The garden room : bringing nature indoors
作者: Timothy Mawson; Photographs and illustrations by Ivan Terestchenko; Text by Alexandra Enders.
Publisher Summary 1
Whether it's a sun-filled breakfast room, a charming potting shed, or a rose-covered gazebo, The Garden Roomcelebrates the happy union of indoors and outdoors, where house and garden merge. Featuring a variety of rooms full of comfortable furniture, striking combinations of colors and textures, and cherished family treasures, drawings, and photographs, The Garden Roominspires us to build our own spaces of delight, where we can while away the hours reading, relaxing, dining, and entertaining, surrounded by the sights, scents, and sounds of the garden. With more than 250 full-color photographs and evocative watercolors, a wealth of insightful decorating tips, witty gardening lore, and revealing anecdotes, The Garden Roomhighlights the joys of bringing nature into our homes.