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Programming Languages:Concept & Constructs
简介: 本书是国外比较成功的一本讨论程序设计语言的教科书,已在一些学校使用多年。书的主要内容包括:引论、命令式程序设计、面向对象的程序设计、函数式程序设计、其他程序设计范型以及语言的描述六大部分。本书适合作为计算机及其相关专业本科高年级学生的教材或教学参考书,或作为研究生的基础课程教材或参考书,也适合其他相关的技术人员参考。本书的学习基础是学过用过一种或几种程序设计语言(最好是Pascal/C/C++),有一定程序设计经验,并对数据结构等计算机基础知识有所理解。
Programming Languages:Concepts and Concepts
作者: (美)Ravi Sethi著
简介:INTRODUCTION 1 The Role of Programming Languages 1.1 Toward Higher-Level Languages 1.2 Problems of Scale 1.3 Programming Paradigms 1.4 Language Implementation: Bridging the Gap EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 2 Language Description: Syntactic Structure 2.1 Expression Notations 2.2 Abstract Syntax Trees 2.5 Lexical Syntax 2.4 Context-Free Grammars 2.5 Grammars for Expressions 2.6 Variants of Grammars EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIG NOTES II IMPERATIVE PROGRAMMING 3 Statements: Structured Programming 3.1 The Need for Structured Programming 3.2 Syntax-Directed Control Flow 3.3 Design Considerations: Syntax 3.4 Handling Special Cases in Loops S.5 Programming with Invariants 3.6 Proof Rules for Panial Correctness 3.7 Control flow in C EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 4 Types: Data Representation 4.1 The Role of Types 4.2 Basic Types 4.3 Arrays: Sequences of Elements 4.4 Records: Named Fields 4.5 Unions and Variant Records 4.6 Sets 4.7 Pointers: ERiciency and Dynamic Allocation 4.e Two String Tables 4.9 Types and Error Checking EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 5 Procedure Activations 5.1 Introduction to Procedures 5.2 Parameter-Passing Methods 5.3 Scope Rules for Names 5.4 Nested Scopes in the Source Text 5.5 Activation Records 5.8 Lexical Scope: Procedures as in C 5.7 Lexical Scope: Nested Procedures and Pascal EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES III OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 6 Groupings of Data and Operations 6.1 Constructs for Program Structuring 6.2 Information Hiding 6.3 Program Design with Modules 6.4 Modules and Defined Types 6.5 Class Declarations in C++ 6.6 Dynamic Allocation in C++ 6.7 Templates: Parameterized Types 6.8 Implementation of Objects in C++ EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 7 Object-Oriented Programming 7.1 What is an Object? 7.2 Object-Oriented Thinking 7.3 inheritance 7.4 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ 7.5 An Extended C++ Example 7.6 Derived Classes and Information Hiding 7.7 Objects in Smalltalk 7.8 Smalltalk Objects have a Seff EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES IV FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 8 Elements of Functional Programming 8.1 A Little Language of Expressions 8.2 Types: Values and Operations B.3 Function Declarations 8.4 Approaches to Expression Evaluation 8.5 Lexical Scope B.6 Type Checking EXERGISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 9 Functional Programming in a Typed Language 9.1 Exploring a List 9.2 Function Declaration by Cases 9.3 Functions as First-Class Values 9.4 ML: ImplicitTypes 9.5 DataTypes 9.6 Exception Handling in ML 9.7 Little Quilt in Standard ML EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 10 Functional Programming with Lists 10.1 Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp 10.2 The Structure of Lists 10.3 List Manipulation 10.4 A Motivating Example: DiHerentiation 10.5 Simplification of Expressions 10.6 Storage Allocation for Lists EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES V OTHER PARADIGMS 11 Logic Programming 11.1 Computing with Relations 11.2 Introduction to Proiog 11.3 Data Structures in Prolog 11.4 Programming Techniques 11.5 Control in Prolog 11.e Cuts EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 12 An Introduction to Concurrent Programming 12.1 Parallelism in Hardware 12.2 Streams: Implicit Synchronization 12.3 Concurrency as Interleaving 12.4 Liveness Propenies 12.5 Safe Access to Shared Data 12.6 Concurrency in Ada 12.7 Synchronized Access to Shared Variables EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES VI LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION 13 Semantic Methods 13.1 Synthesized Attributes 13.2 Attribute Grammars 13.3 Natural Semantics 13.4 Denotational Semantics 13.5 A Calculator in Scheme 13.6 Lexically Scoped Lambda Expressions 13.7 An Interpreter 13.8 An Extension: Recursive Functions EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 14 Static Types and the Lambda Calculus 14.1 Equality of Pure Lambda Terms 14.2 Substitution Revisited 14.3 Computation with Pure Lambda Terms 14.4 Programming Constructs as Lambda-Terms 14.5 The Typed Lambda Calculus 14.6 Polymorphic Types EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 15 A Look at Some Languages 15.1 Pascal: A Teaching Language 15.2 C: Systems Programming 15.3 C++: A Range of Programming Styles 15.4 Smalltalk, the Language 15.5 Standard ML 15.6 Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp 15.7 Prolog Bibliography Credits Index