the behavioral sciences" or, at best, "psychology and education." While many of these texts are technically and conceptually adequate, the examples, problems, and applications are of little relevance to the reality of schools and, therefore, to the interests and concerns of education students. This text was designed to fill the void. Includes a CD.
简介:《小王子》第二部是法国传奇作家安托万·德·圣埃克绪佩里继《小王子》之后的又一传世经典。它既是《小王子》的延续和发展,又是相互独立、让人怦然心动、潸然泪下的童话故事。 《小王子》第二部以生动曲折的故事阐释了人生的哲理,揭示了大人们的困境。故事中的大王子实际上就是作者的化身,他想证明自己是一个心地善良、亲切和蔼、具有爱心的真正武士。于是,他整天穿着盔甲东奔西突,想拯救那些处于危难之中的少女,却伤害了很多人,其中包括他的妻子和儿子。沉重的盔甲渐渐地变成了他的一部分,使他失去了本真的自己,甚至连他的妻子都忘记了他是什么模样。 其实,人人身上都套有自己的盔甲。它是虚伪、贪婪、仇恨、嫉妒、恐惧和无知…… 小王子则每天快快乐乐,拥有智慧和爱心。他知道一个人能爱自己多少,才能爱别人多少。他一次次地为大王子指点迷津。 回首往事,大王子潸然泪下,身上的盔甲纷纷脱落。他重新找回了孩子的心灵,也拥有了真正的快乐。 回到童年,回忆童年,回放童年,找回童心,这是一个重新找回真正自我的人生旅程。 本书采取英汉对照、生词注解的方式,它适合词汇量在1800到2更多>>
Tipping point:how little things can make a big difference
作者: (加)马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)著;钱清,覃爱冬译
简介:《财富》杂志推荐的75本商业必读书之一 《福布斯》20世纪最具影响力20本商业图书之一 罗永浩、秦朔、牛文文、刘洲伟、姜奇平、刘坚、胡泳、郭星、曹健 联袂推荐 看看周围的世界吧,它看上去似乎雷打不动、变幻莫测、无法改变,但只要你找准位置,轻轻一触,它就可能倾斜。 马尔科姆 格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell) 《纽约客》怪才、传奇作者 被《时代》周刊评为全球最有影响力的100位人物之一
简介:This book engages the reader in a journey of discovery through a spirited discussion among three characters: Philosopher, Teacher and Student. Throughout the book, Philosopher pursues his dream of a unified theory of conics, here exceptions are banished. With a helpful teacher and example-hungry student, the trio soon finds that conics reveal much of their beauty when viewed over the complex numbers. In their odyssey, they uncover a goldmine of unsuspected results. They experience a series of "Aha!" moments as they stumble upon living brothers to familiar conics objects like foci and directrices. They also discover a normally-unseen ellipse spanning the gap between the branches of any hyperbola. On the applied side, they learn how two interfering wave sources create systems of hyperbolas; these are used in making astonishingly precise astronomical observations. All these discoveries are profusely illustrated with pictures, worked-out examples, a generous selection of exercises, and a CD containing 36 applets. If you've ever needed a conics formula for area, eccentricity, curvature and the like, look in the formula appendix. Here are dozens of useful formulas-a set for each of eight different ways of looking at a conic: as a cone slice; as the path of a planet moving under the influence of a fixed sun; as a figure constructed using two stakes and string; plus five other sets. Conics is written in an easy, conversational style, and many historical tidbits and other points of interest are scattered throughout the text. Many students self-study the book without outside help. This book is ideal for anyone having a little exposure to linear algebra and complex numbers. - Back cover.
简介:The ideal theater appreciation text for courses focusing on theater elements, "The Theater Experience" encourages students to be active theater-goers as they learn about the fundamentals of a production. By addressing the importance of the audience, Wilson brings the art of performance to life for students who may have little experience with the medium. .
Love That Dog 为小狗写诗 ISBN9780064409599
作者: Creech
Room 105 -- Miss Stretchberry
September 13
I don't want to
because boys
don't write poetry.
Girls do.
Meet Jack, who tells his story with a little help from some paper,a pencil, his teacher, and a dog named Sky.Love That Dog is the story of Jack, hisdog, his teacher, and words. The story develops through Jack’sresponses to his teacher, Miss Stretchberry, over the course of aschool year. At first, his responses are short and cranky: “I don’twant to” and “I tried. Can’t do it. Brain’s empty.” But as histeacher feeds him inspiration, Jack finds that he has a lot to sayand he finds ways to say it. Jack becomes especially fond of a poemby Walter Dean Myers titled “Love That Boy,” and it is this poemthat gives Jack a way to tell the story of his beloved dog,Sky.
"A poignant, funny picture of a child's encounter with the powerof poetry. This book is a tiny treasure." --School Library Journal(*Starred Review*)
"A really special triumph." --Kirkus (*Starred Review*)
"Readers will love that dog, and this book." --Publishers Weekly(*Starred Review*)
作者: (法)圣艾修伯里著;马爱农译
简介: 《小王子》1943年首版于美国,至今已被译成102种语言,发行超过5 亿册。作者圣艾掺伯里一边飞行,一边思索着人生,他用极富想象力的文字抒写出的对爱、孤独和生命的独特体验,俘获了无数大人和孩子的心。 本书是法国大作家圣艾修伯里写的一部童话,自己配上有趣的插图。他用和小朋友聊天的方式写一位童话人物小王子的奇异历险故事,讲出了不少生活哲理,保证小朋友看的津津有味,并受到教益。作者说他这部童话是“献给还是小男孩时候的”一个朋友的,哪怕是老年人,全都有过是小孩子的时候,因此这部童话能成为法国文学名著,老少咸宜。请小朋友和他们的家长都来读这本书。
淘气的乔治Curious George Hide-and-Seek PBS Shaped Animal Tab Novelty Board Book
出版社: 2008-4-1
This sturdy board book, with shaped animal tabs on top, follows the adventures of Curious George as he plays hide-and-seek with several of his animal friends in the forest! The animal he searches for on each spread is featured on the shaped tab.
The Reys were born in Hamburg, Germany. Hans Augusto Rey (1898-1977) met his wife-to-be, Margret (1906-1996), at a party in her father's home in Germany; when he first caught a glimpse of her, she was sliding down the banister. In their twenties and thirties they lived in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro, where Hans sold bathtubs in villages along the Amazon River. Eventually Cambridge, Massachusetts, became the Reys' home and community.
Throughout their lives the Reys created many lively books together, including SPOTTY, PRETZEL, and lift-the-flap books such as HOW DO YOU GET THERE?
The manu* of the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and CURIOUS GEORGE was published in 1941. Their incorrigible little monkey has become an American icon, selling millions of books and capturing the hearts of readers everywhere. CURIOUS GEORGE has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as CECILY G. AND THE NINE MONKEYS and FIND THE CONSTELLATIONS.
简介:Potential readers/users are students of Photogrammetry, Geodesy, Geography and other sciences, but also all who are interested in this topic. No prior knowledge is necessary, except the handling of standard PCs. Theory is presented true to the motto "as little as possible, but as much as necessary". The main part of the book contains several tutorials. In increasing complexity, accompanied by texts explaining further theory, the reader can proceed step by step through the particular working parts.聽Most of the standard work in Digital Photogrammetry is shown and trained for example scanning, image orientation, mono and stereo plotting, aerial triangulation measurement (manual and automatic), block adjustment, automatic creation of surface models via image matching, creation of ortho images and mosaics, and others. Not only standard situations are dealt with but also more complex ones, such as unknown camera data, extreme relief or areas with very low contrast. Examples of both aerial and close-range photogrammetry present the power of these type of measurement techniques. The software is not limited to the example data included but may be used for personal projects. Part of the book comprises a complete description of the software.
简介:The third edition is an "all-in-one" combination of basic theory and practical exercises with software and data included on a CD-ROM. Potential readers/users are students of Photogrammetry, Geodesy, Geography and other sciences, but also all who are interested in this topic. No prior knowledge is necessary, except the handling of standard PCs. Theory is presented true to the motto "as little as possible, but as much as necessary".The main part of the book contains several tutorials. In increasing complexity, accompanied by texts explaining further theory, the reader can proceed step by step through the particular working parts. All intermediate as well as the final results are discussed with reference to accuracy and error handling, and included on the CD-ROM to provide controls. Most of the standard work in Digital Photogrammetry is shown and trained for example scanning, image orientation, mono and stereo plotting, aerial triangulation measurement (manual and automatic), block adjustment, automatic creation of surface models via image matching, creation of ortho images and mosaics, and others. Not only standard situations are dealt with but also more complex ones, such as unknown camera data, extreme relief or areas with very low contrast. Examples of both aerial and close-range photogrammetry present the power of these type of measurement techniques.The software is not limited to the example data included but may be used for personal projects. Part of the book comprises a complete description of the software. On the CD-ROM, versions in German, English and Spanish are available. Even 3-D images can be viewed with the accompanying 3-D glasses.